Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/776

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752 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 384. 1910. engineer and electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, seventy-nine thousand one hundred and eighty dollars; _ For foreman, shoemaker, harness maker, carpenter, blacksmith, tailor, and tinner, when necessary, four thousand eight hundred dollars· In all, for nitentiariy at Leavenworth, Kansas, two hundred and one thousamiliour hun red and eighty dollars. _ ` $§iiile°3‘u(i°¤-§·. Igolri support of the United States Penitentiary at Atlanta, Georgia, as o ows: ‘ suunemee. For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this head for the United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, thirty-five thousand dollars; _ _ _ _ crown;. For clothing and transportation, includingpthe same objects speci- _ . fied under this head for the United States emtentiary at Leaven- _ worth, Kansas, twenty thousand dollars; _ meeeiuueem. For miscellaneous expenditures, in the discretion of the Attorney- General, including the same objects specified under this head for the ‘ United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, twenty-four an I **¤11··a:.··* ·*°"r“; 1 1 .11., bh · r ts iiied .1 111. ¤¤¤¤* or os ita su ies, incu esameo gee spec un er ` . · head for the Unitgg States Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, two thousand dollars; ‘ · _ 1 . sean;. For salaries, includix§ Hay of officials and employlees, as follows: Warden, four thousand dollars; deputy warden, two thousand dollarschaplain, one thousand five hundred ollars; chaplain, one thousand two hundred dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollarsphysician, one thousand six hundred dollars; bookkeeper and record clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; stenographer nine hundred dollars; six clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; telephone operator, four hundred and eighty dollars; engineer and electrician, one thousand five hundred ol ars; assistant engineer and electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars; three captains of watch, at one thousand dollars each; steward and storekeeper, nine hundred dollars; superintendent of farm and transportation, nine hundred dollars; two teamsters, at six hundred dollars each; cook, and baker, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; uguards, at seventy dollars per month each, forty-three thousand dollars; in all, seventy-two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; For foreman, tailor, . blacksmith, shoemaker, laundryman, and cagenter, when necessary, four thousand dollars; all, for penitentiary at Atlanta, Geo `a one hundred and fifty- seven thousand two hundred and twent rcldllars. w§§?'°“ m“°“· For support of the United States genitentiary, McNeil Island, §:g:;:;¢:•c;r· Washm(§,·ton, as follows: For subsistence, including the same objects ` jspeeciiie under· this head for the United States Penitentiary at d Evenworth, Kansas, and for supplies for guards, ten thousand · dollars; °l°""“€• °“* For clothing and transportation, including the same objects ¥citied under this head for the United States Penitentiary at avenworth, Kansas, six thousand dollars; “’“°"“"·“”°’· For miscellaneous expenditures, including the same ob°eets specified under this head for the United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth Kansas, and for such otheikpuxposes as may be directly ordered and approved by the Attorney cneral, fifteen thousand dollars; H°°P“*‘~ or hospital supplies, including the same objects specified under this head for the United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, one thousand dollars; S‘"‘i“‘ For salaries, including (pay of officials and employees as follows; For warden, two thousand ol ars; deputy warden, one thousand two hundred dollars; physician, one thousand two hundred dollars; cook, seven hundred and twenty dollars; guards, at seventy dollars per