Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/697

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2146 AGREEMZENT—GREAT BRITAIN. JANUARY 27, 1909. ` allow the demand for a revision, it shall afford such opportunity for further hearings and arguments as it shall deem necessary. Anrronn XI. <><>¤¤r¤¤·¤¤¤ The present Agreement shall be deemed to be binding only when confrmed by the two Governments by an exchange of notes. S1z¤¤¤¤¢¤· In witness whereof this Agreement has been signed and sealed by the Secretary of State of the United States, Elihu Boot, on behalf of the United States, and Ibly His Britanmc Majesty s Ambassador at Washington, The Right onorable James Bryce, O. M., on behalf of Great Britain. Done at Washington on the 27th day of January, one thousand _ nine hundred and rune. Eurm Roorr [snAL.] JAMES Baron [SEAL.] ~ Dm·An·rnsN·r or S·r·A·rs, Washington, January 27, 1909. mgruigigtzgdgilggg Excsrnmor: In order to place officially on record ltjhel undirstandingedaht£i•;=dy .. ed t b reparm' spec1a' agreement w 'c we ave si ay mgliinliltialduisfiftliis. idrlltlrhe silbmirmildnlzf relgting to fisheries on the North Atlantic ggast under the general Treaty of Arbitration concluded between the United States and Great Britain on the fourth day of April, 1908, I have the honor to declare on behalf of the Government of the United States that Question 5 of the series submitted, namely, "From where must be measured the ‘three marine miles of any of the coasts, bays, creeks, or harbors' referred to in the said Article " is submitted in its present form with the agreed understanding that no question as to the Bay of Fundy, considered as a whole apart from its bays or creeks, criss to innocent passage through the Gut of Canso is inc uded in this question as one to be in the present Arbitration; it being the intention of the parties that their respective views or contentions on either subject shall be in no wise prejudiced by anythingin the present Arbitration. I have the honor to be, with the highest respect, our Excellency’s most obedient I Be ~ Euno Roor His Excellency The Ri ht Honorable gums Barca, 0. M., Ambassador of Great Britain. Barrrsu Errsassr, Washington, January 27, 1909. By G¤¤¢B¤¤•i¤· Sm, I have the honour to acknowledge your note of to·day’s date and in reply have to declare on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, in order to place officially. on record the understanding already arrived at by us in preparing the special Agree~ ment which we have signed to-day for the submission of questions relating to Esheries on the North Atlantic Coast under the general Treaty of Arbitration concluded between Great Britain and the United States on the 4th day of April, 1908, that Question 5 of the series submitted, namely, "From where must be measured the ‘three marine miles of my of the coasts, bays, creeks or harbours’ referred to in the said Article" is submit in its present form with the agreed understanding that no question as to the Bay of Fundy, considered as a whole a t from its bays and creeks, · or as to innocent passage through the Gut of Canso is inclllliled in this question as one to be raised in the present arbitration; it the intention of the parties that their respective views or contentions on either subyect shall be in no wise prejudiced by anvthing in the present arbitration. h I iisvesthe honour to be, With the highest consideration, Sir, your most obedient, um e ervant, J B The Honourable Etmu Roor, AMES RYCE etc., etc., etc., Secretary of State.