Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1245

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INDEX. 2 2 79 Brixton; Frank H., Page- Brooklyn Architectural Iron Works, Page IQ6PM0H 1¤€f€¤S€<l ----·-. . 1278 relieved from penalty under contract .. 1227 BMI18h NDT5h America, payment tg __,________________________ _ _ _ 1227 convention with Great Britain for protee- "Brooklyn," U. S. S., HOB, etc., of food fishes in waters con- appropriation for repairs .___,______________ 149 tlgl10l1S to ... . ., 2000 Broogs, Herbert _F_, treaty with Great Britain for deiining, etc., pension increased _________________,_ _ ____ 1180 B bggzdafy with 2003 Brooks, Jerome B ., Titidin, i iam P., 'ension increased .,.. 1615 pension i1'1C!` GRS6d ...- 1339 Brboks, John, alias illonzuc Faber, Brittell, Rufus H,, pension _______,,_____,_.._,______,_,_____ 1482 pension increased ... . .,._ 1420 Brooks, N, M_, Britton, Francis H., settlement of accounts as delegate to Postal p€11Bi0H 1H0N3S9d . L .. 1 252 Congress at Rome, directed 417 Britton, John W., Brooks, William C'., B pensign increigsed ... . ..,, 1295 pqgiieélpgi increased ________________________ 1361 nits, umue ., Bro od of Saint Andrew, D. C., The, p€l1Si0I1 iD0!‘¢aS€d 1367 incorporated, purpose, powers, etc .. , , 475 Broad Creek River, Del`., Brown, Abram H., prelimina examination of, to be made... 824 pension _____, Q ..,______._._______,_______ 1218 Broadstreet, lbary J. (widow),Brown, Albert E., pension .. 1489 pension increased .,,. . ..,._.._,__ 1561 Brock, Amanda M. P. (widow), Broun, Barbara, 961181011 1DC!'8&S€d ... . U98 audit directed of claims of lieir of, destruc- { Brock, _Charles, tion of Northern Liberty Market, pension ,. 1608 D_ C ____________,,_________________ 1951 Brock, Ellis R., Brown, Benjamin, B pepsign .,.._.., . . 1389 B pension .,,__,.,,,_ · ___.,,_ 1398 roc , idney G., — rown, Byron D., pension increased ... . 1499 pension increased . . _,__,._.._____ 1200 Brock, Walter D., d Brown, Charles, nsion increase 1578 nsion increased .___.,,_____,____ _ _ _ 1254) Brlodie, Peter H., alms Patrick Tcrbert, Brgivn, Charles C., Br1;2avalFr·ec0rdLc0rrected .. . . 1619 B pensionhé ...,_____,,..,_, _ _ _ 1331 t, re‘, rown, C rles J., ' pension increased 1289 pension increased _,,...,_____ 1612 Brogan, William, Brown, Charles Oliver, pension increased 1250 pension increased .._,__,,...___ _ _ 1374 Brokaw, Francis N., Brown, Curtis W., B pension increased 1452 pension increased ...___,.,.._, _ _ _ 1500 rokers, Brown, Cynthia A. (widow), punishment for unlawfully receiving on de- pension .,__.,..__,.________,____ _ 1543 posit, etc., public moneys .. 1106 , Brown, DanielA., Brokers, D. C., Q pension . . .,..,...,___ 1406 making transactions of securities to give ‘ Brown, George A., name of buyer and seller, etc .. . 671 y pension increased . ...,___ 1306 Bronson, Byron H., Brown, Harold, pension increased 1617 refund of legacy tax to executors of ,__ 1521 Bronx Borough, New York City, l Broun Horace W., acquiring site for public building at, au- pension increased ...,_,...,..,__ _ 1591 thorized . .. 535 Brown, Irma (widow), denciency appro riation for . 488 pension ._,_ 1528 Bronze Doors, West Elntrance to Capitol, I Brown, Janus, Michigan Volunteers. appropriation for ..,. . 344 pension increased .___ 1311 Brookban/cs, John, i Brown, James, Oregon .lh'lit1'a, pension increased ,..,. , .. 1565 pension increased .._,.._______ 1462 Brooke, Lieutenant Mark, i Brown, James A., · deficiency appropriation for credit in ac- i pension increased ... . .,._,__..,,___ _ _ 1336 B lclounts . ... 498 , Brown, James B ,, d rookjie , Mo., E ension increase ... . ...,__..____ 1.594 acquiring site for public building at, au- ‘ BrIo»u··n, James M.,d thorized ... 534 ; ension increase ... . .A.,...,.,__ 1238 deficienc appropriation for 488 ¤ 3,-};,;% Jawws S_ BTOOkh(ll}€IL, »é£·Y8., I pgugign incrgaggd ______ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ________ acquiring site and erecting public building Bmw] James W r at, authwized ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘’‘‘· 530 ‘ ensiun increaeied 1521 deficiency appropriation for . 485 I B P V J I `'````````````'‘ . Brookings, S. Dale., ‘ , "°""a O? v d acquiring site for public building ut, au- ’ Penswn mmease ‘···‘‘‘ ‘ ‘············ · - ~ 1190 thorized ,.. sas Brown JOM S·. deficiency appropriation for , 489 PQDSWH I¤C!`€aS€d -·-··-· · -—--»--·----- . . . 1474 Broolrims, George, Broun, Joseph D., pension increased ... . . .., 1262 . pension increased ... _ _,__.,______ 1605