Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/682

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. TARIFF BILL. umn 22,1m. H. Con. Res., No. 5. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate eonaurrin ), Hat [ . 1 there be printed for the use of the two Houses thirty tgousand giiréibiigliimem 0:, copies of House bill numbered 1438, entitled "A bill to provide ‘“‘d ‘°P°"· revenue, equalize duties and encourage the industries of the United States, and for other purposes? with an index thereto, and the same . number of the report thereon, twenty-five thousand copies of said report to be accompanied with the views of the minority, all in document form, nine thousand copies for the use of the Senate and twenty- 1>i¤¤i¤¤¢i<>¤- one thousand copies for the use of the House. = Passed March 22, 1909. L’ENFANT CEREMONIES. Kmh 26. 1909- ‘ [s. Con. aes., No. 2. Resolved by the Senate (the [Hulse of Re esentatives concurring), T hat R d 1 the Commissioners of the District of Coiiilmbia are hereby granted the o.“»iii.f.” ° °f °h° use of the Rotunda of the Capitol on the occasion of the removal of nn,n§n’0n§,; L'fn'{{;‘(;{ the remains of Major Pierre Charles L’Enfant from the present rest- i=<=¤- ` ing place--the Digges Farm, in Prince George’s Count , Marylandto Arlington National Cemetery, where the remains wiliybe reinterrcd; such use of the Rotunda to be for a part of one day, and to be on such day, and under such supervision as nag be approved by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the ouse o Representatives. Passed March 26, 1909. moons mx. · _.¥‘Z’f.’2 [S. Con. Res., No. 6.] Resolved by the Senate (the Zlouse of Representatives concurring), T hat Amendment to the the President of the United States be requested to transmit forthwith ¤<gj;g;$¤n mm to the executives of the several States of the United States copies of to rismnituio me the article of amendment proposed by Congress to the State egisla- §,'$§’g n§§‘;f;Q,°,§,‘f,·nf;f tures to amend the Constitution of the United States, passed July nm p_ ,85 twelfth, nineteen hundred and nine, respecting the power of Congress ` to lay and collect taxes on incomes, to the end that the said States may proceed to act upon the said article of amendment; and that he request the executive of each State that ma ratify said amendment to transmit to the Secretary of State a certzifiedy copy of such ratification. Passed July 27, 1909. 88741°-von se, m 2-11-44 2129