Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/641

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 378. 1910. 617 REPAIRS AND PRESERVATIDN AT NAVY—YARDSZ For repairs and v,f{,‘;¥;‘i’¤ md P’€*‘°" preservation at navy—yards and stations, seven hundred thousand ` ollars. Total public works, navy-yards and stations, Six_million four hundred an<i)forty-Six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. PUBLIC woRKs UNDER THE SEGRETARY OF THE NAVY. S<·>¢r¤¤¤’v ¤fN¤vv- BUILDINGS AND GBOUNDS, NAVAL ACADEMY! For one wooden pier N°‘”*‘A°°d°mY· with creosoted piles, forty thousand dollars. For transfer of power plant from temporary location to new build- p0i;.,$§’f,f,f,§’{‘ °°°" °f ing; provide new equipment when necessary; connect heating, lighting, and other mains to new power house; complete grading about building; repair coal-handling apparatus, one undred eight thousand two hundred dollars. BUILDINGS Fon LEPERS, ISLAND or GUAM! Naval station, island of gggemém one rs Guam: Maintenance and care of lepers and other special patients, ’ “W ` fourteen thousand dollars; in all, fourteen thousand dollars. For the purchase of land in the Vicinity of the naval trial course, Mggjgl tml ¤¤¤¤*¤· Monroe Island, Penobscot Ba , Maine, for the establishment of lper— ' manent si als to mark each end of the measured course, t ree thousand fgdilir hundred dollars. Total public works under Secretary’s office, one hundred and sixty- five thousand Six hundred dollars. Pursue worms UNDER BUREAU or NAVIGATION. ,,,};*}******1 0* N¤*’*8¤· NAVAL TRAINING STATION, Rrronn ISLAND, BUILDINGS: Repairs to mauodg Island mm- Barracks "C," to continue, two thousand dollars; repairs to Bar- gm"°°‘ racks "B," five thousand dollars; under ound conduit system, to continue, nine thousand three hundred dollars; in all, naval training station, Rhode Island, sixteen thousand three hundred dollars. h 11:1 alli Sullilic works, Bureau of Navigation, sixteen thousand three un re dollars. PUBLIC WORKS, BUREAU OF ORDNANCE. Bure¤.uofOrdna¤ce. NAVAL 1>RoVrNG GROUND, INDIAN HEAD, MARYLAND: One addi- m;¤gjggn§¤g*d_Pm'· tional emplacement for new Mark twelve—inch or fourteen—inch(guns, ` ten thousand dollars; in all, naval proving ground, Indian Hea , ten thousand dollars. Naval ma azine, Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania: Electric connection §gQaQ¤ju*`*;;m?:é to naVy—yar§, Philadelphia, PennsylVan1a,_with transformer, street `_ lamps, connections to buildindgs, and wiring quarters for electric » lights, eight thousand five hun red dollars. Naval magazine, Mare Island, California: Salt-water system for iire };,*:;f,,If];§,gg;,§1*;l· protection, eight thousand dollars; lightning rods for all buildings not gqurppelddwgf same, six hundred do lars; ID all, eight thousand six un re dollars. · For naval magazine, nav -yard, Puget Sound, Washington: One §§€,§’j §’§,‘?,;fX,“f°"‘· magazine building, seven thousand dollars; one filling house, one thousand one hundred dollars; one small arms ammunition house, seven thousand dollars; one latrine for workmen, five hundred dollars; fire-protection system, to include installation of sprinkling system 1D buildings already constructed and under construction, three thousand dollars; sewera e system for all inhabited buildings and for workmergs lgtrine, §iree thousand dollars; in all, twenty-one thousand six un ed dollars. Naval torpedo station, Newport Rhode Island: One general store- §.',§,.‘}`,*?e‘,§‘,,’·,,*§;,{;,,_ house for the stowage of materials for manufacturing purposes and