Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/156

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132 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 8. 1909. threads, counted in the warp and weft does not exceed one-fifth of the total number of threads the textile, shall be dutiable under the corresponding paragraphs of Class VI, with a surtax of fort per centum. _ _ Vyhen the number of threads of wool, hair, or their wastes, exceeds one—£fth of the to¥1al,fté1ie texrt§e shall be dutiable under the corre-· ondirig ara 0 ass . · sPTexf egof ble fibers (except cotton), containing threads of silk, and in whic the number of such threads, counted m the wax and weft, does not exceed one—fifth of the total number of threa com the textile, shall be dutiable under the corresponding paragra E of Class VI, with a surtax of sixty per centum. `&hen·the number of silk threads exceeds one—fifth of the total, the

 shall be dutiable under the corresponding paragraphs of

V m \ The provisions of this rule shall not appg to gile fabrics, knitted » orunettedbstugfg, tulles, lzwes, or blcérgilles SSB ule) ix), or to ribbons, oons rai ,-ta e or rimmig e ven . "°°’· °‘°· g8(c) Tdxtiles of wgol, or hair, containing threads of silk, and in which the number of such threads exceeds one·fifth of the total number of threads eomqpssing the textile, shall be dutiable under the correspond- • aragrap of Class VIH. · _ ¤}g’,*:*h*”°'°“* Emu 4. Anmxrmzns or noaa rum Two l[ATE§IAL8.—·T6Xt1l6B composed of more than two materials shall be dutiable as follows: (a Textiles of an admixture of wool and cotton, or of wool and other vegetable fibers, cont threads of silk, but in which the number of silk threads, co in the warp. and weft, does not exceed one-fifth of the total number of threads compsosg the textile, shall be dutiable under the ondingdgaragra of lass VII. When the number of silk threaiiis excee one-fifth of the total, the zzjeixtileirfgall be dutiable under the corresponding paragraph of (b) Textiles of an admixture of cotton and other vegetable fibers, together with threads of silk, but in which the number of silk threads counted in the warp and weft, does not exceed one—fifth of the total number of threads compgsing the textile, shall be dutiable under the corresponding paragrap of Class VI, and in addition, shall be liable to a surtax o seventy per_centum for the threads of silk. When_the number of silk threads exceeds one-fifth of the total gis teégp shall be duntable under the corresponding paragraph of ass . (c) Textiles of an admixture of wool, cotton, and other vegetable iibers, containing no silk threads, and in which the number of threads of wool, counted in the warp and weft, does not exceed one—fifth of the total number of threads composing the textile, shall be dutiable under the corresponding paragraphs of Class VI, and in addition, shall be liable to a surtax of forty per centum for the threads of wool. When the number of threads of wool exceeds one—fifth of the total, the textile shall be dutiable under the corresponding paragraph of Class VII. S“k*°¤“¤=· Rum: 5. Sim: ·rExrrLEs.—All textiles containing silk threads, the number of which, counted in the warp and weft, exceeds 0ne—fifth of the total number of threads composing the textile, shall be deemed textiles of silk. Exceptions. EXCEPTIONS.

s,‘f,‘g‘°°‘ mi RULE 6. Pun ranmcs, AND IINIITEJQ AND xm·rm> srurrs.--

Plushes, velvets, velveteens, aH File fabrics, all kinds of knitted or netted stuffs, tulles, laces and b ondes, containing an admixture of