Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/675

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652 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sms. III. Gus. 14, 15. 1913. tlessthanth` pra.1sed' val within yearfromthedateof EE: approval of tlills l%:gtheGov`{•l:-nmerrt l:a1ve;ppmp’1r;;te)¢% yuan. to purpose! , 6 _ _ “‘°""'°"°°‘ l»l108lidmlll I£.'YItl0¤ andsshall begubjecttonl,;hl’t(;j]1f any,

·§¤med` by Charles H. Oomellor by the city of Vdentme, when a

snearunaseneie age by an acts of Congress: Provridedrfiutlwr, That alllandsso §§‘,,°‘; °' ""’ °“°° opened to settlement under this Act, remaining of at the exgiration og three (yea;] from iéhe date of its “a:;.§>°rova , lip sd; d1spose` er regulations preson y §cretary of tlllsigterior, hzslxnore than six hundred and forty acres to an . ' sxpma Sng gllfhlnlt thlamclmsts of carrying out the provisions of this Act, inc necessary compensation of the custodian, not exceeding sixt d r month, may, in the discretion of the Secretary 0 thelnterior, KZ aid from the appropriations for the expense of the L survey, appraisal: and sale of abandoned military reservations. Approved, January 27, 1913.

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C, 0. —·········.?··=..,.··-···-.,.,.. S.£‘.,".,;"‘§"°‘ ” ‘§“"“"‘¤...,.,..”“’ ”°"“ °’ ”i£21‘t‘“""" scat"; *%*:1% menus e o ggfn, 0, hm,. ,0, Interior be, and he directed to transfer by mmm m_rnn me- patent to the Fort Bidwell t:3ple’s Church Association (undenonn· XS$5;°&’}I' °"‘"°" national, and duly mcoipora under the laws of the State of California), of the town of crt Bidwell, Modoc County, in the State of California, a tract of land in Modoc County, in the State of Califomia, now a part of the Fort Bidwell Indian School Reservation (formerly the _Fort Bidwell Militiggjkeservation), lying in the north half of section seventeen, to p_ forty-six north of range sixteen east Mount D1ablo_base and meridian, sud. tract not to exceed ten and one-half acres in extent and_to be further and tparticularl described by the Secretary of the lnternor after a survey ereof has been made; said and cgixeélglf acaesto cover and includeitae sites of gis prest m tary an ci cemeteries an ro te gyms for civilian, and lodge purposes, on cdnllitlxis thsasalld mjgient 0, m_ be hl; d in and usedi as and fpir a gzterplftleryz n on said reserva on v t dm at interment in slidgemetery without charge for the grdudd ugednlor at purpose. ‘rr¤q¢v•¢¢¤t That said patent for said land shall be issued to the Fort Bidwell People s Association, m trust for said town of Fort Bidwell, gg for pho Ancient Free and Accekpted Masomc l0§e and Independent _ er o Odd Fellows loglise of sa town, and for e interment of soldiers and Indians, as in cemetery is now actually platted and has min used for over thirty-five years for the purposes specified in this amnsorwny. Thata tofwaysixtyf t `d h b ted ` Bidwell School Reserzeatlliln gmcllieyngggst 1(lhlilc Slllighisvclil; from the said town of Fort Bidwell to said cemetery llxlt the location thereof to be sulgect to iijpproval by the Secretary ol thh Interior. Conveyance _ That the Fort idwell eolple s Church Association is hereby authorucd and empowered to fu y carry out the provisions of the trust hereby created by said patent by proper conveyances. ¥¤¤=¤¤•¤¤•· ¢¢¢· gat Sgnd right of way shall be fenced on both sides with a good and pu tantiall fence, and sa1d cemetarytplat shall be incloeed with a like ence, wi out any cost or expense erefor to the Government, and