Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/428

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 350. 1912. 405 For omcial transportation, including purchase and exch e, kee , and shoeing of animals, and purchase, exchange, and aggpairs iif waigons and harness, $2,500. or the rent of buildings and parts of buildings in the District of R°‘"‘ Columbia used by the Department of Justice, $32,200. Orman or run Soucrroa or run Tamsusx: Solicitor of the -;§,§,’},{f,l‘°§,,‘}§,,‘},‘,f Treasury; $5,000; Assistant Solicitor, $3,000; chief clerk, $2,000; two °*¤— law cler , at $2,000 each; two docket clerks, at $2,000 each; clerkstwo of class four, two of class three, two of class two; asdstant messenFger· laborer; in all, $28,980. _ or law books for office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, $300. Ormcm or rum Soucrroa or rim Dxrannmur or Commncm AND mziliedaiiii lf; Lanon: Solicitor of the Department of Commerce and Labor, $5,000; ”‘¤'·*“**· W- Assistant Solicitor, $3,000; c1erks—three of class four, two of class three, three of class two, three of class one; messenger; in all, $25,240. DEPARTMENT or commence AND Luzon. ...2i';‘.'.'i2';'2£5f?““‘ Orman or rum Sncamanr: Secretary of Commerce and Labor, .,;,iS°€g°0iRfly¢fiii>°i¤°¤ii»I¤2'.' $12,000; Assistant Secretaiiy, $5,000; nvate secretary to the Secretary, $2,500; confidential c erk to the glecretary, $1,800; private secretary to Assistant Secretary, $2,100; chief clerk and superintendent, $3,000; disbursing clerk $3,000 ;_ Chief of Aglppintment Division, $2,500; Chief, Division of, Publications, $2,500; 'ef Division of Supplies, $2,100; clerks——ten of class four, eleven of class three, twelve of class two, eleven of class one, ten at $1,000 each, six at $900 each; two tele hone operators, at $720 each; messenger to the Secretary, $1,000; five messengers; ten assistant messengers; seven messenger boys, at $480 each; enfineer, $1,000; three skilled laborers, at $840 each; two conductors o elevators, at $720 each; two Bremen, at $660 each; eighteen laborers; itive laborers, at $480 each; cabinetmaker, $1,000; carpenter, $900; chief watchman, $900; eleven watchmen; ' hteen charwomen; in all, $170,300. B I co mgBunnaU or CORPORATIONSZ Commissioner of Corporations, $5,000; ¤,,.,‘L'°‘“ ° ’°°”' deputy commissioner, $3,500; chief clerk, $2,500; clerk to commissioner, $1,800; clerks——four of class four, four of class three, six of class two, ten of class one, fifteen at $1,000 each; sixteen copyists; megsfmger; assistant messenger; three messenger boys, at $480 each; in , $79,200. For compensation and per diem, to be fixed by the Secretary of ,,§f’°°"' ""°"“°"· Commerce and Labor, of special attomeys, special examiners, and special agents, for the purpose of carrying on the work of said bureau, as provided by the Act approved February fourteenth nineteen hun· V°‘· ”· *’· °'”· Jred and three entitled "An Act to establish the Department of Commerce and Labor/’ the per diem to be, sub`ect to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Commerce and liabor may prescribe, in ieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding $4 per day to each of said special attomeys, special examiners and special agents, and also of other officers_and employees in the Ilureau of Corporations while absent from their hxncs cr. duty outside of the District of fclumbi i, and for then- actual necessary traveling expenses, including necessary sleeping-car fares; nn all $175,000. _ _ B ,mm_ Bunnau or LAPOR: Commissioner of Labor, $5 000; chiefs statxs- “'”°° ‘ tician, who shall also perform the duties of chief clerk, $3,000; four statistical experts, at $2,000 each; clerks-five of class four, five of class three, six of class two, twelve of class one, nine at $1,000 each; two copyists; two assistant messengers; two laborers: special agentsfour at $1,800 each, six at $1,600 each, eight at $1,400 each, four at $1,200 each; in all, $102,160.