Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1223

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INDEX. 2257 A·ndzrao#r•,_S._ C'., _ _ _ P¤s¤- * Animal Products, Pm. appropriation for public building". ... 946 appropriation for collecting infomation, Alun11s of goat incrgaszd, public bnnlding 523 A _ hem., concerning ,,..,,.,_,____,__ 254, 1042 ndcmm homo: . ., ma P¢¤¤i01; i11<!¤¤8¤6d ..-·-... . . . - 1565 appropriation for preventing cruelty to, in Andgrgon, Togr, transit ,,,., _ ______._..,,,,,,,,, 254, 1042 Apznsion 1366 Anirnafc, Alaisba, Wild, f son, mm, rovmo tect' ... 102 pension, increased, _,,.,,.,,, , _,,,,,. , ,,,_ IMD Aaisimals, mu 0 game Anderson, Wilhom E., appropriation for preventing diseases pension. . . { .. 1606 ‘ among . . ... 254. 1043 Anderson, William Q., Animals, Foreign, pension increased 1389 injurious to agriculture, etc., Anderton, penjamin A., for iddeu , , _ ., 1137 pension increased 1417 transporting prohibited, forbidden . . . , 1137 Andrae Elzeivwal Company, Herman, A pepsalby for violations ... 1138 paymen 0 .. 1618 nima , ome, Andrew, Joseph, transporting iii5x111y killed, etc., forbidpension increased 1463 den; pe ty ...,. . .,,, 1137 Andrew, Newton K., · Ankele, Christian, pension increased 1348 pension increased ... . ...,,.,,.,,_ 1474 Andrews, Freeland Q., Annapolirésee Naval Academy). pension increased 1452 Annin, W' lekrm, Ira, Andrews, Hon. W. H., pension increased ...,.,..,...,..,,,.,._,, 1571 deficiency appropriation for contested- Annis,_A. Judson, degctgignsxpmm, House of Repro- 934 Axim 1173 s .. _ ... _ ,_ _ Andrews, Murtha (widow), negotiations agihcrnzed for commntationof pension increased 1180 t .. 73 Andrews, Minnie Jl. (daughter), 12 Amon,_£lig°a F., pension . . 63 pemwn increased- . . , 1493 Andrews, William, Amon€g,_ Comm., d bh bmi pensionin ,... 1240 acqu.u·mgsitean_ erectingpu `c 'ding' Andrews, William H., at, authorized . . 528 pension increased 1207 deEc1ency aggrotion for . 484 Angel Island Immigration Station, Cal., Amhory, Sylvia ., my Doolittle, appropriation for completing - 830 pension increased ... L 1347 or erry steamer, service to San Fran- Anthrudlc Coal, f ba of d cisco. . 330 appropriation or re te uties on, imforsteel boarding cutter . 330 ported October 6, 1902, to January ferryboat and cutter authorized . ... 100 15, 1903 .. 590 Angel, William W, deficiency appropriation for refund of pension increased 1330 duties on, to certain parties . 912 Animal Feeding and Breeding, Antictam pattlejield, Md., appropriation for experiments in .. 255, 1043 appropriation for repair, preservation, etc. . 362, Ammal Industry Bureau, Department of Agri- I _: La 1002 cu ture, r nh rust wa, aptpropriatiou for salaries .. 254, 10-I2 l appropriation forattomcyn, enforcement ol. 236 or geuorul expenses . 254, 1042 or enforcing ... 375, 10M for quarantine districts .. 254 Anlunq» for horse inspection . 254 classification and salary of consulate .. 102 for collecting information of cattle dis- Antwerp, eases, etc .. 254 classification and yalaryof consulate-general 101 for suppressing diseases of live stock... . 254 Apache ( 'cavity, Ariz., _ _ _ {or expenment station, Bethesda, Md.. . act of lpgislaltptrg authorigmgdxssue of bonds 6% or quarantine stations etc . ..7 f orco y ouae, ra . ... ‘ for inspection, etc., of dairy products for _ _ Apache, dc., jndimw, Ariz. and N. Ala., f export  : ... 2a} i appropriation for support, etc., of ... 75, 786 for purchase of tuénerculintserums, Etc. . . i Apaffic f Rescgrlegwdrz, igkla., tc 456 or ins ion an q n me wor . sa e 0 n spose n ;pnce, e . foreradigtiiiationotsouthern cattleticks. 268, 10l3 i allotments to children born since June 5, for dairy industry investigation and ex- 3 ; A 11906 . . ... 457 periments ... 104 2 pachc ndums' , e c., a., ior animallhiésbandry experiments ... 1043 g appropriation for support, ef., ogh. - 87, 802 or anima iseases investigations; sta- . Payment per capita authoriz ... 87 tion, Bethesda, Md . 1043 ? for additional amount for support, etc . . 806 for administrative work . 1043 i Apache National Forest, Ariz., for additional land for experiment sta- 04 . portion fnfdlgliack Mesa National Forest intion . 1 3 = c n in I . 2196 for experiments in animal feeding and roclamation enlarging. ... . ,.,,, 2244 breeding 255, 1043 · ",gpachc," IL S. S., deficiency appropriation for geneglscexé 6 Tr iaplprzprmtipzn for . 769 penses ,'... 1, -» Lpa cwoa Ever, a., punishment for forcibly resisting officers of . 1100 preliminary examination to be made oi additional for using deadly weapon . 1100 channel to Saint Andrews Bay . 824