Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1657

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clxxiv IN DEX. Opera Glaggeg, P¤8¤· Ordnance Department, Army-jC_ontinued. Pageduty on ___________________ _ ______________ 21 appmpr1ation for ammumtmn, etc., for Opinion.; of Auemey-General, small arme ... .-.-. 260, 1056 appropriation for preparing, etc., Vol. 27. . 749 for firm? morning and evening gun. . 260, 1056 Opium, 4 for srtnca l-arms target pmcuce, medaggo 1057 dut on ... . ... . .. 1 6 ----·--··---·--·---~-·-···-· _ , alialoidg, e1;e_, of ________,___,___,___,, 14 issne to educational, etc., instituextmcts, etc., of, not specially provided t10HS ...·- ;·_ ·--.·--··--··--· 261, 1057 {OL _________ _ ___________,_______,_ 15 for blank ammunmon to troops at ma- _ 0pmm,·Em1, _ • · ueuvers .. - . _ ... 261 deficiency approprmtmn for expenses m- for manufacture of arms at armomes. . 261, 1057 _ temsmonal investigation of .. 775 . sarles to Cuba authorized ..,, : ,_,_ _ _____ 2 61 Optical Imtruments, for issue of standerdefridtqrnetic pmtols, 1057 dm, on lags ____________,,,__,,..,,_,,,, 21 etc., or Organnz 1 1 na .. on gee ]j§1;, glass plates or disks, rough-cut, exchqnge of ammunition .. 1057 im- _,_,,,,..,,_, , ._...,,... 76 for repairing ordnance, etc ... 261, 1057 Oranige County, FLL, _ for purchase, enc., of ordnance stores. . 261, 1057 bndggfuthonzed across Lake Jessup m,. . 330 got equtglpgjzntsbg. -f . . ... { 261, 1057 Oran e lower or ma rn , e ., or tate seacoas ar- ‘ QHQYQO 1igt, eil ...,,. 77 ti11Gl'y;withdmWaI...: .. 261 Orange Mmeral, — for national tmphg, etc., miie contests 261, 1058 duty on ... . ... . . . 15 for automatic ri es; available for two Orange, N. J., years 261,1058 construction of public building authorized ‘ for Field Artillery material for Organized at ... ; 682 Militia ... . 1058 Orange Navigation District, Tex., for arsenals and armories . 720, 1397 contribution for improving Sabiue—Nechos for fortifications .. · ... 596, 1343 Canal to_be made by 944 dehcieug appropriation for replacing deposit requzred; mamhenauce of chan- o nance and ordnance stores ... 220 nel, etc . . . 944 for manufacture of arms .. 220, 1321 0r:lmgePeel, 38 interchangealcif rgaaterials in manufacture, . ut on . ..., . etc., ow ... 1344 _ on gee jist, not preserved, etc ... . 78 charged to arippmpriatien using ,_________ 1344 Orange Rwer, Fla., _ return of iiel guns, etc., from Massachuapproprigtmn for unpmvement of ...,___,,, 645 setts ,______,.,,,_______,,_,_,____ , , 602 Orange, Tex., _ - - _ appropriation for expenses ,... .- 603 appropnatmn for ungrovement of Sabme- restriction on receiving back articles Neches Canal om Sabine River to. 944 sold to militia _,_____________ _ _______ 603 local contribution, maintenance, etc.. 944 written contracts required if not to be Orange Wood, _ performed in sixty days, etc ...,,___ 261 011 free list, m the rough, cut for umbrellas, Ordnance, Obsolete, canes, etc .. 8] donated to Geo 'a. ..,. 875 Orangeburg, . C., _ _ _ United Sp¤.n:§1 War Veterans ...,.. 1457 zpproprmtxon for public 1)I1l1dlIlg: . 1378 Ordnance Office, War Department, lzmlt of cost. increased, public building 679 appropriation for clerks, etc 503 1205 preliminary examination of waterways to draftemen, em., to be paid from appro- ’ Or Charleston from, to be made ... 675 0 priutione for fortifications, ebc. . . 503, 1205 cmges, regon, , duty on . . 38 appropriation for surveyor—general,clerks, peel": . . . . 38 etc 518 1220 1 on free lmy, peel, not preserved, etc ... 78 for surveying township, Hamey County, ’ 741 q<>ur,1u¤ce ·.-.. . .-. 76 deficiency appropriation for pay, etc. vol- °'.${'2£"*.,.. 36 assi `§”€§°"‘z1;‘·"a=‘=1 ·=··· 22°*ém°"”‘*’ ·-····· · ····-·- · -··-·-·-··· · — -··- · 9 mn u lc1 _____ _ _____ eerie eww LMI, Mi.? for emise, i.?§§§‘“w,l.,.,m ml OH fl'09 11St -··---···-·- · -··---·-- t- ._ .. 78 em., to bg reopened ____________ _ _ _ _ I 777 Orders of Interstate Commerce Commzmxm, services of volunteers Indian wm d“'°°m‘g P“Y“1°“?°f E“°“°Y» ‘·mf°’°i“8-· - 554 - 1847-48, ’f·0 be l’€8<1j11B`C€d; report 1295 pmeeed1?ge m circuit court; recoveries. . gg I consent of Congress to agreement of bounrll · BQYVICBO-·-··· . . ... -... . . in Glu ' suspension or modification allowed . 554 [ ‘ %hingt?>na1r:ilil?, 3-ilwir, between 881 compliance by camers .. 554 { contribution for new canal Anil- ieéiré recovery of forfeitures; proceedings- . . 555 4 around Willamette Fells by 664 ether :lm,ne£>ayment of money to be en- * creation or eu} ment of nationei forc in commerce court ... 555 { in, forbiggeu except by act; of C Ordnance mul Orgnunce Stores, Navy, gress _________ _ mh 848 appropriation or .,._. . ..., 611, 1270 ; desert lands gelectio - I · _ - ·'. l - . . I l i · · gr Smvkeleee powder ------·--~- 611,12711 1 lands in mmm; l}?,,;,?£,ng,}1;;l,;°°§,,°`ég,Q *357 for ainlnumtion, etc 1 ... 611, 1271 1 change _______ _ _____________ 1357 fechmng and hopping 8-inch gulls .. 611 h0mesi>e¤de1’s’ time to make ` deficiency appropriation for .,, 1322, 1326 gtcq in, extendm ’ 904 Ordnance peyartmmt, Army, _ leave of absence a110wé&`[§[ _ - --`` ‘ ` 904 gppmpmuen for pay of enlisted men; Siletz Indian Resenmtient rem] l ` longevit 246 1039 bob ’ ds` gl; -: .-..··. , .·.-·· , _ _ esold, etc._ . 367 for psy of 0 rs, longevity 247, 1041 mmmeams Pmh,bm,d _________ _ _____ _ 368 fm current expenses . ... 260. 1056 Vale land distract, created ,,,,,,____ _ _ _ _ Z _ 238