Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/389

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 230. 1910. 365 the name of any individual, firm, or company, or any number of any post—office box or drawer, or any street number or the name of any building to which it shall be returned if uncalled for or undelivered: Provided further, That this shall not apply to those envelopes printed P¤i¤¤¤8 permittedwith a return card left blank as to name, address, box, drawer, street number, or building, and which only give the name of the town or city, with the State, district, or Territory: And promldedfurther, That n0§><§»g:¤;§d ¤¤¤¢¤w¢¤ this provision shall in no way interfere with or prevent the carrying R ` out of any existing contract heretofore entered into by the Government relative to the printing and manufacture of envelopes. _ _ For ay of agent and assistants to examine and distribute stamped 5p§’g§§§,f{““°“ “"““` and ofliizial envelopes and newspaper wrappers, and expenses of agency ` at Dayton, Ohio, including expenses attendant on inspection of manufiagture of official envelopes at Cincinnati, Ohio, twenty-six thousand o ars. For manufacture of ostal cards, two hundred and eighty-two §’,§?§,f3};,,?“"’S· thousand dollars: Promkiizd, That no contract for the manufacture of Gkewictioirgfbidby postal cards shall be made by the Government with any department Lwmmeu umm or bureau of the Government at any higher rate than offered for the same work by any res onsible contractor, nor shall the bid of such department or bureau be below the cost of such work to the Government. ‘ For pay of agent and assistants to examine and distribute postal I”““`“’“"°“·°‘°· cards, and expenses of agency, eight thousand three hundred and sixty dollars. _ For ship, steamboat, and way letters, two hundred and fiftg dollars. Sh“’· °“’·· l°"°”· For payment of limited indemnity for the loss of pieces of rst-class ,s{,§§§,‘§'§§§{f,{,{°““ ’°*‘° domestic registered matter, fifteen thousand dollars. For payment of limited indemnity for the loss of registered articles ,,§§§’"‘““°"“l “‘ in the international mails, three thousand dollars. For travel and miscellaneous ex uses in the ostal service, office of T"“’°'· °‘°· the Third Assistant Postmaster-(.`i;i-ziineral, one tliousand dollars. _The unexpended balance of the approipriation for the fiscal year ,,,,S,{’j§§',§§",‘{§},'{§‘°};,’§‘$,'§§ nineteen hundred and nine of ten thousan dollars for the employment ¤¤K<= Sumof special counsel to prosecute and defend suits affecting the secondclass mailing privilege is hereby reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven. orrrom or THE FOURTH ASSISTANT I’0S'I`MASTER·GENERAL. p,,l;§,}§§{el§i;{,§,l$§‘}P° For stationery, including all mor1ey—order offices, one hundred and $¤**‘°¤°’Y- ten thousand dollars. d 501* official and registry envelopes, two hundred and forty thousand elggggjsfnd ¤>K*¤**Y 0 ars. For pay of agent and assistants to examine and distribute registry Di$¤‘“>¤¤°¤· envelopes; a ent two thousand dollars; chief clerk, one thousand two hundref dollars; one clerk, at nine hundred dollars; and one laborer, at six hundred and sixty dollars; in all, four thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. For blanks, blank books, printed and engraved matter, binding and c&'°¤°Y*"°°""°¤"°· carbon pa er for the money-order service, one hundred and fifty ` thousand dbllars. _ For blanks, books, and printed matter of urgent or special character, R°8*°*'Yb*°¤*¤·°*°· mcluding the preparation, publication, and free distribution b postmasters to the public of a pamphlet containing general ostairinformation, intaglio seals, and other miscellaneous items oi) immediate necessity for the registry system, six thousand five hundred dollars. Supp ies for the city·delivery service, including letter boxes, letter- P,§’§' “°“'°'Y ““!" box asteners, package boxes, posts, furniture, satchels, straps, baskets, time cards, time·card frames, time-recorder supplies, maps, transfer designs, and stencils, ninety thousand dollars. ’