Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1752

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INDEX. 3093 Pmi<»w—C¤¤ri¤¤ed- mmm.?-continued. incrcased——continued. Page. incl-6aS€d__c0Dtinu8d_ page G"°""¤ J°b¤ T -···-··—-· · ·····--··-·--- 2033 Gunning, Thomas ,,..., 1924 Green Oscar N ---·- 1640 Gu¤m,‘Nmm ,,__,,__,,_________ 1825 G*’°""» Th°m” ··-----·---·-· · ---·---·-- 1583 Gurnee, John R ..,, 1961 Gregg: John ··—---------·----- - -------.. 1897 Gumett, Thomas ..,,,._,,,__,________ _ _ 1490 Gregvry. Albert L . 1777 Gumy, Nahum A ,,,__________________ 1902 Gr¤z<2ry»0h¤r1·>¤ H · 1895 Gun ,P»mck ..,.___,__,, 1490 ·G*°‘h¤8· $99*36 W ·------·—·-----·----- 1852 Gumllus, Henry E .. 1935 Gr¤¤¤&» W¤11¤»~¤¤ H -- 1963 Guthrie, George E . ...,,... 1554 Grs»¤1¤¢h, Joseph --- 1706 Guthrie, oum s . ...,_,_,. 1856 Gqdleyy Albert T- -_ = 1830 Guy, William .____,_ 1636 Gqcgo, J uau Fyancnsco . 1962 Gwinn, Abner __________________________ 1680 Gfiaufeld, MGM ---·----·---· · -. 2047 G u, Lycurgus B _.,.______,, 2042 Grief, James S ---. . . 1676 Gylyes, Wluialll G __,,_ _ ________________ 1690 Grgfiim Denms ----. 1926 Ham, John T; ...,_..,.,.,._,___,,, 1320 Grefiim James F ·-. 1693 Hackett, Levi S . . ..,,,__,,, 1936 G\'§m¤» J0l1¤ --··--··--·---·-··..- . 1986 Hackett, Pierce ... · ,..,,,,,,,.. 1892 Grgllin, Thomas, Colqred Vols. . 2106 Hacklgman, Jacob ______ _ ______________ 1952 Grgflill, Thomas, Indxam. Vols ... 1970 Hackman, Gustav ______________________ 1354 Grgiiill, Thomas, West Vinginia Vols . 1912 Hackney, Joseph- ,,________,_____ · _____ 1 897 Gqmny W1lH10t ··-... . . 1665 Hadden, James H ..,,..,,,,,,, 1720 Grgiliilg, Charles C .. 2042 Haddock, Franklin ..._,_,,...______,,, 1778 Grgfiith, Charles S ...,. 2096 Hadley, Joseph H _,_,__,_____________,_ 1510 Grgmth. Isaac .. 2038 Hadley, Peter .. . .. 2117 Gqffith, James W ... 1986 Hadley, wauis c .._,...,,,_,,,, 2091 Gqmlh, N. Raymond .. . . . . 1596 Hagan, Crisley G .,, , ,...,____,_,,, 1560 Grgfiith, William V ..,. 1896 Hagan, Edward L _,_______,,__________ 1704 G!'}ml·hS, Henry . . .. 1664 Hagen, Charles ...,..,,,,,.,,..,_____,,_ 1783 Grgggs, Lorenzo D .. 1898 · Hagen, John C .,,,,,__,,__,,,,,____, , _ 2117 GQHIBS, Frank J ... 1777 · Hager, Wesley R ,.,.,._,,,,_,_,__,, 1534 Gnmmctt, Henry H 2049 Hagerty, John A ,...,,.., , ___,, , 1849 GriI1dBtsH, Samuel . . . , . . 1891 Haggerty, Hugh ,...,, _ __._. 2011 Griller, Wllliam H . 2120 Hagerty, James f ...,,...,.,.,__,,. 2017 Grimvcud, Christopher T ... 1476 Haggerty, Nelson .,,,_,_,.. 1637 Grissom, Levi . 1828 Hague, James B . . .. 1539 Gnsson, John W- ... . .. 1567 Hahn, Abram E , . , . 1728 Griswold, Geowe A . 1499 Hahn, Charles H ,,,... 1913 Gnswold, Marcia R 1639 Halmcke, Peter ...,.,,,,.. 1525 Gritzmacher, Frederick 1798 Hail, Austin W .,,_, 2044 Groca, Ferdinand H 1514 Haines, James B .. . . 1681 Grodzki, Kaw ... . .. 1831 Haines, John S . 1991 Groft, Daniel .. . 1779 Haines, Samuel ... . 2113 Grogan Jordan . 1841 Haines, William ... 1538 Grosc, V ... 1469 Hainscy Frederick . 1821 Gross, Gilbert . . 1749 Hair, John H .. 1677 Gross, Martin .. 2054 Hakes, In . 1991 Gross, Oskar ,... 1504 Haladzgk Georw E 1915 Grosvenor, Jennie F ... . 1986 Hale, atlas .. . 16l4 Grout, Alonzo C 1640 Hale, Henry .. 1500 Grove, Frank P ... . 2057 Hale, Henry W . . .. l77l Grove, James A ..,.,,,,.., . 1978 Hale, James F . 2038 Grove, Jose h .. 2032 Hales, Amos. . . 1835 Grovcnbuxgln, Allrhens . 1780 Haley, James, Missouri Vols 1741 Gro\l;<;)s,I:a11ie% ... galley, galmesé New York Vols .. 1571 Gm , wis ... ey, 0 u .. 74 Gruesbcck, Peter V . 1726 Hall, Aaron J ...r.. 2048 Grumlcy, wimm R ,,.. 2015 Hall, Albert L . . 1971 Gnmdkc, John 1932 Hall, Allen . 1587 Guard, sophie M ,____,_,... 1758 Hall, Alonpo P . ... 1683 Guvkenbemger, Sebastian ... 1469 Hall, Oalwqm N . 1782 Guerin, Stephen D 2088 Hall, Davxd ·.. 1945 Guest, Willmm. ..,..,,..,,. 1942 Hall, Edward F . . . . 1932 Guffey, Benjamin . 2042 Hall, Harlow M .. . . 1600 Guffy, Jogep ...,,.. . ., 1680 Hall, Henry T . .- ... 1940 Guild, Preston M .. 1777 Hall, James -..-----...-- 1840 Guistwit, John H . . 1633 Hall, James H ... . . 2032 Gulick, Edmund B ...,. 1842 Hall, James Ransom 1962 Gulick, Morgan ..., 1587 Hall, John B. . 2117 Gullgy JOh¤_ ______ ______ , ,,., . . .. . Hall, John W--.. .. . ... Gum, éhaylgs B, ..,,.,. 1732 Hall, Joseph ... 1603 Gundgyman, Henry __,,,.. .-- ..- . . . - 1589 Hall, M ·.. . ... . 1504 Gunkle, Benjamin F . .. 1897 Hall, Mama I .. _ 1 660 Gunn, Julian H .,.,,,. . .,. 1968 Hall, Newton H .. . . 1514 Gunnelg, James W ,,.,_ . ...,,.. 1564 Hall, Solomon . . 1468