Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/352

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1796 . SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 296. 1910. nsion at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that ‘ EE is now receiving. _ _ Honey smug. The name of Rorsey Strong, late of Com any D, Eighth Regiment . . P . Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and ay him a ension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that Ilxe is now receiving.

  • m*B······=*··¤~ e.'f.§..'i$ ‘§.fY§f§i’2i§ %""g".fg.m2.i‘z’O‘{'.%‘3,°s‘¥.?§.l:ZZ3 ?§§§I‘.;“;.}§*$.§§

Pension i c heivha pensioii it ghe rat; of give dolla;·s(p:r montlk F ’ f h ’“,‘ enameo ames . , to m , ort—ourt Jmuhimk Regiment New York Volunteer Inilagtry, and Iphnyhim a peiision at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. $***1* 1’· '*`Y'°'· . The name of Sarah P. Tyrer, widow of Theodore Tryer, late first lieutenant Company G and major Sixty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pa? her a pension atethe rate of twenty-five dollars per month lieu o that she is now receiving. ‘““*“'*H·°°"“°“· The name of William H. Cornell, late of Company A, Third Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate ML - of tlY1enty-four;l%%_ars pergroptli in liiuéif that he is now enameo °° a.r,ateo oman I,N° t th `— §entIV(i}sc§Bnsin Iflolunteer Inftagntry, agid sec}:>n<lrlieute11;(ii§(Z}Ii1m an , vent Regim` ent nited tates Colored Volunte

 alngf pgythlimiéznpensiggieiat the rate of thirty dollars pddmoiix

e e ow r vmg.

  • ’°¤¤*°¤¤,,, - . The name of Angeline L. Swaim f rmer 'd w of Sam l M.

Lswm Smith, late of Comggny G, One hundred and firfltygsecond Regieinent Illinois Volunteer antxy, and pay her a pension at therate-of twelve dollars per month. "“¤°• H·”*P'°°- Eglhe name do RJaines Hizmdpton, `late first lgleptenant Compan_§D, ty-secon egiment n ana 0 unteer t d ' a pension at the rate of fifteen dollars per month,8tllui5san··ii> tgz; palid to him under the rules of the Pension Bureau as to mode and times of payment without any deduction or rebate on account of former all%]ed overpayments or erroneous payments of pension. gggygggzgi R _ e mime ig ghomas Orljfngexék lgteix of Compalriy B, Forty-fifth egimen , an ompan t — theg1m` t, t k l - teer Infantry, and payyhim a gension at thenratee<iill(iv¢;1ty?fh11]ir J W1 dolfirs per moptlh in lie§ 0% that he is now receiving. •¤¤N·V·¤ *· enameo ames . an ltlt fC D - oglid Regixgiapt Io:ivalVoluntee1P‘lniadt¤(iv? andlxplifyuliiml argmiildoait t erateo irty dollarspermonthinlieuofth th ' _ 0¤<=¤rA»~¤¤>¤><>k· The name of Oscar A. Ashbrook, late of Conil arilylslflgvrldl and twentgsixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Inflintry, and Company I, Elevent Regiment Veteran Reserve C0 , and pa him a pension at the_rate of twenty-four dollars per monlthsin lieu ollthat he is now Pension receiving. as afcns . The name of M a E. Cha m , 'd f Willi H, yn pmu late acting third ligutenant, lllniilgd Slat; 1?evenue&<ilittergh14?ll_,I];ii1;’ Pe _ in mm and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. ’ Beg,%‘B‘;{,’§¤FfSu,m,;_ Rélgi:1 nlzmvqé ot xllienlaminr Séuttolnlk late of Companiy A, Seventh e es irgima ouneer ant , d ‘ · ggcgggmigte of thirty dollars per month ligu §Fytha]inh8eIi;H;ii)v1; '“'“*”¤ H- 1********- The name of William H. N b`tt, 1 t f O · ninth Rcilgiment §entucky Voliiiitder Inlaiitiy, dizlillpgailgrr hginiahugg: Emu-Toney isp'? ggcgigigagte c twenty-four dollars per mouth in lieu of that lie is ‘ he name, of Sarah A. Toney, widow of Walter S To 1 Company A, First Regxm` nt T V 1 ° lm ’ “° °f and pay her a pension at ihe rgtlisndilstyrenllyud<till9d·rsM;l)eli·n1'ii§d1nlr}]if?`nliIe;Y, of that she is now receiving. m u