Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1651

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2992 INDEX. Lands in Severalty to Indians-Continued. P¤s’¤· Lane, Qlelagillc J, P¤z€· disposal of allotments on irriggxble lands, pcuswn incr%Sed ..·.-.·-.--. 1924 Blackfeet Reservation, out ... 297 Lane, Morgan M., exchange of allotments on reservoir and pensmn increased . ... 1616 power sites ,.,,,,,__,, . .,...,.. 297 Laney, _Joagph C'., I , condemnation proceedings. . , ...,..,., 297 peusmn mcrcased ... . 1513 general allotment rovisious nota plicable Lang, Johq, tg Five zed Tribes or gage In- pausmn mcrcused . . , . 1651 diana in Oklahoma .. . ... ; . . 862 Langfitz, Dieuterumt-Colonel William C'., gmnts to companies for reservoirs, deficiency appropriation for credit in acctc,, on otments held by Indians; counts ..,,. . ..,.., 1295 pzlyiment to allotteos .. . 349 Lemgforrd, John C., Indian ottces dying without heirs to be pension increased 1483 rezporwd to Congress for csmcellation 858 Langley, George, 1896 0 wut ... emaion increased . . .. inducingpiindians to convey, etc., trust La};»gley, ‘James H., · allotments, unlawful ... . . . - 857 pension increased ... . 1964 punishment for 857 Langley, Moses, egal leases not affected .. - . . 857 pension increased . . .. 1901 leases of trust allotments for five years, Langwn, Michael, permitted . 856 pension increased .. . , 1707 payment of proceeds . 857 L’Ang·wille River Ark., pumsbment. for tuuber deprodatious on 857 appropriation for improvement of . . 945 not extinguishing fires on ... 857 Lemgworthy, George C. W, sales of allotments; payment, ctc .,.,, _ ,.,,, 856 pension increased .,,. 1683 · disposition of proceeds . 856 Langworthy, Harvey A., sales of timber on unallggted lands in reser- 857 pension . . 1656 vaticus, pcrmitt . . Langwarthy, amy ., disposition oiiprogeedst .. 857 pension increased . . . .‘ 1781 Mumesotaan Wmconsm excepted _ 857 Lanham, Benyamm M., on trust allotments, permitted ... 857 pension increased . . . . 1776 dgfosition of proceeds ... 857 Lanier, Janus W, trust otments in irrigation projects to be pension increased .. . . 2094 canceled -----------------------·--- 859 Lanier Pm NW 11. 0., reimbursement for lands -······-·-····-· 859 condemning laxid for extending ... 978 lieu ¤·u°“¤°¤’*° *0 be m¤d° ······~--·—·-- 859 appropriation for expenses, ctc .. 979 in national forests to Indians living there. 862 Lanhtm, _]am,_, M_

 W8Bb.   pension inc1·€as6d:_______________________  

trust patents tc Indians in Camp Mohave Lanning Amgg W_, » ¤b¤¤<1¤¤¤d reservation. confirmed- -- 858 pensioh increased 1722 to Louisa Phclix and Mary Lorena Rolfe, Lanpha Geoyge M_ canceled . . . 833 P,-msién increased: ______ _ ________________ 1523 to two_ Pahute Indians dying without www George Hq _ h¤¤i%t§?1¢¤1¤d· ~ -1 858 pension increased  : ..,,,,,,, , _ 1947 ton 8 858 Lanmng, Martha (www), stations req¤m·ed‘ at wwn sims in mlm . Lap,f;?,2;,°“j,’§§{°“°° ‘‘‘'‘'‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2087

    • 8***** of my **¤°¤gh *“°¤¤€¤¤¤ --·· 859 ap robriatiog for public buuding 1375

‘m*"‘Pi”d u'“°t “u°tm°““’ °f Indians engagement of public building ai. dying i11t€Bt8f,B. . . . 855 ized ’ 679 patents in fee to competent heirs .,, 855 La . W1; ```` `’'```````'`'``’'’’ sales, if incom tent ... . ...,,..,,,, 856 "”"9* . " mm ·» ition if agargantageous m heirs 856 P°m”°“ ‘“°"°“‘“°d ······ · ·········~·····-- 1667 wiggnof adm Indians disposing of L•¤P'**”P· ·Z°"" E—· auotmcms, mowed _____________ _ _ _ _ 856 pelgsxcnfncuzased ... . 1756 approval by Commissioner and Secretary 856 Lagengén ggegsed 1585 Landsiuel, Adam, L¤P°"¢» Ivdu f bu . . pension increased ...,,,...,,_ 1526 L:vv{<>r>g¤t·¤;; 0* vu C bmlding ---··~~--- 1375 Lmdyum, 1;. 11., · P"' §» ‘?“¥;8;md deicieucy appropriation for services ., 803 Lapelgsoucgggm ‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘········ · · 2055

 M fm »--,-- ’ -»~--·-»- - »··.—-»»»·---»».»» 47

L“'”‘• David Rv Lagganxgeeg bfwg/;§’0n Fort D A Russell military record corrected . 2123 reservation ` mm former act repealed. .,,_...,,,, 2123 Larck E N Y `'`````'°`` ° ° ' Lane, Eli, mu . · ‘ 8 ·¤ . t. { hub pension increased __________ _ _____________ 1612 P XBUBB8 i0¤ 0 01’ to be 674 Lame, John WZ, Illinois Volunteers, Lard ``'`'``'`` ‘``°'’ ° '°'‘‘' pension increased. ... 1470 duh, Oli _____ _ _______ _ _ 38 Lane, W'., New York Arnllcry, Lqygqg, TRW P°¤¤*°¤_m°’°“’°d ··~·~··· · ·--···--·····-· 1953 bndge authorized across Rio Grande, be- BGM. Julfgus tween Nuevo Laredo, Mex., and 188 pexmou mcresnod ... . 1587 terms of court gt _,,,_,,,____ _ ______ _ ______ 1127