Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/751

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2200 CONVENTION-JNTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION. Oor. 18, 1907. GOUVERNEUR PROVISOIRE of Spain; the President of the DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE French Refpublic; _His Majesty CUBA; SA MAJESTE LE ROI the King 0 the United Kmgdom DE DANEMARK; LE PRESI- of Great Britam and Ireland and DENT DE LA REPUBLI%UE of the British Domimons beyond DOMINICAINE; LE PR SI- the Seas, Engggror of India; His DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE Majesty the fgof the Hellenes· DE L,E$IATEUR; SA MA- the President 0 the Republic oi JESTE ROI D’ESPAGNE; Guatemala; the President of the 4 LE PRESIDENT DE LA RE- Republic of Haiti; His Majesty PUBLI¥UE FRAN?AISE; SA the King of Italy; His Majesty MAJES E LE RO DU RO- the Emperor of Japan ;His Royal YAU`ME—UNI DE GRANDE Highness the Grand Duke of BRETAGNE ET D’IRLANDE Luxemburg, Duke of Nassau; the ET DES TERRITOIRES BRI- President of the United States of TAN N IQEUES AU DELA DES Mexico; His Royal Highness the MERS, MPEREUR ‘DES IN- Prince of Montenegro; His Maj- DES; SA MAJESTE LE ROI esty the King of Norway; the DES HELLENES; LE PRE- President of the Republic of SIDENT DELAREPUBLIQUE Panama; the President of the DE GUATEMALA; LE PRE- Republic of Paraguay; Her Maj- SIDENT DELAREPUBLIQUE esty the Queen of the Nether- D’HAITI; SA MAJESTE LE lands; the President of the Re- ROI D’ITALIE; SA MAJESTE Epblic of Peru· His Imperial L’EMPEREUR DU JAPON; ajesty the Shah of Persia; His SON ALTESSE ROYALE LE Majesty the King of Portu§al' GRAND-DUC DE LUXEM- an 0 the Algarves, &c.; is BOURG DUC DE NASSAU; Majesty the Kin of Roumania; LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS- His Majesty the Eilmperor of All UNIS MEXICAINS; SON AL- the Russias; the President of the TESSE ROYALE LE PRINCE Republic of Salvador; His Maj- DE MONTENEGRO; SA MA- esty the King of Servia; His JESTE LE ROI DE NORVEGE; Majesty the King of Siam; His LE PRESIDENT DE LA RE- Majesty the King of Sweden; the. PUBLIQUE DE PANAMA· LE Swiss ederal Council; His Maj- PRESIDENT DE LA REPU- esty the Emperor of the Otto- BLI%UE DU PARAGUAY; SA mans; the President of the Ori- MAJ STE LA REINE DES ental Republic of Uru ay; the PAYS-BAS; LE PRESIDENT President of the Unitedggtates of . DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU PE- Venezuela: ROU; SA MAJESTE IMPE- RIALE LE SCHAH DE PERSE; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE POR- TUGAL ET DES ALGARVES, ETC.; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE ROUMANIE; SA MAJESTE L’EMPEREUR DE TOUTES LES RUSSIES; LE PRESI- DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU SALVADOR; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SERBIE; SA MA- JESTE LE ROI DE SIAM; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SUEDE; LE CONSEIL FEDERAL SUISSE; SA MAJESTE L’EM- PEREUR DES O’1‘TOMANS; LE PRESIDENT DE LA RE- PUBLIQUE ORIENTALE DE L’URUGUAY; LE PRESI- DENT DES ETATsUN1s DE VENEZUELA: