Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/605

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHs. 313. 314. 1910. 581 both of said tribes of Indians may have or claim to have against the United States, with the right of appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States by either party, for the determination of the amount, if any, due either of said tribes from the United States under any treaties or laws of Congress or the unexecuted sti ulations of any treaties or for the misappropriation of alrgy of the fund; of either of said tribes for gurposes not for their mater` benefit or for the failure of the United tates to pay either of said tribes any money due. Such cause shall m;§’§$,{°g'°°mm¤¤°°· be commenced in the Court of Claims within one year after the passage ` · of this Act; and in such cause the Omaha tribe of Indians shall be party plaintiff and the United States party defendant; and the tition shall be verified by the attorney employed by the said Omaha Iiicdians, to prosecute their claims under this Act, under contract a proved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Secretary of tile Interior, _ as provided by law, u n information and belief as to the existence of suc facts, and no otlggr statements or verification shall be necessary. Upon the final determination of the cause the Court of Claims shall F€°"'°"“°'“°”· decree such fees as the court shall find to be reasonable to be paid to ` the attorney or attorneys employed by the said tribe of Indians, and the same shall be paid out of any sum or sums found due said Omaha _ tribe of Indians: Provided, That in no case shall the fees decreed by ,,,,_ said court be in excess of the amount stipulated in the approved contract nor amount to more than ten per centum of the amount of the judgment recovered in such cause. · Approved, June 22, 1910. CHAP. 814.-An Act For the relief of William Frye White, owner of lots one Juue22.191I1. i‘.?‘3§° ““‘* °"°°’ °i.°¤¤¤”“,td°’?.?.d°3i£‘}3’¤&°i??at”““’°°i¤gtm. ““p..t—.-." ”’e°‘ ‘}"&i.§‘.?.t‘§“% -—— , BQUBTE BGVBII - , , 0 , W1 [public, yu ml regard to asemment and ment of on account of changes of e due to construction of the Unionpgtlatiou, District of Columbia. gud Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatw}ves of the United States of America ein Ormgreca assembled, That under and in accordance Districtofcolumbla. with the terms and provisions of the Act of Conpiress approved April ,°§.’{‘,'j§§°B,§{,°gf*‘° twenty-second, nineteen hundred and four, entitled " n Act to pro- gg. v- vide fsor payment of damages on account of change of grade due to wiiiudlirggwmw construction of the Union Station, in the District of (,olumbia," as ,,g§'j,'§’g","{,';, gg Q; amended by the Act of Congress approved June twenty-ninth, nineteen dmases- ' hundred and six, the commission a(ppointed under said Act is hereby authorized and directed to meet an view the property known as lots one hundred and three, one hundred and four, one hundred and five and one hundred and six, in s uare seven hundred and fifty-four improved by premises numbereid five hundred and twenty-one five hundred and twenty-one and one·half, five hundred and twenty-three, five hundred and twenty-three and one—half, five hundred and twenty- five, five hundred andy twenty-five and one—half, five hundred and twenty-seven, and five hundred? and twenty-seven and one—half Second street northeast, city of Washington, District of Columbia, and hear testimony touching the damages to said property which have resulted from changes in the grade of streets, avenues, or alleys authorized by the Act of Congress approved February twen|;y—eighth, nineteen V°l·$2·P-¥¤2- hundred and three, relating to the construction o a union railroad station in the District of Columbia, and to appraise and determine the amount of damages, if any, to which the owner of said property so affected by change of grade may be entitled. _ Sec. 2. That if any of the parties interested, their personal repre- Ngigwmwder svsentatives, or the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, shal be dissatisfied with the appraisement or award of said commission, the court shall, on motion of the parties so dissatisfied, direct the United States marshal to summon a jury of seven disinterested men, not 88740°-vox. 36, rr 1-11-39