Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/762

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INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. JUNE 7, 1905. 1921 ques, techniques ou économgques formation concerning farming, concernant la culture, les pr uc- both vegetable and animal pro - tions tant animale que végétale, ucts, the commerce in agricullc commerce des produits agri- tural products, and the prices plolps et les prin;) pratiques sur les prevailing in the various markets; 1 érents marc és; b) communiquer aux interesses, (b) Communicate to arties induns IGS l116K16S ¢0Hdi¢i0¤S d6 terested, also as promptly as posrapidite, tous les renseignements sible, all the information just redont il vient d’etre parle; · ferred to; c) indiquer les salaires de la (cg Indicate the wages paid ""2z`§‘“}"*°““`° '"qliiii Gu *°2d§"¥1l`£°‘if; th .1- 811'6 connai es nouv es a e nown e new 1s- maladies des vegetaux qui vien· eases of vegetables which may apdraient a paraitre sur un pouit pear m any part of the world, quelconque du globe, avec l1nd1~ showing the territories infected, cation des terr1toires atteints, la the progress of the disease, and, marche cle la mgladieliet, s’il est if possi le, the remedies vphich possible, es rem` es e caces pour are effective in combatin them; es combattre; _ __ _ (e) Study questions §once1‘n— c) etudier les questions concer- m a cultural coo eration, in- . . g gm . R . nant la cooperation, Passurance suranoe, and Cf9d1b m all their et le credit agricoles, sous toutes aspects; collect and publish inforleurs formes,rassembler et publier mation which might be useful in les IIlfol'II18·tl.ODS qlll p0l11‘]'8.1&I1l3 fhg vgrigug cguntrigs in fhg gg-. etre utiles dans les diferents ganization of works connected pays a Porganisation d’oeuvres with agricultural cooperation, inde cooperatiqn, d’assurance et de surance, and credit; credit a 'co es; f) prgsrenter, s’il y a lieu, a (f) Submit to the approval of 1’approbation des Gouvernements the governments, 1f there is occades mesures pour la protection des sion for 1t, measures for the prointerets communs aux agricul- tcction of the common interests of tcurs et ur Pamelioration de farmers and for the improvement leurs conditions, apres s’étre pre- of their condition, after having alablement entouré de tous les utilized all the necessary sources moyens d’information necessaires of information, such as t_ e wishes tels que; voeux exprimés par les expressed _ bp international or Congrés intermitionauzé ou autres other agmcuftural congresisesi pr Con a ICO es et e sciences con esses o sciences app 1C _ o appdlsgséesgii Pagriculture, Soraé- agrgulture, agricultural societ1es, tes agricoles, Academies, Corps academies, learned bodies, etc. savants, etc. _ _ _ _ Toutcs les questions qui tou- All questions concerninlg the R¢¤****~‘**°¤- chent les interets économiques, la econ0m1c interests, the legis ation. legislation et Padministration and the adrmmstration of a pard’un Etat articulier devront etre ticular nation_ shall be excluded exclues della competence de l’Ins- from the consideration of the intitut. stitute. 10 Ama 10. CLE - Le Etats adherents a l’Institut The nations adhering to the in- 3 Clasginqnflpnzs or seronsi, classes en cinq groupes stitute shall classed in five '"‘°" ‘ °° ‘ selon la place que chacun d’eux groups, according to the place croit devoir s’attribuer.. whilch each of them thinks it oug t to occupy. _ Lcnombre des voix dont chaque The number of votes which of¥_;g;g·gs;:gt_¤¤f¤ Etat dispose et le nombre des each nation shall have and the unites de cotisation seront etabhs number of \1Il1tS of assessment