Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/200

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 182. 1912. ~ 177 revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half to any moneys in the United States Treasury not otherwise appropriated, or so much thereof as may be expended, for the purposes of extending water mains, shall be refunded to the Treasury o the United States out of the revenues of the water department in four equal annual installments, at the rate of twenty thousand dollars per annum, namely: Fifty thousand dollars toward the installation of water trunk mains to Heights, District of Columbia, contained in the $‘,1*§,_F",,,*},°,{,{’{',,‘{,& District of Co umbia appropriation Act for the iiscal ear nineteen hundred and eleven, an fifty-six thousand dollars for the completion of said water trunk mains contamed in the District of Coiiimbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve; twenty-four thousand dollars for the extension of twelveinch water mam from Elliott Place along the Conduit Road to Weaver Terrace, $‘.'{_`;'}*_:°°li°;‘}’°°°' and for laiylilrig ergiht-mch water mains in Forty-seventh Place Ashby Street, E umd treet, and Sherrier Place, contained in the District of Columbia apsropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven, an forty-five thousand one hundred dollars for the extension of water trunk main to Benning District of Columbia, con- $§_‘,*{‘,;_ 1,,,,, tained in the District appropriation Act ior the fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve; in all, one hundred and seventy-five thomand °°·i·1im d°um' ed il ns scan bn ···=-·· =-· ··· e rovisioncontain inte `tricto um' appm `tion ·- °“_°d Act forpthe fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven, that alF:e;ees- ggéwgio Kr & ments on account of water trunk mains to_Conm Heilghts, and °°"' for the extension of twelve-inch water main `from tt P ace clog the Conduit Road to Weaver Terrace, and for laging e?ht-in water mains in Forty-seventh Place, Ashby Street, dmun Street, and Sherrier Place, when collected shall be covered into the Treasury to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia and the revenues of the United States in equal parts, is herebg repgaled, and such assessments heretofore and hereafter collected s all credited to the revenues of the water department. aincosrn mvnn runs. ,{§,'}‘°°°“‘ “"”' For contmuing the reclamation and development of the Anacostia "°°"“"“°“· "‘°· River and Flats, from the Anacostia Bridge northeast to the District line, to be expended under the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, United States Arm , upon plans to be prepared under the direction of and to be approvedy by a board of engineers to consist of the Engineer ,,,§’§§,.§",,,°,§,,§}',}‘,lf‘°"' Commissioner of the District of Co umbra, the officer charge of public buildings and grounds, and the engineer officer nn charge of the improvement of the Potomac River; said sum to be available for the preparation of plans, the prosecution of the work, the emplogment o personal service, and or such other purposes as may in the judgment of said board be necessary to carry out the purposes of this appropriation, one hundred thousand dollars. Rock cnmcx mmm AND LOVERS’ LANE. ...‘i»°°iI,.é’.;°°¤1'...‘3f**' For grading and `im roving Rock Creek Drive and Lovers’ Lane, °°°x°g'°°°` between Massachusetts Avenue and R Street northwest, mne thousand five hundred dollars. _ Commun; Ind Under and in accordance with the provisions of subchapter one of to emnapnive me chapter fifteen of the Code of Law for the District of Co umhna the "§}',§§f'§ pf‘{{,;_ Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized and_du·ected to institute in the Su reme Court of the District of Columbia a pro-

rem to condemn the land that may be necessary to extend

Rock k Drive northwest, from Massachusetts Avenue southerly