Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/228

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1912. S 205 acter to do the work at Wilmington, Delaware are read1ly' obtainabl for doing the work by contract at reasonable rrites, the amount hereirli gpproxnatei shall become immediately available for the prosecution su wor Im roving harbor at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: For maintenan , ’*•¤*>¤¤*·· P•· avllmtgiio d iklppociuinimink, Murderkill, and Mispillion Rive: ,,€’§$§,‘}_’$‘fl'f"°** Delaware: gontruuing improvement and for maintenance in accord; W ance with the exnsting approved projects, twelve thousand five hundr°1i¤d°u°”° and omk R nar Co 1 M <=·•··=¤· proving iver, ware! m ‘ im ro _ "'· ment in accordance with the report submitted in Hdut:gDociim;1it M Numbered Six hundred and one, Sixty—iirst Com, second session, foiirfleen thous§nd iiigu ag:] twenty Edo . _ E rovrn roa rver aware: r mamtenan ¤r¤¤¤k¤¤ River. th$§nd d5-lglsand be Rehobdth Ba d vo “°*’°"°“‘ roving waterway tween y ware ’· Bay, Il)elaware, in accordance with the reports subrniiiiltlnid in House mann mn gocumen%1I:'tumbered &1I1I1dI'Gd tggeniggthree, Sigieth ongress, session, an m ivers an r·s 'ttee ocument Numbered Fifty-one, Sixty—ii1st third session, and subject to the condition that the land ed ior riggt of way, or ”·""‘°*""· &semt§nts thelrelinli shall be furnished free of cost to the nited States, ousan dollars. Erin ving' Nantic k Riv r D laware and Maryland: For mainte- *'“'*°°*° **'°'· nanceplig imgrovemdirte of Ngaiitidoke River and orthwest Fork of m`md“d` (lilanticoke iver (Marshyhope Creek), Maryland, five thousand u{*'¤”Y**°P° °'°•"· ollars. Im v1ng` harbor at Baltimore, Maryland: For maintenance of "'“"°'°g,""·_ grliprdizgmpnt of Patapsc<§R¥e§ andéahhannel lg galtimaofre, grrlrcgluding www m am une o app at or prt, esapea ay, ty usan dollars. » — Im ving Elk and Littl Elk Rivers, M land: Com leting mm ““'° ‘“ imprdivrgment in accordance ewith the report in lYHouse mm" ud. Document Numbered Seven hundred and seventy, Srxty-second Congress, second ·sess&>n, ang subiject todtlip conditions set forth in said document, four thousand an orty dollars. Im harbor at Crisiield, Maryland: Completinv improvement °'“—*“°'°· “· aud i'gi·-Orivilgigrtenance, five thousand dollars. D Improving Lower Thoroughfare, Deal Island, Marvland: Com- hfefftgf “‘°'°"*"‘ pleting improvement and for maintenance, two thousand dollars. Improving harbors at Rockhall, Queenstown, Claiborne, and Cam- ,,§P§{;_’°"‘° ”"· bridge, and Chester, Cho tank, Warwick, Wicomico, Pocomoke, La www ¤¤¤r¤ ¤¤~ Trappe, and Manokin Rlivers, and T askin Creek, Maryland: For ”' mgintenance, tlhilirty-four dgllyarsm I d C I _ _ mama

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rovement m accordance with the report submitted m ouse _ - gient lliungéeg, Si§t1y-eect¢;izllCIpngress, second session, ven thousand im an wen dollars. selmproving Twitch Cove and Big Thorougifare River connecting ¤§`_"*‘°" °°'°‘ ‘°°‘* Tylers River with Targer Sound, Marylan : Com§letmgD1mprove— ment in accordance wi the re ort submitted in ouse ocument Numbered Two hundred and ei.%ty-five, Sixty-second Congress, see— oniim session, hg: tirdousandknipia nrndréedgollaris. _ _ t _ md In proving ro , arv an : cmp eting rmprovemen in accordance with the report b itted H Document Numbered Two hundred and sixty-ninsg §uxt -se1di>ndmCS: ess, second session, and subject to the conditions set girth in saidugdcument, fifty-seven thiE.imdmgiw°&mgr°dnq°ummay` land o 1 ‘ ‘ t °°¤*°· Bi ° “‘ ro rsica 1 er, ; nn rovemen m " ’· accordance with the repdrrt submitted in Hd:ge6 t Numbered