Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/291

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 129, 130, 134. 1910. 267 And it is further provided that any lands remaining unsold after said ,&§1*g,1° 0* ¤=1¤¤i¤1¤8 lands have been open to entry for seven years may be sold to the s` — highest bidder for cash without regard to the prescribed price thereof fixed under the provisions of this Act, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. Approved, March 26. 1910. CHAP. 130.-An Act To extend the time for the completion of a bridgeacross the March 26·1910· Missouri River at Yankton, South Dakota, by the Yankton, Norfolk and Southern Railway Company. [Public, Nc. 109.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Riwesentatives of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, That section six of an Act ?r'§$,f;,"},’;,I_§§,‘[,°(§,, for §pproved March ninth, nmeteen hundred and four, authorizing the {>rids§¤s. fb¥kY¤¤$ ankton, Norfolk and Southern Railway Company to construct a Siiailritheiirr izsiriiliy combined railroad, wagon, and foot-passenger bridge across the §§’,f¤gj‘g{k“‘ Y**“‘ Missouri River at or near the cityy of Yankton, South Dakota, as vl>1.w,pp. ez, gg. amended by the Acts approved anuary twenty-seventh, nineteen 33%,¥>%.9Z:}5{10Ei9. hundred and tive; February fifth, nineteen hundred and six; March Pm. r· 1351- second, nineteen hundred and seven; February twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and eight; and March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine, be, and is hereby, amended by extending the time for commencin the construction of said bridge to March ninth, nineteen hundred ang ten, and by extendin the time for completing said bridge to March ninth, nineteen hundreid and twelve. Approved, March 26, 1910. CHAP. 134.—An Act To amend section eight hundred and ten of the Revised March 28, 1910- Stamm [11. a. iam.] [Public, No. 110.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That section eight hundred uname suzesceul?. and ten of the Revised Statutes be amended so as to read: .¤I}g23§.i? °1°’“ l' "Sec. 810. No grand jury shall be summoned to attend any circuit gu*‘g*;ggg,';;°6,_ or district court unless one of the (judges of such circuit court, or the n»¢.p.1ras. judge of such district, in his own iscretion, or gpon a notification by the district attorney that such jury will be ne ed, orders a venire issue therefor. lf the United States attornev for any district which mS§;e9g§}‘g.¥;:1°"“ has a city or borough containing at least three hundred thousand inhabitants, shall certify in writing to the district judge, or the senior district judge of the district, or one of the judges of said circuit court, that the exigencies of the public service require it, the (judge may rn his discretion also order a venire to issue for a secon grand jury. _ Either of said courts may in term order a grand jury to be summoned cu?{j1,$’d§g;,§§g;${j at such time, and to serve such time as it may direct, whenever in its judgment it may be proper to do so. But not ing herein shall operate mgnpebggorgmpnrgsgr; to extend beyond the time permitted by law the imprisonment before mem,-asu-imd_ indictment found of a person accused of a crime or offense, or the time during which a person so accused may be held under recognizanee before indictment found.” Approved, March 28, 1910. `