Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/219

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196 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sum. H. Gus. 242-244. 1912. a bridge, and all approaches thereto, across the Missimippi River m_“_P_“_ at Memphis, Tennessee, at a gmt suitable to the mterests of nawtion, m accordance with _ provisions of the Act entitled AB itat to re%&late the 00!.lSt1°\l0(l0l1·0f bndgnover navigable waters, _w•r . n so 00 c , , ··“$‘T¥?° ·····~‘°""" %Y£‘°'°% t°$f,}‘e°.r.u"°“‘l.L“"'°’ "‘“°...aS°°&?.¤"£'L§23' “§‘;.&'Z”"»1?;f3 thattigu addition to its use for railroad trains and trglley shall ' f parate wa an aprcachesan con uoususe

 lpulblid a highway bridge to   by vehicles, {pedestrians,

horsemen, animals, and all kinds of highwt:K trallic an travel, for- · T°u"°l°' the transit of which feasonable mites of may be and received, but no r·ate orpassageo asmgle assengerona _ trainshall· dt t.-ii oents:Provide¢l){'•u·ther Thatthesard u·:{,$.';'Pf,’QP°;,,_*°’ Arkansas :ITé*cMGIIYl$lTl8y Rlailway Bridge an Terniinal Qompany · ehallnotberequiredtoconstructtheapproachestosardbradge MT ‘°?d“"° "5’° 3ft?. 't%”“’ei°Zt““".{.¤° °‘l.1."°"‘.¥l°" t, un ere , or mv rz mf se·:1re?l to its satisfacllion, the sum offifty tgilsand sdmnby parties locally interested in such highway feature of sand b . ‘ """"""" nggco. 2. That otlae right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expresslymeserv . _ _ · Approved, July 20, 1912. }¤|!¤.19¤· _ ' " .._—¤¤ Rum aE‘{.¢’...?.?.°‘;.%.;`d“r.”£°.‘r‘§'.£°..'h"%,3‘t;.S%.;°£. [P¤¤¤•=·N¤·’¤·l land, turanother mitahle site, and topay, ifnecegqry, outof the tube made—f¤r nid station an additional sum m accczrlplishing such 3§'l""°‘,...¤°’ "’ °°”¤Jf§ L°Z?§ m.e.a,..""” ·"‘° "°°“;°3'.é’,.’¤‘L°'1'.?¤?'f.§°,'I’~l...°“°" ...¤..° ‘° ""ZE3 $3 u...£‘?.'3a. _ Be ite1•adedbytI•eSenatea1tdHo1teeqfRe entativeaof the United ¤“",m“"*n °"· "‘*·*"" State; Amend Uongr embled, Tgrlfth Secre f th ¤¤cr·i¤l?¤¤°•? nw. Treasuil; be, and li: is herehg, tiilthorized zezaeuiege thteasriteoher; céeiil tofore for a United tates immigration station at Baltunorxf Mar-ylan , for another suitable site, and to pay, necesary, out the a ro nation heretofore made for- sand immigration station an additiimliralp sum in accomplishing such exchange; or to sell the present site, the money from such sale to revert to the appropriation made for said tion station, and to purchase another site in °···*·*··•*·'** Lim fret EEN] {deg ‘ use me reu ereo, eta coeto su newsitesoacqu nottoex e sum 0 thirty- ve thousand o Approved, July 20, 1912. J°g{&5¤' CEAP.244.—AnActTopmvm' "eanexteneioneltimetenuhmkenofprodby

 homeateaden on the Uintah udian Reservation.

mmm Bei¢enactedbytIieSe1na!eandHouae the Uited ¤?i°¤°$l`.¤a¤&°dB;°` Swea of America in Umgrm mam tian per-sgi whonhaa ,,K,”‘°,,,°"§I,‘.,,,,;§F heretofore made a homestead entry for land whit;. was formerly a =¤,gj;·;_¤;9;t¤¤- gm of the Uintah Indian Reservation in the State of Utah, authorized J "‘° &*'i.3’*L'§.”‘.l.”£" 3.Y.°"Z"’°%”" '““°‘°°“»i."‘¤‘1“."""’ ?§ wo, an en ry re s , n to regieter and receiver of the land o$ce in tlllldodiszrlfrldt iii which the r¤¤¤¤• w be nw. land is located, and upon payment of live per centum of the pr-ice of zrd be alloweldis an extensrgn of time of one tggar within which mm. ~ sunu moon ent an make aymet f :Provided, °'°'“‘°°I"'““"‘ That sud Eve per ceutum gall be aeceplied asxinteresrtl gr said year,