Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1612

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. gxxix kdm! €’•>d¢-Co¤¤¤¤<>d· _ Page- Judea: oodwoouiauusd. Page Ch. 7. COURT OF c1t.ums—contmued. cn. 9. communes coUn·r—continued. appearance of w1tnesses;_no exclusion on temporary suspensions of orders etc to account of color or mterest in cause. 1143 prevent il-mpa,-able loss °’ 1149 reports to Congress continued until acted time limit; extension- .. .~-- U · 1149 upon ··--·---·-·--·—- - —-——-· L ------ 1143 Hlin titions for r li f· se ‘ - . · · cu. 8. comm- or cusroms Arrests, anivggrs; relief item? i;.nswrer1lrl’le)¢§$(ill1f>?; cmuedi m mumt °l_6V° ]\1dg€¤; appoinv taking testimony; practice and procement and §lan€S’ etc _____ _ _______ 1143 _ dm-Q_ _____________________________ 1150 Snomm; temporary vacancies 1143 appeals to Supreme Coun; no stay of ways open; sessions elsewhere; allowance judgment unless Supreme Court so for mvql, cm, expenses ____________ 1143 direc; ____ _ ________________________ 1150 marshal; a ·pointment. and salary; service _ on injimctionsg riority of ... . .. 1150 by cflstnct marshals; contingent ex- United States sugstituted for Interstate penses 1144 Commerce Commission in suits . 1150 clerk; appointment, duties, and powers; _ to intervene when public interests insa ary; restriction ... . . · 1 144 volved_ __________________________ 1150 costs and fees; limit, accounting, etc 1144 Attorney General to control Government reporter; and duties; pnbhcation of cases in _,,, , ,,,,,,,,,___,.,.,,___ 1150 d¤€i¤10¤¤ ·-·--··-» - ------~-·-----· 1144 special attomeys to assist; compensamoing to be provided in public buildings; tion ...,,_ , ,,,,.,...,,, 1150 168566 elsewhere ·-----. 1144 4 appearance of Interstate Commerce bniliffs and messengers authorized; restric- Comniission, etc ,___ _ _____________ 1150 tion on outside rooms . . ... 1145 parties interested may intervene; rights general powers; rules and procedure. . 1145 of intervenors ,..,..,______,,,,____ 1151 extent of power to review decisions, etc. 1145 complainants before Commission may apexclusive jurisdiction to review final deci- pear, etc., in .,._,_...,._,_ 1151 sions of Board of General Appraisers. 1145 conduct of cases prior to opening of court,. 1151 jud ents iinal . ... 1145 appeals, etc ... 1151 appeicn from Board of General Appraisers pen ing cases tobe transferred; exception. 1151 to be reviewed only by 1145 status of; tziginal papers, etc., to be eases pending in Supreme Court, etc., transmit ... 1151 excepted . . 1145 cn. 10. surumm coum, _ reviewofcasesnot yetappealed orpending. 1145 to consist of Chief and eight associate justransfer of pending cases; completion of tices; quorum . ... 1152 testimony ,,,,,. . .. 1145 recedence of justices. 1152 appeals from Board of General Appraisers; lg temporary vacancy in office of time 1imjt_, ,.,,,...,. . 1146 hief Justice .. 1152 additional time for Alaskan and insular salaries; o|‘l‘icors._ ..·... _ .. 1152 cages ____________,,______,____ 1146 clerk; bond required; deputies, tenure, etc. 1152 , applications; record, etc., to be trans- to keep records of old court of appeals- - 1153 mitted - ... 1146 fees to be charged by clerk I . 1153 finality of decisions, ; ...,..,. . 1146 marshal, salary.; duties; assistants, etc . 1153 cglondu; hw;-jugs ____ , ,_____,_,,,,,,.. 1146 reporter; duties; salary and expenses; cn. 9. connmucs courrr, volumes of reports to be fumished; created, to consist of five circuit judges. .. 1146 _ _ conditions 1153 designation and assignment; period of distribution of reports by Attorney-Gem service ... - 1146 eral .. . 1154 quorum; expense allowance. . ._ 1147 of digests . _ 1 154 additional circuit judges; assignment, additional copies . . 1155 powers, etc . ..., _ . -. 1147 Federal Reporter, etc _ . 1155 clerk and marshal; office to be in Washing- annual term; special; adjournment for you ______________ _ _______________ , 1147 _ _ lack of quorum. . ; . .: .. 1156 deputies; salaries; costs and fees . _ -. . 1147 original and exclusiye jurisdictional cases. 1156 always open; sessions outside of Washing- power to issue wrnts of prohibition and ton; expenses therefor . 1147 _ mandamus _ .. ; . I 156 court rooms outside of Washington; leases issues of fact to be_tned by jury .. 1156 permit¢gd__ _____,,,_, _ ,,_,,_______ 1148 appellate jungdichon in spema cases ,.,,_ _ 1156 asignment of judges to other duty; filling wuts of error to State courts . _. . -_- - 1156 temporary vacancies, _ _ _________ ._ _ 1148 appeals and wnts of error fron] distinct; powers of court and judges; issue of wnts _ courts I 2 .. . . . - 1157 and procgm _____ _ __,_______________ 1148 actjon in (33:595 certified for mgtructgong procedure; service of process, etc ... 1148 _ from circuit courts of apfpeals . - 1157 jurisdiction, to enforce orders of Interstate certiorari to circuit courts 0 appeals of Commerce Commission .,.. . ,., 1148 _ cases for review, etc ..,, , _,,... s - , _·, 1157 except payment of money Z .. 1148 wrrts of error and appeals from circuit to enjoin, etc., orders of Commission 1148 courts of appeals . . z.- ... 1157 to prevent unjust discriminations by appeals allowed from bourt of Qlauns of decommon carriers. ...,.,.,.. 1148 cisrons stdverse to United States; _ tn issue mandamus writs to common car- _ _ limit of time for _ .. . . . . 1157 rlorg _,__________,,. , ,,,,, , 1149 wnts of error and appeals gn Porto Rican I- limiwd to circuit court powers r·--· . .--- 1149 was -·...------ Z .--..·-·--... 11¤7 exclusive in foregoing; cases excepted. . 1149 from supremecourts of Arizona and New Suits to enjoin, etc., order of Commission, Mexico . . ... _; .. 1158 to be against United States. 1149 from supreme court of Hawau .. 1lo8 887 40°—-vox. 36. PT 1-11-102 `