Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/348

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 330, 331. 1912. 325 UEAP. 830.-A.n Act Gran ' ’ ‘ city, in as see te came, }3L"§».%’¤§‘il’£°,..r"i{”‘?,£ °"‘°‘ °' B°“"’°' ‘“" °“*°“ Wt? ieééli ·Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re entatives o the United [Public. No- mi] States of in Congress aeeenibledg Tg? the Secre{ary of the §‘}‘f{{’,‘°'}§; mh Interior is hereby_ authorized to conve to the following-named wks ° P mumc}pal corporations m the State of Cohnrado for public- ark purposes or the use and benefit of the r ective cities the ibllowmgdescribed land, or so much thereof as sfig cities may desire, to wit: To the city of Canon City, County of Fremont, section ten, town- ““°“°“’· °°*°· ship_ nineteen south, range seventy-one west of the sixth principal meridian, cpntaming six undred and forty acres, more or less. To the city of Boulder, County of Boulder the east half of the ’°‘“““·°°‘°· southeast quarter of section eleven; west half of section thirteen; east half of the northeast quarter, east half of the southeast quarter, and southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section fourteen; east half of section -twenty-three; northwest quarter and the west half of the southwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-four; all in township one south, range seventy-one west of the sixth Bplrmcipal meridian. Provided, That this Act sh be subject to all the conditions and i>’.'°yi.i°e§la,¤gn¤¤•- the same provisions as are contained section two of an Act entitled °°£,'g;"·,g_‘°i m "An Acrgsranting public lands to certain cities and towns in the State ` of Colo o for pu he- ark purposes "_aép§roved Jnme seventh, nineteen hundred and ten &`b.irty-sixth Um States Statutes, page four hundred and fifty-nme.) ` Sec. 2. The r§ht to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ,,g’*;;f,_°° ‘“°'·°*°·· expremly reserv , and the United States shall incur no liability for the alteration, amendment, or repeal thereof to the owner, or owners, or any other persons interested. Approved, August 22, 1912. CHAP. 381.Q-An Act Granting certain lands to the town of Yuma, Arizona. ART;. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [P°°“°‘ N°‘ zu`) States of America in Congress assembled, That the followingl-described §‘Q,",{*,‘;d"‘}§',*,,m,_ tracts of lands be, and t 18 same are hereby, granted to t o town of Mil-. for public wr- Yuma, a munici al corporation of Yuma County, Arizona and its "°°`°°` successors for public purpjges as herein iimited and defined,_to wit: Tract numbered one: t portion of the tract of land lying and being within the exterior boundaries of section thirty-five, township sixteen south range twentyitwo east, San Bernardino meridian, in Arizona, and lmown as the nited States military reservation, or the quartermaster’s depot reservation, and set aside by Executive order of Auggust thirtgdirst, nineteen hundred and three, for the use of the Unit States eclamation Service, described as follows: Commenc- ”°’°"P“°°· ing at the southeast corner of the said United States xmhtary reservation, and running thence north along the east boundary line thereof and the west boundary line of block numbered five of said town of Yuma three hundred and seventy-eight and five one-hundredths feet to the northwest of the said block numbered five, thence west five hundred and forty-seven and ninety-seven one-hundredths feet, ° thence south one hundred and twenty-eight and Eve one-lumdredths feet, thence west five hundred and nmet feet, thence south twenty- seven_degrees twenty-eight and one-bali minutes west two hundred and exgrlgty-one and seventy-eight one-hundredths feet to the north lme of irst Street in said town, thence east one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven and ninety-seven one-hundredths feet to the place of begmnmg, containing eight and nity-three one-hundredths acres; and there is reserved from sand grant an easement and right of way eighty