Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/569

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 309. 1910. 545 graph, telephone, and cable companies (whetheg wire or wireless) engalged in sending messages from one State, Territory, or District of the nited States, to any other State, Territory, or District of the United States, or to any foreign country, who shall be considered and held to be common carriers within the meaning and purpose of this Act, and to any common carrier or carriers engaged in the trans- R-¤i1!¤¤d.¢¤=. portation of passengers or property wholly by rai road (or partly by railroad and partly by water when both are used under a common control, management, or arranlgement for a continuous carriage or shipment), from one State or erritory of the United States or the District of Columbia, to an other State or Territory of the United · States or the District of Columbia, or from one place in a Territory wiunmremmy. to another place in the same Territory, or from any place in the United States to an adjacent foreign country, or from any place in Foreign smpmems. the United States through a foreign country to any other place in the United States, and a so to the transportation in like manner of Transshlpmeuts. property shipped from any place in the United States to a foreign country and carried from such place to a port of transshgiment, or ·shipped from a foreign country to any place in the United tates and . carried to such place from a port of entr either in the United States or an adjacent foreign count : Provoid, however, That the pro- me stm visions of this Act shall not apply to the transportation of passengers not included. or property, or to the receiving, delivering, storage, or handling of property wholly within one State and not shipped to or from a foreign country from or to any State or Territory as aforesaid, nor shall they apply to the transmission of messages by telephone, telegrapph, or ca le wholly within one State and not transmitte to or from a oreign country from or to any State or Territo as aforesaid. "The term ‘common carrier’ as userd in this Act shall include ,n§g{,°,§g,,y¤<}1,gL°°¥* express compmanies and sleePi¤§ car comlpanies. The term ‘railroad’ ··m11q§ialii to 'inas used in t `_ Act shall mclu e all bri es and ferries used or oper- °l“d° b" gm °°°‘ ated in connection with any railroad, ang} also all the road in use by any corporation operating a railroad, whether owned or olperated _ ~ under a contract, agreement, or lease, and shall also inc ude all switches., spurs, tracks, and terminal facilities of every kind used or ' necessary in the transportation of the persons or pro rty designated . herein, and also all freight depots, yards, and ground; used or neces- '_ sary in the transportation or delivery of any of said propertly; and ,,,`;,'}`,§‘§,{‘,f,*g‘;‘;§f},§‘g§},_ the term ‘transportation’ shall include cars and other vehic es and ues 1¤r swans. wins. all instrumentahties and facilities of shipment or carriage, irrespective °°°‘ of ownership or of any contract, explress or implied, for the use thereof and all services in connection wit the receipt, delivery, elevation, and transfer in transit, ventilation, refrigeration or icing, storage, and handling of property transported; and it shall be the duty of etg¤¤‘**¤*¤ *0 f¤¤¤*¤¤· every carrier subject to the provisions of this Act to provide and ' furnish such trans ortation u on reasonable request therefor, and to establish through routes and just and reasonable rates applicable T'"°“g“ “""°°* thereto; and to provide reasonable facilities for operating such through routes and to make reasonable rules and regulations with · reslpect to the exchange, interchange, and return of cars used therein, Rem"' °"’“”·"'°‘ an for the operation of such through routes, and providing for reasonable compensation to those entitled thereto. ‘ ‘All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the ,,§,”Q’,§§§§n,§‘f,,,§f° -l“’“ tl°&l1Sp0rtation of passengers or property and for the transmission Of T¢;¢Z¤P¤»¢¤¤·-¤¤°¤‘ messages by telegraph, telephone, or cable, as aforesaid, or in con- °°g°° nection therewith, shall be just and reasonable; and every unjust

 unreasonable charge for such service or any part thereof is prohibited and declared to be unlawful: Provided, That messages by §',,‘§g,}’;,,,,(,,,_

telegraph, telephone, or cable, subject to the provisions of this Act, may be classified into day, night, repeated, unrepeated, letter, com-