Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/694

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 51. 1913. 671 CHAP. 51.-An Act Makmg' appropriations for fortifications and r F¤bl’¤¤! 13.1913. defense, for the armament thereof,P£r Itihe procurement of huvy ordhiihnibreigrkaigl -.__[H‘ R‘ mm] 8`Dd BBTVICB, and {0I` 0u16I' [`Ptlbuc, N0. 378.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re esentatives 0 the United romouamr N. States of America in Congress a.a·se·rr•1>le`d, 'lglat the sum! of money P*'“”°”· pp herein provided for be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any_ money in the Treasury not otherwise a proprrated, to be immediately available and to continue availabii-> until expended, namely: FORTIFICATIONS AND OTHER WORKS OF DEFENSE. UNDER THE ENGDTEER DEPARTMENT. mgllggineer Depart- For construction of dgun and mortar batteries, $100,000. ;,.Y$-'.,§"° "‘°'°" For modemizing ol er emplacements, $25,000. ,¥°<*"g*¤*¤¤ ¤¤- For installation and replacement of electric-light and power plants Electric Dl\¤isat seacoast fortifications, $50,000. For purchase and installation of searchlights for the defenses of s°"°w°"‘ our most important harbors, $100,000. For the procurement or reclamation of land, or right S““·°‘°· thereto, needed for site, location, construction, or prosecution o works for fortifications and coast defenses, $100,000. ‘ For the protection, pr ervation, and repair of fortifications for P'°'°"'"°"·°°F‘ which there may be no special appropriation available, $200,000. mm For preparation of plans for fortifications, $5,000. Hereafter estimates shall not be submitted to Congress for appro- “°”"°"'°""'°°°°‘ riations for construction of n and mortar batteries, modemrzing P $‘ . . older emplacements, and o er construction under the Engineer De artment, in connection with fortifications, until after plans and estimates of cost shall have been prepared therefor. · For tools, electrical and other supplies, and appliances, to be ,,§,“§‘,,*f‘,;,,_,$"·· “" furnished by the Engineer Department, for the use of the troops for maintaining and operating searchlights and electric light and power plants at seacoast forf cations, $40,000. For preservation and repair of structures erected for the torpedo T°"’°d°“'“°““" defense of the United States, and for maintaining channels for access to torpedo wharves, $20,000. rmnnn run oumr srozur. orrrcnn. €'¤¤°' ·°"*°•· For operation and maintenance of fire-control installations at ,,,,I:,_'°°°°°'°l"“""" seacoast defenses, $180,000. aauaunur or rorrrrrrcarrous. ‘""““'°'"‘ For the purchase, manufacture, and test of mountain, field, and ,,,’,{§£.§‘,;_°"°*"‘° siege cannon, including their carriages, sights, implements, equipments. and themachiuez necessary for cir manufacture at_ e ,,m,_,_ arsenals, $450,000: P , That the Chief of Ordnance, United Adclunnuconmcu States Army, is hereby authorized to enter into contracts or other- ""°‘°"'°°‘ wise incur obligations for the purposes above mentioned not to

11‘:1300,000, in addition to the appropriations herem and heretoore e.

For the urchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition for Amm°°m°”‘ mountain, fibid, and siege cannon, inclurlingu the necessary experiments in connection therewith and the mac 'nery necessary for its manufacture at the arsenals, $900,000. _ _ do { mw The appropriations herem made for ammumtron, when errpended ¤,?,Y,?',{°w§'e,‘},cw,,, for manu acture of plowder at the powder factory at the P1catmny Arsenal, at Dover, 1 ew Jersey, shall be so expended only on the