Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1699

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ccxvi INDEX. Publi: Printing and Binding—Continued. Page- l Public Schools, D. C.—Continued. Pmallotment for Bureau of American Repub- appropriation for portable schoolhouses. . 397, 988 lics, 1910, increased 878 for buildings and sites, etc 397, 988 increase of allotment for printing and bind- additions to Busmess High School 397 ing for Congress .,,,.,. 217 additions to Western H1gh School. . . 397, 988 for machinery ,__,_,,,,,_,_,_.,.___ _ _ , . 217 additions to McKinley Manual Train- _ ordered, Bureau of Mines Reports, etc . 'g42 mg Schgoli. limit ... 33 norma -sc oo . , Daily Consular Reports, edition in- addition to Armstrong Manual Training creased ... 821 School ... . ... 397, 988 Diseases of Cattle, Special Report on. Q . . 1459 site for new Central High School . . 988 Diseases of the Horse, Special Report on . 1459 normal school for colored pupils ... 988 Farmers’ Bulletin No. 391, on Economi- manual training school, twelfth divical Use of Meats in the Home .. 880 sion . . . 989 Immigration Commission publications. . 768 M Street High School _,,,.___,____ 989 International Commercial Directory 769 for fireproof stairways, etc ..,,,,,. 398, 989 Manual of Surveying Instructions ... 797 sites and buildings not to exceed limit National Monetary Commission publica- of cost ..._,_,,_,,_____, 398, 989 \ ticgxs. ..1; ... 1.1 ... 217 municipal arcgiitect to prepare plans, Savy ear oo , annua y .. . . . . 768 etc.. ofbuil ings. . .. 398, 989 North Atlantic Fisheries Arbitration exit doors to open outward ...,,. 398, 989 document .. . .. 1456 amount for sites a d buildin imm - Opinions of the Attorney General .. 749 diately available? . . . e 398, 989 Opinions and briefs of Solicitor of the deficiency appropriation for portable _Treasury. ._ 749 schoolhouses, temporary ___________ 122 Pohce Regulations, D. C _ ... 783 for janjtors Western High School _______ 1297 prelimiéiiirymb examilgitions, etc., riveg for compulsory education expenses . 1297 an or wor - . . 69,956 payment for thewritf 1] , - preliminary reports and surveys oihrivers proved. . . . . ii. 208 and harbors as documents .. 184 substitute teachers may be employed; records, etc., of Senate private claim; _ _ 803 salary _,.,,_____ _ _____,_.,, 1395 Semgte lgocnment Noi f§57, Treaties, etc., leave of absence for 30 days; payment dur- · or epartment o tate ,___,_.. 1454 absence ..______,...,,,_______, 1395 · ta.rrff_matters for House of Representa- other employees allowed leave with pay; pvesoon repruisgicén of Representa— 1317 P br Wprzswsion for substitutes. . . 1395 ive scar . nerwoo ._ u w or , printiné; etc., for Thirteenth Census au- appropriation for medical examination of orized on requisition of director . . 10 employees injured on, _,___________ 526 reserveg liiéilocuments and reports dis- 868 Publi % I d b d ... . .. _ on is , di 1 - transfer of part of appropriation for Weather mitoudsgilrfizulatiioi . . .8. . 73 ggrfegxu, to Government Printing 891 P by bay scierglific associgtions, etc ..,... 73 _ ·----.-...· . ..-.-. u wa wm www ¢P¢1TWwM rd Agri- Publu: Property, Old, etc., t , statements of lprocoeds of sales of, to be appropriigiion for salarigg_ ____________ 435 1259 separate! cornmunicated to Con- for genera] gx nsog_ ___________ U 435, 1259 Pubr Mgress, an! not in Book of Estimates. . 773 Piéblkaiiom of the diictieth Congress, _ U i i ‘ 7 tc onunum a, . tri ti ‘ ‘ _ Pipgilheelgist, wcgks of art, etc., for. . .L .. 81 IS iiea(liidi)fi . i). mtmng M°mb€”’ ra 182 iz psu, Department of Agn- Pubztaiy to oimi»»1buz»a}}i.§}&}sié¤i{&ii K `izb" culture, resentotives f P- gp ropriation for gala;-i ______________ 439, 1263 ’ mmf i · ibr expenses of inquiiiiibs, etc . 439,1263 polmcgiiircgd mms defined, Omcem re- 822 · for gxpgyimgntg in rggd cgngtruc- ugasul-&rS’ - _ l - • - _ · - _ - - - · I · I - I - 823 tion, ew .. 1264 receipts sei daii ``'`'`` ié? ```"`"`' -" Public some, 11. c., ,· ““*’m€“ = P’°S°” a· epgyggggggggg -------·· - ·--.-. gg;. gig treasur%i;i1o`l3e'sii;ién`déiaiiédlétatéiriéuté bi 823 -·---------- . . . . , a contri utions ____________________ 823 §3§i§.?" ;..".."§.;;,;.i·gi.4;i4;;:;i:ii::;Qi; 333:323 “’ "3.i'§“J§’§fi’,3",$f,§%i;i¥.°§FEi§£i‘i$‘ as or ongevi y pay . ...,... 394,984 ‘ ‘ 7 ` for allowance to principals ... 394, 984 stateiiriieiéiiltig igqiihgii i - i i l i ft. i i i i i i i i i 823 for night schools and kindergartens. . . 394 985 1, q Giipen 1 uma made . . , y others than ohtical committee . . 824 , P for kmgiergarten supplies . 394, 985 persona] mw-elm ior jaméeslspa me of musings .. 394,985 cepmd g °"P"“""“· "°°·· 8* 8,,4 gring 1;-3, mgpggmrg _______________ __ 395,986 ·-`iu-`N -`°`` ""·`·"`°` ger mm, mdiempomy megs. as as 986 legal ‘i§£2’.§‘T?? fi °°““""°d °‘°°“°“S “" 824 or repairsan rmprovemen . 395,987 pimishme ti -1-L: `°'`'’° · `· '```````'

g;p¤¤¤¤;•;¤s i<>i;>_g-g¤~;§él,éEé ..,.._ 332, gg; ,,),,,,,,,,,7 ,,.0,; <>¤¤<> s mg pmwsom 824

for mei, iight, and wer, , _ ff if f [ [ Q ff gee 987 mms °f wm “t ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘*···‘‘········· 1108 . , , Pueblo Indians N. Mex for furniture, new mldmgs, etc .. 396, 987 appmprgatim; { ·" · for contingent expenses . 396 987 P or Smm?1 atmmcy ‘‘‘’·‘‘ 278* 1067 for pianos _________________ QQ; `````` 396, 987 uga S°"‘7‘dTL“k' W“"’""9‘°" W"’”""’“?!» fm, texgbooksy ctc., Bags, Phyéiéééhs, i ¤PPFopt?:nt;on for 1mprovement of; limitaf schoc; gardpéns, etc . .. 396, 987 u%0f gig; igvgg. °‘`'‘`‘'°°’`'`°'‘ gg °‘“PP°'“ “°’ ° ··········-···--·--· 399 988 f¤r improvement of; mk, em. .Z I I I I I I ZZ Mw