Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1806

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INDEX. 3 Pickles, Page. Pillow Shams, Page. $1111Y 01} --·--—-···—··-----··—-·---—··- - - · - 36 duty on, cotton, etc., made on Nottingham P1;`;'%1_·gg1ggt 71 PHS lace or warp machines .. 50 ··--···-···.·.».. ...,.. 'L Pictures (see also Works of Art), dulzy on medicinal, etc., drugs in .. 16 duty on, lithographically printed .. 62 Pilot Chart, Naiy, Piktures, etc., Obscene or Immoral, appropriation for preparing .. . . 508, 1210 importation prohibited; seizure, etc ... 86 to O! NOT? Pg0111<1» 1110111111Yéé ---- - :1238, 1210 Palme, Pinto apnic atato t at ata ia h by y on free inn, gr nnniionnny exhibition, nm., staobto Oftioo and Weather Boroaa- 508 not fomale; conditions __ _ _ _ 81 meteomggiggy §1¤1fg§§¤‘;g<;¤;H§,>{f to psig P' J , mgm ?;ir§io:?§dreuzgi .,,,,_,,,_,,_,__,_ _ ____ 1593 Pilot C§lg1°° by W°“11‘°1` 'B‘11°"·“ ······· · · · 508 Pwfcc, _Chqrles W, appropriskion for compiling . . . . 756, 1433 pension increased ___,,____,__._,__,,. 1753 Pima County Ariz Pierce, Cyrus E., ’ " · · P8HBi0nincr€aSBd·-·__·_-IN-N-untnn 2074 lands granted to Arizona to pay bonds nm, sim M., 14,,,,,, I,,,§,‘2'§,‘$,,°‘1 ,13,; ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘·‘‘‘· 573 ‘ 7 '$ P_L1;T‘;1;B1%l,11;f;1}:(;11€““°d ······· · ···········—--·· 1660 approp§1?tionRfor irrigation system, Gila >. . » 'ver eservation .,.,,. 272 P1l;;1;‘?1(?;1;0;1;gr°“°d ········· · ··········-··· 1951 P_ reyxyment of all moneys for ... · .. 272 1 pension increased .. ... 1493 tgnfnmé list mgmmd _________ _ 79 P“”`“·.G"‘{"g" Wt Pimento Wooll, l P£;’c1;S1$1(;7;'1;§1€“°d --·-·--·---------··~···· 2030 on free list, in the rough, cut for umbrellas, pension inereased 1568 pimk,. 10;::,%; `````````````````` 81 P’”“v T-: pension .. l ... 1 766 Pooaoa moroaaod ------· - —-----~-------·- 1564 pine Bing, Ant., P ";’;l';gi'§;11;}w 1837 appropRri:tion for improvement of Arkansas -···--- · -·-···-·--·--·-· 'ver at ., 651 Pwoe 121211271 No 196 bridge authorizedacrose Arkansas River at- 601 PP°”°1‘;”,,1l;°’°°2°d. H —···--· - ·—-··---··-·-··· 7 pint range Indian Romniton, sj. Dar., acceptance of statue of, from West Vir- uDa“°t§g’ °tc" ‘g“‘1°,,{’}‘;, m · Bpmett 440 sioia for Statuary Han --·-··------ 2132 timber`l;11l§k¢1;ce;t;•d ’ °°°°'°°°"` " 440 , vto§oog;s¤» ordotod v¤r1to<1 ----—---··- 2123 miinqrnnnninr ot sninnnénlnlllllj jj 440 e . . ti . , t . . 440 nppiopriatioir for Indian school. ._ .. 283, 1071 $:;;:1; 1,?;n:ollgi:§groi·;rd:im0tion§_? ______ 440 do oionoy appropriation for 1¤<1¤ao School _ opening to entry by proclamation . .. 441 at ... - .---··--—- 2234 226» 811 allotments to be completed before 441 P§€1'¤1¤ tg g --·-·---—------ . ·----····- 1124 town sites to be surveyed, etc., sale of iersori, _ es . lots .. 441 pension increased ... . 2052 payments; use of proceeds ... . .. 441 Pigmgmts, artists, 16 nppmisnl and sol? o léomesteads ... 441 u y on _ . classification o lan s 441 _ not specially provided for .. 15 timbm. ],,“d,, nwrvcd for ]m];,m,_ ______ 442 Pigs, _ , method of payment und entry . . 442 UW 011, H011 ·-----·-·---~·-~--···-· · ---· 21 mnpprnisal oi nn<\l:4pos¢·<l of lxunln ... 442 lead . .. 30 deposit of pmmenls to credit of lndimw. . 412 nickel . . ·..--~ motions 1693nd 36 Izennott Uounty zinc ... . ... nt. to Sont a out . 44*3, 1072 on free list, copper, unmanufaCi\11‘€<l, 110t lieu gllslnd selections extended to tho _ specially provided for ... gg whole retservatiorp; nastrécticiinsl . 1073 tm . ..· appropriation or pure asc n so oo asc- Pike National Forest, Colo., tions -.·--- _ -, ..·-~..--·- _. . . 443 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1250 for expenses of appraisrng, etc.; reimpmqlnmntion diminishing . . . - . 2733 bursement 443 Pike, Polydore R., i1l10§1f3¥lt$ QfQl1ibil€<1 —··~----·-----·--·--. H3 pgngign increased ______,_ , .,,.. . . 1977 hablhtx tftgillltléd SQBIQS dBHD9d . . Pike Rapakls Power Company, _ _ treaty ng 11111111 ·············-···· time extended to dam Mississipm River, Pine, Tfilligm S., _ Morrison County, Mum., y- ... 1359 pension increased . . . , 16o7 Pile Fabrics, Pmeapplcs, dugy on, cotton, etc .. duty on...&.:. .é ... gg ax, t . . .. preserve IH e o 1 c ... . silk, $14; specially provided for .. 57 P-niggaz-, John ,4,, 0 Pilgrim, Caroline S. (willow), _ 1191111011 111c“1`”€11 ····· 1; ·················· 1S··6 pension increased ...·.~.- 2042 Piney Bruno? Pa;kw¤yé'1L'3 gi C, G t 9S3 pgp; B , T ,_, appro na ion or car mv men

re 3/felirlamizrlation of, to be made. .. 675 placed npder Rock €‘rook1’nrk board of 983

.' COI] Y0 .,. .. .. .. .. Pldluzglgsj ________________ _ _________________ 18 deiiciency appropriation for expenses .,... 784