Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1234

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INDEX. olxxxv SW R¢¤¢!¢•—C¢¤ti¤\1•d~ P•••· Stationery Postal Service, Pia. sm¤¤>v¤¤¤¤¤ for miami transportation by, appropriation mr ... 552, goo _¢!<>€&l;m Allskn . ..-.. . 553,800 Smtwnay, d1¤¢¤¤_ umw when serwd y rural appropriation for bureaus _ oiieee com- _ delivery ---- T-; ··-··--··-.· 553,800 bmedmoinesppropnation ... $79, 757 dencrency appropnatmu for mail trans- Department of Agnbu1tur¢, ` _ portauon by . 50, 613, 629, 625, 937 apgssprratrou ormlaries . . . 295, 849 readyusvnent ct pl; of contractors, for m- . gener-alexponeee ,, 295,349 cruasedwe tereeulhnglromparcel iondmrmstrativeexpenses .. 295, 849 doug? systbm .. . 558 forgreunl Held-agents ,,_,,,,_,_,___,_ 295, 84Q mimaecounta to be kept to deter; 558 for . , 295,849 ..---•--.. ,, YQ Stare Cyikyc, fa., _ _ _ "m`pmdu¢¤ .. 296 acquiring site and erecting public build- denciency appropriation for collecting mspt, autlwnnd ... 876 rutisuca .. azz 8¤¢¢Cf¤”!m¤w¤§,d¢·, _ _ _ oowmitatistioetxrbelumidredbycensus run-nctmn on mterlocxwry mjunehom to wm Office to .. 198 Mmm -.·.-.·-·----...·... in Iore1gn' countries 199 8ur1¢Ho7rg¤jorDr3qbkd Volw•!0¢rBol•£¤s, toiguereportoftotalacgofcottonin appropriation for and to . . . 458 culhvatimlulyof year 118 deduction for amounts collected nun eatimite of total production, follo '

 ... : ... 458 ginningreportbecemberlofeacg

detigmrncyapprqrrahmtorudto .. $2,921 8 _ _ year .. 118 shk “".““*» . . . “**°' $*****8 D¢P¤'¢"‘*”‘* 00*****. restriction on sue muictnm by Unibd and Labor, qi Stategcoart d onallegednncurv 1013 mergedjnwcglureau ot Domestic and For- M sutuuonaluy , mmerce ororderotstatebo•rd¢¤rcommi¤¤io¤... {gg Bmmamkw hearing before appropna¤' 'on ’ etc . .. 750 one to_be justice or Burner, img. _ 372. _cucu1t yudge ... . ... 1013 free admiion of American, returned as notice to State etc . 1014 barrels with ... 12 temporary reeuaming order; precedence proof ofidentityreq . . 12 _ tg hearrngstzg ... . . Sui: a;ufiStav¢ Boltr, appeals u ms o u imported stay of proceedings iifuit be pending in wugen ... 10 State court ,. - ,. 1014 rooiproeall exempt from duty in Canada, may be vacated it suit not in good wooden. . 11 faith ...,.,,,,_.,.., 1014 Sum D. C'., ol, 8tau Survgyq, _ _ _ appryruitron for ealanee ... 144, 942 approvpnatrou forhrrnmbing points to, . . . 470 Steam adnmry, Navy, _ Stau, 5, gud Navy Department Busldmg, appropritztion for completion, repnuséw N6 · ., Q .. .. .,... , appropriation for clerks, engineers, watch- de£cienc¥.s?>pro£;iation for . 620, 624, 935 { hzfnliéltc .. 1 m, Steam. Vane ua Steambpat Inspection)? or , rep•.us,e . , paponger ma carry me in tanks o for aervice atnld repairs, Mills Building. 389, 767 maint liireboate. ... 650 for electric generator, etc . .. . 390 radio communication requirements for for laborer, t.ateDepanmentannex... 390, 767 _ oceanorGreat Lakes ..., 199 for electric conduit, etc., Civil cargo seamen Z)0 Service Comnugorfs building to... 872 Buamboat, etc., Routes, Postal Savior, $l¤!¢m¢‘¤* Pf 4P¥7'¤;:¤¤¤’{¤•, 478 for mail truéportatiou by. 545, 796 3 Eflillvil W P•¤¤§ ·-··--·--·· cieme 'on mixtcgm dation of,for6r·pt;nd»c¢ndgg· gh y ,,,_,,,,,,_,,,,,,,, ,813,625 ¤¤¤¤ of 6% Coupes -··-···-·. 015 Steamboat liapedion Benin, SzawnI:hmdSonmd, N. .andN. L, appropriation for Sapuviing Inspector appropriation for improvement of .. . . 804 General, ... . . 408, 785 Slam, _ _ tornhriesot inqrectou 4N, 795 Amendment to the Consutuucn prgpmed i¤rc1erkhire,•erviceathrge. 4<B,785 by (kmgres for the election Sen· inrcontingentexpenaes ... 4U, 785 awrs by thevowoi the people of the, 646 payment of wimeesism ... 795 apportionment of Repreemtativee to .. 13 canplernent of licensed oGcers · and mayselectgurfaceofcoallandsunder crewtobedeterminedbylocal grants; reservation . 1 .. 105 inspector ... . . 7Q Slalu, Governor: aj, _ entry on certificate of inspection; notice of tentative valuation physical changes. .. 732 property of common camera w be WE allowed . . ... . . 732 sent. tn, in which property located- . . 708 p allowed if unavoidably derime allowed forprotest, etc 703 prived ol portion of crew; condi- .S?1au:,Newé.:.eAdm1esiono!NewStates). d 6tio¤...{(;w . M .3 ... 732 Smmboro, ., e ciency supp ’ nme grade construction of public building authorized 871 .: 792 a ...,,,.. y ure exp , in wr: Smtrbncry, Iraq-tor Department, ming, cause of- . 733 appropriation for bureaus and oGces com- penalig not mannedasrequired, . . . . 733 bined in one appropriation . . . 398, 776 rent number of lrcennd o6c•¤. . 733