Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1312

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2346 INDEX. Fort San Jacinto Militmy Reservation, Tex., Pm- Fortz]ications—Continued. Passlight-house buoy shed and wharf author- appropriation for alterations for rapid-fire ized at...} . 16g field materiaé. . . ... 395, 730 s. priation or ... 33 for ex enses an 00 rovin Fort li',%dan, I ll., groiind. . .’ . 3 95, 730 appropriation for additional land; restriv- for purchase, etc., submarine mines 395, 730 tion ... 364 ‘ for torpedo planter, Pacific coast 395 Fort Sherrrum Military Reservation, Idaho, for insular possessions, seacoast batteries, lands on, granted to Kootenai County. 1063 Hawaii .. 395, 730 Fort Slocum, N. K, Philippine Islands; contracts . -. 395, 730 appropriation for hospital . 121 for electric plants, Hawaii 396, 731 Fort Snelling, Minn., Philippine Islands .. 396, 731 appropriation for rifle range ... 122 for fire-control installations 396, 731 for share of United States in bridge to for harbor searcblights, Hawaii ... 396, 731 Saint Paul .. , .. 1005 Philippine Islands 396 time extended for bridging Mississippi for submarine mines, care, etc .. 396 River between Saint Paul and .. 588 for toipedo planter and launches, Hawaii 396 Fort Supply Military Reservation, Okla., Phi ippine Island 396 lands of, Fmnted to Oklahoma for insane for sites, Philippine Islands .. 396,731 asy um 465 for seacoast cannon, etc ... 396, 731 Fort Totten, N. Dal:., transfer of mortars and cannon, auappropriation for Indian school .. . . . . 87, 801 thorized ... 731 de ciency appropriation for Indian school. 942 for ammunition for seacoast cannon- . . 396, 731 Fort Totten, . K, for altering, etc., seacoast artiller 396, 731 appropriation for expenses, torpedo depot. 395, 730 for urcliase of submarine mines, nawaii- 396 Fort Travis, Galveston, Tex., Iiiiilippine Islands ..-... i - 396 appropriation for sea. wall, etc 729 allowance for service of dmftsmen ..-. 731 Fort W2 liam Henry Hamison, Memt., for Board of Ordnance and Fortifications, appropriation for permanent water sup- tests, etc -.----.. 396, 732 lply ...-..-... 122, 751 for civilian member; necessary ex- Fort I'? owstorne, Wyo., penses -..--. 397, 732 appropriation for hospital .-... 747 inquiry as to right of invention, etc. . 397, 732 Fortyications, purchases to be of American manufacappropriation for gun and mortar bat- ture ..-.._,,..-...--..., 397, 732 _ tcrics .-. 392, 728 deficiency appropriation for contingencies. 516 for modemizing older emplmcements; use allowance to artisans and laborers injured of balances .-..-...-... Q- 393, 728 while at work on, conditions .. . 556 for fire—c0ntr0l installations ..-. 393, 728 punishment for willful injuries, etc., to . . . 1097 for electric current to fortifications ...- 393, 728 Fortney, Andrew, for sites ..-.-.---- 392, 728 pension increased -...-.-. 1561 additional land, Fort Armitage, Md.-. 393 ; Formey, Jonas F., board to investigate necessity for pro- 1 pension increased ...-..-. 1610 tecting San Pedro, Cal., Harbor, etc- 393 ? Forts, for searchhghts for harbor defense . 393, 728 punishment for unlawful, etc., entry upon. 1097 _ for preservation and repair ...-.--..-. 393, 729 Foss, Charles W., for protecting walls, Fort Moultrie, S. C. 393 I pension increased .-...-., 1192 for re airs, etc., defense of Pensacola, Foss, Henry, I~`i)a .-...--. 393 pension mcressed .-. . -... 1499 for machinery, etc., Augusta Arsenal, Ga. 393 Foss, Ida R. (widow), ‘ for repairs, etc., defenses of Mobile, Ala. 393 pension . . 1323 for protecting sites, etc., Forts Pickens Foss, James L., and Meme, Fla. ... 729 pension increased 1370 for plans -,_,,, . . 394, 729 Foster, Abram, for electric plants, etc ...--... 394, 729 l pension increased . 4 .-..·----- 1276 for gw walls ,-_,____,,-.--..--... 394,729 i Foster, Anna A. (uridow), Fort Travis, Galveston, Tex 729 pension i¤C1:68·S9<i --..---.--·-.. · -··-- 1363 for preserving torpedo structures ...-.- 394, 729 Foster, Cmywlza (widow), for submarine mines, cure, ctc .-.. 394, 729 , pension 11i0f68E6d ... . ...-..-.-.-- I363 for operating fire-control installations- - 394, 729 I Foster, Daniel C'., for armament. .,,,,,,. . ..--.. 394, 729 4 p€nsi0l'l il1CY€8B€d . . . . 1260 for machine and automatic guns, carri- ; Foster,_JoItn, _ ages, gte ____________ _ __,_.,,____,,. 394 pension increased .-..-.-.. . . . 1240 for mountain, ileld, and siege cannon-, 394, 729 a Foster, Joseph N., {Oy ammunition ________ _ _____,_______ 394, 729 { pension increased ... . 1231 for ammunition for seacoast cannon. , . 394, 729Foster, Joshua, ` for ammunition for seacoast artillery pension 1¤C!'6BSOd ... . 1548 practice _________,_,. 394, 729 f Fo8h5T, Levi: E., for seacoast eamion __,,_... . ,.. 394 pension inC!'€3SQd 1409 use of nmexpended balances .. 394 1 Foster, Martha (widow), for altering, etc,, mobile artillery . 395, 729 i pension i¤C1‘63S€d - ... 1257 for ammunition for field, etc., practice; g Foster, Rolgert WY, issue to school; _________,,,,,_,_,,. 729 * pension increased . . . . 1568 for alterations for rapid-fire material 730 I Foster, Wiliam, for altering, etc., segcoast guns. .. 395, 730 pension increased ... . 1312