Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/153

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130 SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 159-162. 1912. and for other purposes," be, and the same are hereby, extended to the said subports. . m§’,;,‘;';"*_l*"*"*”°' "* _Smo. 3. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to discontinue the said subports of entry, or to withdraw the privileges of the first section of the Act of June tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, therefrom, at any time when he shall be satisfied that the interests of commerce or of the revenue no longer require their continuance. Approved, June 7, 1912. . ‘l“[§f2’g,,?}2‘ 160.-—An Act Granting to the city of Twin Falls, Idaho, certain lands for [Puhnc,No.1s&] msewérp K V ‘ Be tt enacted the Senate and House lg Rr1e£>rese11.ta.t1Zves of the United ,¥¤w'§¤¥¤¤<*¤mm Statesof Avnenea in Congress assemble , at the Secretary of the Falls. 0. . . . . . . @¤;¢;1‘l1a.ud mn- Interior be, and he is hereb& authorized and directed to issue a ’· pgatint go the authorities of e city of Fglllstilm the State pf · o or reservoir urposes in connection wi te D°°°"m°°' of town, for the fhllowingi described land, to wit: 6'I`l1v; sd-ustligiiii northeast quarter and the northwest quarter southeast quarter section sri? township twelve south, range eighteen east, Boise meridian, in the ailey, Idaho, land district, containing one_hundred and twenty acres, said patent to contain a provision that said land shall be used for reservoir pmposes and m_connection with the water su ply for gm said city onlyiuand m case said land shall cease to be used l>or such °°· purposes It s at once revert to the United States: Provided, That sai city shall pay one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre therefor. Approved, June 7. 1912. June 7. 1912. ‘ _

  an:;t éfatiipxempt from cancellation certain desextland entries in

Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re esentatiaies of the United §gg§;j;,{§{;_ v_,_ Smtes of Americal in Congress assemblei Tg;,t_ no desert-land en? lcggpgfnmrtmb heretofore made m good faith under the Hpublic-land laws for lan L.;h:,é,,,,,,. mmm. ilrsggogggmsgztgirm and fiveguth, rémge tgn east.; togvnships four °“· , range six n eas · towns `ps our, ve, and ' south, range seventeen east, townships five, six, and seven south? range eighteen east; townships six and seven south, range nineteen east; townships six and seven south, range twenty east; townships four, five, six, and seven south, range twenty-one east; townships five and six south, range twenty-two east, Santa Bernardino meridian, State of California, shall be canceled because of failure on the part pféhe egtryrtrgfu to mtzkgi any Hslginual or Email proof falling due upon suc en prior ay t, nineteen undred and thirteen. Approved, June 7, 1912. June 10 1912. * {s. win.) CHAP. 162.-.41; Act Granting to th f P lan * · [Public, N0. 1874] land from the p0st·ot!ics and customhoug iittldsoin for ¤t11iee·'tmph`ui’.pos't¢i•?l)- of Be·itemzcte<Zbyt}1eSenateandH R mm' · m§)‘§;f{;;·1,;?;;‘§;:lpt§ ggtes of America in Qvngress aesglnualflelg ’.l€g;?the Sieedrgg gmdlitd ,0, nmtpmma · asury be, and he is ereby, authorized and directed to ant garl1;1q1ush,te;nd céonvey, by quitclaim deed, to the city of Porgl-and; gon,_as g ip o and approximately ten feet in width off the Seventh Street side of the new post—office site in said cit of Portland Ore and extending along said Seventh Street from goyt to Glisazi Strgcgtrd, 1 !