Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1585

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cii . INDEX. Hawaii (see also Government in), P¤z¤~ Hawaii, Government in—gC0ntinued. _ _ Page, appmprgadon for salaries, governmentin. 500,%22g§ public flalgnliigé authelrixty of c0mm1ss1011er 447 , °t uns . 500, over ..-. fg; £;ngt§g§1$cg: cgses . . .. 500 1203 stan; of exchanged lands .. 447 . . pc ¤ for lggmlauve,expgmg¤ ..,,,,._. 501 mznagemeqt of forest repcyves, etc ... 447 my y for extra session ,. 501 gcne1jal dliF·18B of cqmm1ssioncr._ . 447 for summa, district court officials 529, 1233 d1squa11Eca.tions of judges and jurors exfor relief of shipwrecked American sea- tqngicd ... . .. 447 men - - . 346, 1036 adqxtxonal causes . . . 447 for mail equipments for . ... 362, 1334 .publ1c property transferred to Terrifor weather service expenses in .. 418, l237 tory . . 447 for agricultural experiment stations. . 438, 1262 syatus of restored property ,.. 447 for naval station, earl Harbor .. 616, 1276 txtle ho Property for public uses .. 447 for leprosy h0spita1, maintenance; iu- trans grsrit:l}>o1itica.lpubdivisions .. 447 V6St1g8!3IOHB. . . 717, 1394 pay of temtn _0Egcrs increased. -: .. 448 for quamutmzglystcm cxgenses . 717, 1394 status of na.tu1ja11za.t10u records, cemiicatnes, for etlmologi msearc cs among mz- etc., pnor t0Juuc 29, 1906 ... 448 tives of 718, 1395 Hay, for quarters, seacoast artillery in 721, 1398 ug on .,...,...,,_ _ __,,, 36 ict , G;(éi%Q1;V3]1’y post in .. Hzy t wives, , or ting wa o ... u y.on .. 27 for seacoast batteries . . . , .. 1343 Hayden National Forest, Wyo. and Colo., for harbonj scarchhghts ... . .. 1343 appmgrmtiou for maintenance, etc., ni. 427, 1249 for supphes, enc., gnm and mortar but- 1343 Haywar , Wis., f mms . apron-iazion ori diansch 1 . 2871076 deficiency amtopdadou for naval station, Haag Iyaniel, n ’ _Pw1 bo:- T .. : 211 title, em., of United Smeg m claim gf, for increaso of salaries, wrntmial officers. 782 _ New Madrid location, Mo., relinfor lepmzy maintenance. . ._ . 808 _ .____ , ,_,__,_______________ 923 appmvalwcgr Egxgvaiixlve charter for nulroad 845 Hazmg, zhtury Academy, to . . . regulations modiiied, d t perinaasigned to ninth judicial circuit .. 1131 tendent fn prescribe- .. 323 cases in which writs of error and appeals court-martial trials authorized; effect of are allowed to §upreme Court from 8 d dismissal .,,,,,...,.,,,. 324 supreme court o ,,,..,,,,_,,,.,.__ 115 1`sposgl f ding cages .,,,,,,,,,,,,, , _ , , 324 included in cepsus of 1910 . . 1 Head Neta,0 pen pmhibitiou of llltoxicaufs to ba submitted dut on, wooleu ___________ _ _____________ 54 to apccnal election . 878 Head give, appmpmticn fonj expenses . 878 appropriation for whmd gf, gmuwusly Hawmz, Gpvgrnmenl an collected . . . . 764, 1442 all genalrrl lmws of Uluiued Sum made up- Heénding Bloch, p 'F5 e.t,0_,: __,,, , .,,,.,,..,, 443 ut, un, I0 I1 tc . ... 83 henimnal prcvmons ezgceptodt . 443 Headigog Boltxgh um, 0 pay of gniexgbem of legmhtmo mcronsed; 444 Hgngy 0n,fmugh hewn, etc ... 33 _ me cou ... _ ..: ... tzmeeor cldw-’Gm 19glB]$$\1l‘8_t0 rpake agggroprmtnons. . .: . 444 apgropriaticn for. . I . .. 722, 1399 coutmctuzgoxxgdcb ness hir, resmcmd. 444 de cioncy appmpriation for ...,.., 220 lmugi mod for pub ic purposes; M4 Hmm 225, 809, 1321, 1326 upon  ; 444 du; tto , oc . . .; ... . .. term £>r3¤ying extended . 2 .. 444 HealI£'B;1i>a‘;·0tna¢:11t,(3>, C., 48 pgixgou egnq pmpperty for public uses. 444 appmpmtiou for health officer, inspectors pubkc dg hmytgtmu gn ggug of (;grti§- g|;c_ _,,,,_ _ ____ , _,___ _ __________ 401 992 ci and agreements 344 f inspection of live stock ’ 993 . . - - . - . . . . ..., , 0]* ° ° ¤u.usfers_t0 corporations or aliens, ctc., for ... gg, _ resfgncwd ----------- _- - - z --------.. 445 fornniwry emergency fund ----··-..-. 402: 993 mggnénetgntggs or tenancws m common 445 E §g;§§cpt<;1;1p§¤, adultemniom- 402,993 forfeiturpforw*i0latious;ctc.::::2:::1;: 445 m c¤¤¤i¤ge;?;?¤peme;iE??fZZ1]] `````` 402 gg? pmceedmgsmpurchasc lolgetc . 445 for inspecting dmry farms etc. . 402, 994 preference lmdpeacseut remdents ... 445 for contagious diseases wards. 403, 994 ggggg gxqui _____ _. ________________ 44.5 f y_· bli ______________ . ’ Ezzntgnts to rehgnous organizations ..,_ 445 fgr gxilugatggg ..., , ,.,, 303, m yi: of and v3lu9_ ________ _ _____ _ 446 for dggtyuctigu of mtg _____ 994 leases of agricultural, etc., lands; ap- deficiency appropriation for prow! by board ---- _ ------· - ---·--.. 44 6 gency --- -- 785 sales of resident lotgglimu, ,._,__,,,.,____ 446 for dmiufecting service U--on--U-"` 1297 , for public utilities, etc., approval by formilkinspection, 1297 , · Bad; ---·-— ; -------·----· 446 HMM I¤!¢»1¤¤¢*<¤¤¤¢ Oiiw vf Puwc. agrncngld , opemng to home- approéznamon for quota 344 »..iv.,.¤$,‘;'§°,.¥;eigee.;,aa ‘············ £ ”1""‘.., ""‘Hm··"; °·~ · cqrtihcaws; arpa lxmited;e;].;é;1;a;_.-..: 446 Heaggnggh Landon deputm em. 401, 992

 lands mpluded ... 446 a ropriation forexpemea. . 740 1415

pnvnlegas of reendeut owners .. 447 dggcieucy appmprismicn fqr; II ; 810:1323