Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1248

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2282 INDEX. Bureau of American Republics, International- Page- ! Bureau of Immigration and Naturatization (see Page- Continued. ‘ Immivraticn and A aturalization Buappropriation for printing and binding. 384, 1023 l reau, <l)ep2.rtme11t of Commerce and PIP P . . , or expenses of exhibit at Ala.ska—Yuko11 ~ Labor). _ _ Exposition __________,_,..,_____ 1019 Q Bureau of Insular Afazrs (see Insular Affairs Bureau of Animal Industry (see Animal In- ° Bureau, War Department). dustry, Bureau, Department of Agri- Bureau of Labor ésee Labor Bureau, Departculture). ment of ommerce and Labor). Bureau of Biological Survey (see Biological Bureau of Manufactures (see Manufactures Bu- Survey Bureau, Department of reau, Department of Commerce and Agriculture). Labor). Bureau of Cagzolic IndmndMissim:éd f Bureau of Medicigw anv{)i3urgery&SNa1S{, 144 land n ua aw lan s n to, or appropriation or pu ic wor un er .. S ghurch, Etc _________ ? _,___,______ 88 ; Ex surg·e0ns’ necessaries and C1V1l estabdescri tion corrected .. 446 l lishment . 145, 766 or sc 00 on in 1ver eserva 011, -.---..--·--------- y f h pl W` d R` R ti l for contingent 145 767 Wyo _______ _ ________,___,_____,_,_ 97 for trztnsportinrr remains ...,.. 145, 767 patents in fee for church, etc., lands, White J for repairs . Z 145, 767 Earth Indian Reservation, Minn., at nurée corps (female) established .. 146 White Emu; ________,_ , ..,__,__,,,, 454 i pav of en isted men Hospital Corps. . . 146 Pembina .,,,,.,..,,,,.,., 455 I for clerks, etc., Navy Depargxtéi 222, 887 Rice River ,,,.,,____,,,_..,,.,.,. 455 deficiency appropriation for `c e· Red Lake Reservation at Red Lake . 455 I pnrtment .. 17, 502 §1osebuc1lRe;erv2.tion, S. gal:).]; 309 I for bringing home remains of officersleilngoli 922 'ne Ri ge eservation, . a men . , , ('row Creek Reservation, S. Dak 810 for C0¤ti11geDt.: .. 29, 503, 922, 941 Lower Brule Reservation, S. Dak ... 810 Bureau of Namgatum, Department of Com- Bureau 06 Chemistry (see Chemistry Bureau, merce and Labor (see Navigation Buepartment of Agriculture). , reau, Department of Commerce and Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy, E Labor). _ appropriiistion for construction, etc., ves- 8 68 | Bureau of _Nav·ig¢;twn, Navy, 130 755 ge .,,,,,_,,,_,. 14 , 7 i appropriation or tr2,11sp0rtation..L .. , limit wooden ships ,,,. - . 148, 768 ‘ ‘ discharged naval risonem; travel and other ships ..,.. 149, ’68 clothing allowed) 756 repairs to specified vessels . - 149, 168 for recruiting 130, 756 clerical, etc., services ,... . .. . . 769 . evidence of age required 130, 756 for construction plants 149, 769 l for contingent . . . 130, 756 for civil establishment .. 150 for gunnery exercises . 130, 756 for construction of new vessels 159, 778 for outfits, enlisted men and apprenodditional; restriction . { tic$ . ..,... 133, 756 for cler wi, etc., Navy Department 222, , or nav auxi inries ... 1 ,756 dmftsmen, etc., may be paid from “In- 1 for training stations, California 130, 756 crease of the Nuvy " . . ... 222, 886 Rhode Island .. 131, 757 deficiency appropriation for construction Great Lakes ... 131, 757 and re mir. 29, 32, 503. 517, 519, 922, 941, 944 . for Naval War (`olle rc .. . . 131, 757 B ff" i l` ( l` P0 tt' ll l f rYm 1I1c.: <‘ L 131 "’7 ureau o nrpora mn.; svc or rz ions u- , o . ·u > n ~ . . . , to _ reau, Department of Commerce und j for service badges and ribbons 132, 758 Labor). use ofirons as punishment restricted. . 132 Bureau o{ Education (sec Education Bureau, for public works under . .. 142, 764 nterior Department). for clerks, etc., i§avy Department 219, 883 Bureau 4 Eagrarir;gPa{u{_1’ri§ling (eee En- deficiencprappropnation for trggspgrtigtionéw gmvinv unc rm mg ureuu . _ L., z.:. Bureau of Entgmology (see Entomology Bu· I for outfits, first enlistment , . y.. i 16, B reuu, Department of Agriculture). ; f L 29, 502, 503, 516, 941 ureau of Equipment, Nary, ‘ or training station, `a ifomiu .. 16 922 appro riatiou for equipment of vessels- . 134, 760 for transportation. recruiting and contin- 7 clgrical, etc., services . 761 gent . . . - ._ 29, 502, 940 for e ui ment machinerv lxmts .. 135, 761 for gunnerv exercises .. 29, 502, 516, 519, 941 or co an ranspo - ion. .. 5, r or co iers . . .. , f qa] P d t rtaf i P 13' '61 f ll' i 29 941 for contingent ..,,... 135, 761 for recruitinv .. . .___... 502 ior ocean and lake surveys 135, 761 {or contingertith . , 502, 940 or depots for coal . 135, 761 ; or naval auxi `aries ..._ , _, 944 for civil establishment .. 135 i Bureau of Ordnance, Nav , or pu ic 0 ns un er ... , 7 { approprm ion or o ance an or ance f b1` wr' d` 144 "66”f f rdny d dn for equipment of new vessels .. 159. 778 _ stores .,.._, . . ..,. 132, 758 fora clerks, etc., Navy Departgierxgt 219, 883 i clerical, etc., senices .,,.. 758 mftsmen, etc., may be pai m ‘ In- g purchases of powder; restriction .. '59 Cr€&<€ of £l’1c_N3\‘y° ... 886 1 payment to trusts forbidden ..,,,.. 759 deficiency appropriation for coal and trans- for smokeless powder; restriction .. 132, 759 f portation. .f . . ...,. 16. 502, 504 l for machine tqols, etc ... . 132, 759 or equipment 0 imma ... . - , • or nava gun actory ..,,.,. . . 133, 759 _ 502, 517, 519, 941, 944 l for new batteries for ships 133, 759 for contingent 29, 923, 941 for iire·c0ntr0l instruments 132, 759 for ocean and lake surveys. .. . . . 502 for ammunition for abi · use of su lies » W! , for Electric Bout, Company., .,..,,,,, . , 9*23 1 on hand; restriction ,_,,,.,,, , _,_, 13*2, 759