Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1281

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INDEX. 2315 ' C’;g;1£:£0hGm A-, Currency, Adéiitionai National Bank, Page -·-—-··----— · ----- · ----.. rovisions or issum ..,___ _ _________ ___ Crum Rim, Pa., _ _ Ciiimm River, M0., g 546 Czpéeliminary examination of, to be made. . 831 bridge Iputhorized across, near Van Buren 5 2

  1. . . . , WF -------· · -----.·... 9

apiproprlation for minister to ...,_ _ , _ 172, 672 Curpgg, Anhui L_, 0* Secretary Of l€g¤¢i011 -------... 172, 673 pension increased . . ,.,___,,_ 1488 for second S€Cl'€i',3.I'y ..,_ , ,_,____ _ ____ _ Gggrgc A_, d€6Cl€DCy 8.ppl'0p1‘l3.ti0I1 i01’ Signal Service pension incrggggd ______________ _ _______ 1599 expenses, pacification of .,,,_,_____ 14 Currier, George Eq D€m0t!10 Castillo, jr., Of, may be admitted pgngign increased _____ _ _______________ _ 1460 to Military Academy .. 1039 Cunin, Valemme M., CW0, _Yt€¤`·, _ pension increased ...,.,__,_,___ 1485 acquiring site for public building at, Curry, Adam, 9;¤¢h01'1Z€d- - : · , . ._ .. 536 pension increased . _________ 1337 deficiency approprmtion for .,,.. 489 Curry, Augusta L_ B, (widow), Oulby, _S¤7{NMl, pension increased ,._,,_____________ 1395 pension increased ,,...,,_,___ _ _ _ _ 1414 Curry, Benjamin Fw Cukbfa. · R . , allowance in postal accounts of .._,_,_,___ 1536 appropriation for public works, naval sta- Curry, Frank Z., UGH ... 142 i pension increased ...,,__ _ ,_____________ 1390 Cullen, Ffrmk, [ Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe, P€¤¤\0¤ lD0\’€&§€d --... . .. 1481 { acceptance by Congress from Alabama of Cullen, Sarah (widtfw), [ statue of, and thanks tendered .. 1631 pension increased 1196 Curry, Jacob Lloyd, Culley, Naomi V. (widow g, i pension increased ________ _ _____________ 1233 pension increased 1198Curtess, Charles M., CuUim0Te, John W, E pension increased ,,,_______,____ _ ______ 1212 ' pension increased ... , 1372 T Curtis, Alonzo B., Cullin, Thomas, i pension increased ,,______ _ _____________ 137] pension increased 1597 { Curtis, Arthur R., Culvrum, Ala., pension increased ..,,,., . ,.____________ 145] acquiring site for public building at, Curtis, Harriett L. (widow), authorized ..,.,,,,_.,,, 532 pension ..,,,__,_,______________ _ _______ 155] deficiency appropriation for . 487 Cussen, William J., Cumberland Ri ver, estate released from liability against ... 1559 appropriation for improvement of, above Custer, Statue to General George A., Nashville 358, 999 condemned cannon granted to Michigan for 1073 for improvement of, above Nashville, 5 Custis, Eliza (mother), Locks and Dams 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. . . 359 pension ... . 1521 preliminary examination of, to be made Custodians, Public Buildings, from Lock N0, 7 to Lock No. 21 . 832 appropriation for assistant, etc 327, 967 bridge authorized across, at Celina, Tenn. . 2 for aint Paul, Minn. . 327 between Celina, Tenn., and Bakertown, deficiency appropriation for assistant. . . 277, 939 Ky ,,,,,. . ._,. 57 Customs (see a so Immediate Transportation former act; repealed .. 58 of Dutiable Goods, and Reciprocal between Rosita, Tenn., and Tennessee Commercial Agreements), Rolling Works, Kentucky ... . . . 57 appropriation for compensation in lieu of former act repealed .. 58 moieties 328, 968 Cummings, Emily .'. (widow), forcollectin revenue from, additional. 328,968 pension .. . ... 1316 amount iir detecting frauds in, in- Cummings, James Orlando, alias James Or- creased . 328, 968 lando Comans, for automatic recording scales, etc . 328, 969 pension increased ,... 1329 deficiency appropriation for collecting Cummins, Stephen W., I revenue from . . 10, 28, 31, 516, 910, 939 pension increased ..,.,..,... . 1507 for refund of duties on anthracite coal. . . 590 Cundzf", Jerome B., for expenses, seizure of horses, district of pension increased . . . ,... 1501 North and South Dakota. . .. 910 Cunningham, Absalom, articles imported for `exhibit at Seattle pension increased ... . . . 1485 ‘ Exposition admitted free . . 388 Cunningham, Daniel, i payment of duty if sold, etc ... 388 pension increased ...,. . 1317 i Catalogue of Copyripht Entries to be dis· Cunningham, George S., · tributed to co lectors of 1086 deficienc appropriation for injuries, House i impure tea, restrictions modified to admit Otlice Euiiitling . . 506 l for chemical {products .,..,..,, 163 Cunningham, Leornidas. increase authorize in compensation of pension ... . 1264 laborers ... 1065 Cunningham, Levi G., » inspetftors . 1065 pension increased .,. . .. 1477 deputy collectors, assistant appraisers Cupps, Jam-eg, and €X&lIL`i11€l"S. ..,.,.,._,_____ _ _ _ _ 1065 pension increased . ... 1424 deputy naval officers and deputy sur- Uuracao, veyors . . .. 1065 classification and salary of consulate ... 102 San Francisco, Cal., officials 25 per Curl, George WC, cent additional . . ...,,__,_____ 1065 pension increased .., . .. 1454 assistant weighers .. 1065