Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/461

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S1XTY·FIRS'1` CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 256. 1910. 437 two cataloguers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; three cataloguers, at one thousand dollars each; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; four clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one clerk eight hundred and forty dollars; one messen er, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one messenger, six hundref dollars; one messenger or laborer, four hundred and eighty dollars; one charwoman, four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, nineteen thousand nine hundred and twenty dollgars. GENERAL EXPENSES, LIBRARY: For technical books of reference, G°¤°¤*‘ ¤P°¤¤°¤· technical papers, and technical periodicals, and for expenses incurred in completing imperfect series; or rent and the employment of additional assistants in the city of Washington and elsewhere; for official traveling expenses, and for library fixtures, library cards, supplies, and other material, fifteen thousand four hundred dollars. 'gotal for Library, thirty-five thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. CONTINGENT EXPENSES. CoN·rmeEN·r EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT or AGRICULTUREZ For sta- °°“"”g°°‘°"°“‘°" tionery, blank books, twine, paper, gum, dxjy goods, soap, brushes, brooms, mats, oils, paints, glass, lumber, hardware, ice, el, water and gas pipes, heating apparatus, furniture, carpets, and matting; for lights, freight, express charges, advertising, telegraphing, telephoning, postage, washing towels, and necessary repairs and improvements to uildings and heating apparatus; for rent in the District of R¢¤*· Columbia; for the purchase, subsistence, and care of horses and the purchase and repair ofliarness and vehicles, for official pui·)poses only; or the payment of duties on imported articles, and the epartment of Agriculture’s proportionate s are of the expense of the dispatch agent in New York; for official traveling expenses; and for other miscellaneous sup lies and expenses not otherwise provided for, and necessary for tile ractical and eflicient work of the department, one hundred thousand) dollars. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. mg?{‘§,°,,,‘{{,,,,§‘l’°"‘ SALARIES, Omron or ExrE1zrMEN·r STATIONS! One director, four S•¤•r¤¤¤· thousand dollars; one chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one draftsman, one thousand eight hundred doHars; one clerk and proof reader, one thousand six hundred dollars; one editorial clerk one thousand four hundred dollars; one editorial clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; live clerks, class two; six clerks, class one; five clerks, at one thousand dollars each; three clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; six clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; one clerk or messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; one clerk or messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; three clerks or messengers, at six hundred dollars each; two messengers or laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; one copyist or laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; four laborers or charwomen, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; two laborers or charwomen, at two hundred and fort dollars each; in all, forty-six thousand one hun- · dred and eighty dbllars. _ GENERAL EXPENSES, OFFICE or EXPERIMENT S*rA*r10Ns: To carry ,,,‘§§}’*§;’,§,_,,‘2,§,,*;*§`,Q"g}’,;j mto effect the provisions of an Act approved March second, eighteen ¤i¤;¤¤- 0 hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An Act to establish vricultural l#$ijii;§§§$g§ experiment stations in connection with the colleges establghed in the several States under the provision of an Act approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of the Xcts supplementary theretofj the sums apportioned to the several States and Territories tic Se paid quarterly in advance, seven hundred and twenty thousand o ars. S8740°—voL 36, rr 1-11-·-30