Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1613

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2954 INDEX. Huntington, Jennie M. (widow), P¤8¤· Hutchins, Romulus M. S., P¤80· pension increased 1759 pension increased . ... 1554 Huntington, N. K, Hutdrinson, Anna C'. (widow), · appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 635 pension .. . ... 1519 Huntington, W Va., Hutchinson, John G., appropriation for public building 1373 pension increased . ... 1797 acquiring site for public building at, au- Hutchinson, John H., — thorized ... 692 pension increased 1763 terms of court at. . .. 1129 Hutchison, Catherine T. (willow), Hunts Pomt, N. K, pension increased ... . 1604 ·. appropriation for light and fog-signal sta- Hutchison, George, ‘ e tion . . . 1431 pension increased ... . 1576 we , light and f signal station authorized at. . 535 Hutson, George, Huntsville, .4%., pension increased 1478 ., Htermsgi cgurt at- ..,,,..,.._ 1106 Hutton, James R., 1 5 untovi ex., pension increased ... . 71 appropriation for public building .. 1373 Hutzkr, Jonah, . acquiring site for public building at, an- pension increased 1988 thorized ... 692 Huagford, Luca}: W. (widow), Hind, Charles Eq pension increased 2'KD pension incrmeed .,. , .,,. 1624 Hyowwh Olumps, HW'- ¥"**¤"",_.,,",B,,,,·· ,,5, H§.§25’£Z;.oz1¤¤ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “"' p€Il8l0l1 IDC v , , •v . Hurlbut, Joel B., p·=¤¤¤<>¤ ¤¤¢r¢¤¤¢<i ------· - ···-·~--·--··--· 2007 Hpension increased 1710 Hwa, ,J<¤n¢·· 0-, u,-ky, Annie Eq . pension increased 1538 Hpension increased 1831 Hum. ,·T·¤·2¤ N e . nurlcyz (/1],,,],, pension increased . ... 1591 pension increased .. . . 1950 Hmm, Lon P-» 3,,,;,% pump _;_, pension increased 1471 _ pension increased . ... 2042 H?/d‘· B"’*.7“mm¤ Honey, Room, r·¤v¤¤·2¤¤ *0 ·-·----·—·----·---·------—-—-- 1800 pension increased ,... 2012 Hydraulw Umm': Huron, Ohio, d“tY (Zn ····· · ·········· · ··········-···· 17 appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 653 H?Id"“‘“lw HOW range ights authorized for harbor ..., , , , . ssc duty o¤._c<>¢t<;¤, Bax, etc -... 49 H'”°”’ S' Dah H%mmtAM’ 71 a p tion for public building 1374 , ·············----·· · · ····--·--· hlhiilgilgoez incregsed, public building. . . ova Hydrowphiq OM. Navy !>¢1·¤r¢mm¢, H-#·1>····~¢‘ S-» “"*"°*i.'{23.‘.§“ofe°’ °“"“"°”’ "“‘“°“‘°§d7 1209 Hg;·;·1g· gmgesd ----···-----------·---—- 2035 forinaterials e}eJJ.`.-“.ZiZI_.Z-1ZZZiiI 507;121o

 ____________________   2106 ;g;1};§;<;s3§>ai;_¤tc 1>re¤¤;fo1dmgm¤chm¢568 gig
 E- <0¤•*¤¤>» 1,5, ger expenses, mgoohlomg. . 508,1210

‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘*‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ or employees ranc office . 508, 1210 H'}:’?"· E”Q°" W· 1808 for North Pacific Pilot Chart 508,1210 Hgelfgnhfz ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ restriction, personal services, etc. . 508, 1210 " · . ° . ·· for printing and binding for . 768 1446 Hmning ‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1660 deficiency appropriation for contingent ex- ’ 'uT8f,_ NNI U/|»d0'U7, ns6s_____________________ _____ 809 H,§’;‘;“$,%‘,;;,;,,;, ········ · ···················· 1847 pim °§;'{,,°,*·°t1j°°°•{3*h=** age ¤·¤¤‘¤¤·>¤

  1. . . * - _ ca er ureau an 508

H&°ki“:;’“};P ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘’‘'‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2100 meteoroiloiical infomation for pilot charts pemiéu uwgd ________________________ 2068 fl? e ptzomptly sent by Weather 508 BMW: J°?"'° C·· d tail iumavlzil ```· `'I Hipjriznon mcrea;e¢i..:..1;}.) ,,.__,___ 1913 Hyefri H;0l5I¤:*md<>S ¢¢1‘¤ to, muted to two, . 503 _, · » tit e o ni tates to lot in Pensacola, pension ------·-----·------ — -·-»·-····-·-- 1729 Fla., released to heirs em. or 1702 Hussey,OliuerVK, Hgiu dDemogr'h Itenw, " pension increased . mi ” §Q,, 0,,, “" ”· " ‘“”"" °'"‘ HMM, [841419, 1595 appropriation for expenses, etc . 1.. . 341, 1034 _ H§:;¤0$%!;wm?!'“’°dH -··-·-------——···-·-···- mvntaizgz 3: States to participate in Fif- 3 _ ·• I1 --.- . ... 87 Hw;;i¤¤i;¤¤;$¤;¤<§- ·; —-·· ) ·----·-»·--·---·· I 005 Hm pe held in Umeegstgtee in 1911 or 1912. sv-1 .’ . ° ’ ygzcntc 1 · -1 Hggxw mem?-e,--·3 -··—-----·····---- 1705 ¤ppmpri¤¤;i<>¤¤r<z:mei¤1e¤o¤¤·`?;£il .. 716,1394 _, » or , e . reV t .. 717

 -~--- iz ----··---·-·--- · ···---·- M75 Hynes,  0., ’ s

°"‘“ ·• 011 198866 ··-··-·---·-··· - --·--·-- pensiouincreased ... . 1846 1978 Hutchins, Frank W., _ pension increased . . .. NS payment to,asadmin:istmto!ofEdgnr‘ Hy·nson,N.T., _ _ Emerson .. . 2023 dehcmency appropriation for . . - 1319 ,