Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/451

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 256. 1910. 427 Gila National Forest, New Mexico, forty-seven thousand four hun- G“°· N- M°*· dred and eighty-four dollars; Gunnison National Forest, Colorado, twenty thousand five hundred °“““‘*°¤· C°*°· and eighty-six dollars; ‘ Hayden National Forest, Wyoming and Colorado, sixteen thousand C_jfg*>‘d°¤· WW ¤¤d eigilgt hundred and fifty dollars; ' elena National Forest, Montana, thirty-four thousand five hun- H°*°¤¤· M•>¤¤· dred and eight dollars; Holy Cross National Forest, Colorado, eighteen thousand six hun- H°’Y °'°“· °°‘°- dred and ten dollars; . Humboldt National Forest, Nevada, nineteen thousand and twenty- H“m‘°°ld*· N"- six dollars; Idaho National Forest, Idaho, twenty-one thousand seven hundred ““l‘°· 1"“"°· and eighty dollars; Inyo National Forest, California and Nevada, twenty-nine thousand I“"°· C“l· “"° N°'· five hundred dollars; d ilefferson National Forest, Montana, thirty-four thousand and one ·'°“°"°°“· M°“‘· o ars; / Jemez National Forest, New Mexico, thirty-one thousand four hun- ’°m°’· N- M°‘· dred and seventy-six dollars; d §aibab National Forest, Arizona, twenty thousand four hundred K°“’°b·A“’· o ars; _ Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho and Washirigton, twenty-eight w§§,'{'k““·I°“h° ‘“‘d thousand four hundred and forty-eight dollars; Kansas National Forest, Kansas, eight thousand eight hundred and K‘"'“’· K"“" five dollars; Kern National Forest, California, twenty-seven thousand five hun- K""‘· °“l· dred and twelvedollars; Klamath National Forest, California, forty-two thousand dollars; l$I““""‘_· °“'· Kootenai National Forest, Montana, thirty thousand six hundred "°°'°"‘“· “°"‘· and thirty-four dollars; La. Sal National Forest, Utah and Colorado, thirteen thousand eight C,,Ii§_ S"r Um ““° hundred and ninety dollars; Lassen National Forest, California, thirty-one thousand one hun- L“’°“·°’“· dred and fifty-four dollars; · ‘ Leadville National Forest, Colorado, twenty-nine thousand even "’“""“‘°·°°'°· hundred and twenty dollars; _ Lemhi National Forest, Idaho, twenty thousand seven hundred and L°"""‘ m“h°‘ fifty dollars; Lewis and Clark National Forest, Montana, seventeen thousand M(I;§{Yls ““d Cl"k' four hundred and twenty-six dollars; _ Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, twenty thousand two hun- L"‘°°l"‘ N‘ M°" dred and eighteen dollars; Lolo National Forest, Montana, twenty-eight thousand nine hun- I‘°l°‘ M°“°‘ dred and fifty-two dollars; Madison National Forest, Montana, twenty-four thousand seven N“‘“°°“· M°“'~ hundred and forty-five dollars; Malheur National Forest, Oregon, twenty-four thousand and sixty- M°u'°“"°'°“‘ three dollars; _ Manti National Forest, Utah, twenty-three thousand dollars; M““"·U‘“"· Manzano National Forest, New Mexico, fourteen thousand seven “““"“}’* M“· hundred and seventy-six dollars; Marquette National Forest, Michigan, two thousand four hundred M‘"q“°°'°‘Mi°h‘ and five dollars; _ _ Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming, twenty-eight thousand M°°‘°“’*’ B°"’W” three hundred and fifty dollars; _ _ M1chigan National Forest, Michigan, three thousand seven hundred ’“°'“”'“‘·M‘°h‘ and forty-four dollars; mm- Minnesota National Forest Minnesota, twenty-four thousand four m°°°°°°°' hundred and thirty-three dollars;