Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/475

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 260. 1910. 451 made all the required payments aforesaid he shall be entitled to a patent for the lands entered: And provided further, That all lands d,R°“,F ¤¤;g;¤;~gn9,g “¤‘ remaining undisposed of at the expiration of four years from the ` opening of said lands to entry may, in the discretion of the Secretary o the nterior, be reappraised in the manner provided for in this Act. _ Sec. 7. That from the (proceeds arisin from the sale and disposi— ,,}:?g§{’0*}‘I}1’&$;°d¤ tion of the lands aforesai , exclusive of tie customary fees and com- , s` missions, there shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States, to the credit of the Indians belon€ng and having tribal rights on the said reservation, the sums to w ich the said tribe may be entitled, which shall draw interest at three (per centum er annum; · · · that the moneys derived from the sale of said lands and d)e osited in Us °*p’°°°"°’· the Treasury of the United States to the credit of said Indians shall be at all timessubject to appropriation by Congress for their education, support, and civilization. , Sec. 8. That sections sixteen and thirty-six of the land in each 1¤iiuu§°2>i¤°°sg¤itii°hii(ii township within the tract described in section one of this Act shall k°j,·,°,;_,, 1073 not be subgect to entry, but shall be reserved for the use of the com- 'p` ' mon schoo and paid or by the United States at two dollars and fifty P"°° P°' “°“’~ cents per acre, and the same are hereby granted to the State of South Dakota for such purpose, and in case any of said sections, or parts L*°“‘*“"*“· thereof, are lost to said State by reason of allotments thereof to any Indian or Indians, or otherwise, the governor of said State, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby authorized, within t e area described in section one of this Act, to locate other lands not otherwise appro riated, which shall be paid for by the United States as herein providleid, in quantity equal to the loss, and such selections _ shall be made prior to the opening of such lands to settlement: Pro- ,,1,,,, vided, That in any event not more than two sections shall be (granted **°¤- to the State in any one township, and lands must’be selecte in lieu of sections sixteen or thirty-six, or both, or any part thereof, within the township in which the oss occurs, except in any townshi where there may not be two sections of unallotted lands, in which event whatever is required to ·make two sections may be selected in any ad`oining township. Sec. 9. That there is hereby approdpriated, out of any monely in the ‘§*}§{§’,{’,f({§g,‘;',§,e'§,’ Treasury not otherwise appropriate , the sum of not more t an one ggmh ¤¤¤¤¤¤· hundre and twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as ma be necessary, to pay for the lands iranted to the State of South Daliiota, as provided in section eight of t is Act. And there is hereby c,,‘§.§P,{§§’,§*§§{‘L'}c_’°' appropriated the further sum of thirty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the plurpose of makingrthe _ appraisement and classification Iprovided for erein: Prmnlded, hat §",,‘{',§,f*{§’,;,,,,.,,,,,,,t_ t e latter appropriation, or any urther appropriation hereafter made for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, shall be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds received from the sale of the lands described herein or from any money in the Treasury belonging to said Indian tribe. _ Sec. 10. That the lands allotted, those retained or reserved, and ,,,§`§'°,,f$§_°i°° °f i"` the surplus land sold, set aside for town-site puriposes, ¥anted to the State of South Dakota, or otherwise dispose o , shall e subject for a period of twenty-five years to all the laws of the United States prohibiting the introduction of intoxicants into the Indian country. Sec. 11. That nothing in this Act contained shall in any manner U,lf,‘§§d’°§{’,°,,'Q§}bm”°f bind the United States to purchase any portion of the land herein described, except sections sixteen and thirty-six, or the equivalent in each township, or to dispose of said land except as provided herein, or to ggarantee to and purchasers for said lands or any portion thereof, it in the intention of this Act that the United States shall act as trustee Ior said Indians to dispose of the said lands, and to expend