Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/862

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CONVENTION—NEUTRALS IN WVAR ON LAND. Oc·r. 18, 1907. 2311 PRINCE DE BULGARIE· LE ernor of the Republic of Cuba; PRESIDENT DE LA REPU- His Ma`est§’ the King of Den- BLI§UE DE CHILI; LE PRE- marlr; tlme resident of the Do- SID NT DELAREPUBLL%;UE mimcan Republic; the President DE COLOMBIE; LE GOU R- of the Republic of Ecuador; His NEUR PROVISOIRE DE LA Majesty tlie King of Spain; the REPUBLIQJUE DE CUBA; SA. President of the ¤French Re ub- MAJESTE E ROI DE DANE- lic;_ His Majesty the King oip the MARK; LE PRESIDENT DE United Kingdom of Great Brit- LA REPUBLIQUE DOMINI- ain and Ireland and of the British CAINE;LE PRESIDENT DELA Dominions beyond the Seas, Em- REPUBLIQUE DE UEQEA- Ealror of India; His Ma'estv the TEUR; SA MAJESTE LE OI °ng of the Hellenes; the Presi- D’ESPAGNE ; LE PRESI- dent of the Republic of Guatemala · DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE the President of the Republic oi FRANSAISE; SA MAJE. TE Haiti; His Majesty the King of LE R I DU ROYAUME-UNI Ital}; His Majesty the Em eror DE GRANDE BRETAGNE ET of apan; His Rofyal Higiiness D’IRLANDE ET DES TERRI- the Grand Duke 0 Luxemburg, TOIRES BRITANNIQUES AU Duke of Nassau; the President DELA DES MERS,EMPEREUR of the United States of·Me1;ico· DES INDES; SA MAJESTE LE His Royal Highness the Prince oi ROI DES HELLENES; LE Montenegro; His Majesty the PRESIDENT DE LA REPU- of Norway; the President BLIF%UE DE GUATEMALA; LE of the Republic of Panama; the PR IDENT DE LA REPU- President of the Republic of BLIQEUE D’HAITI; SA MAJES- Paraguay; Her Majest the TEL ROI D’ITALIE; SA MA- Queen of the Nether ands; the JESTE L’EMPEREUR DU JA- President of the Republic of PON; SON ALTESSE ROYALE Peru; His Imperial Majesty the LE GRAND—DUC DE LUXEM- Shah of Persia; His Ma`est the BOURG, DUC DE NASSAU; King of Portu al and oz the LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS- Algarves, &c.; His Majesty the UNIS MEXICAINS; SON AL- Kin%:of Roumania; His Majesty TESSE ROYALE LE PRINCE the mperor of All the Russias; DE MONTENEGRO; SA MA- the President of the Republic JESTE LE ROI DE NOR- of Salvador; His Majesty the VEGE; LE PRESIDENT DELA King of Servia; His Majesty the REPUBLIQUE DE PANAMA; King of Siam; His Majesty the LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPU- King of Sweden; the Swiss Fed- BLIQUE DU PARAGUAY; SA eral Council; His Majesty the MAJESTE LA REINE DES Emperor of the Ottomans; the PAYS-BAS; LE PRESIDENT President of the Oriental Republic I)E LA REPUBLIQUE DU PE- of Uruguay; the President of the ROU; SA MAJES E IMPERI- United States of Venezuela: ALE LE SCHAH DE PERSE; SA M AJ ESTE LE ROI DE POR- TUGAL ET DES ALGARVES ETC.; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE ROUMANIE ; SA MAJESTE L’EMPEREUR DE TOUTES LES RUSSIES; LE PRESI- DENT DE LA REPUBLI%UE DU SALVADOR; SA MAJE TE LE ROI DE SERBIE; SA MA- JESTE LE ROI DE SIAM· SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SUEDE; LE CONSEIL FEDERAL SUISSE; SA MAJESTE L’EM- PEREUR DES OTTOMAN S; LE