Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/776

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 142. 1913. 753 $2 150; mechanical ` division-—-su erintendent in lieu 0 chief mechanical and electrica engineer), $2§50; superini tendent_ (m heu of mechanical engineer acting as assistant chief mechanicaland electrical engineer, transferred from general expenses, spndrg civil Act), $2,400; structural division—su erintendent (in hen o clnef structural eer, transferred from salary roll, eral expenses, sundry civil Aetl, $2,750; assistant superintendent lihixlieu of assistant chief structural engineer, transferred from salary roll, 5-leneral expenses, sunadtiii civil Act), $2,400; superintendent repairs vision (m heu of tectural draftsman, acting as chief: repairs division, transferred from general explenses, sundigy civil Act), $2,400; _ supermtendent,accountsd1v1sion(in `euofchiefo accounts division), $2,500; superintendent, maintenance division (m lieu of chief of maintenance division), $2 500; files and records division-#chief, $2,500; assistant chief (transferred from sal roll, general expenses, sundry civil Act), $2,250; head draftsmanugn lieu of rincipal draftsman, transferred from general expenses, sundry civil Act), $2,500; inspectors—five at $2,300 each (transferred from salary roll, general expenses, sundry civil Act) four at $2,190 each, three at $2,000 each (transferred from salary roll, general expenses, sundry civil Act), two at $1,800 each (one transferred from salary roll, general expenses sundry civil Act); inspectors of supplies—one at $2,300 (transferred from sing roll, general eirlpenses, sundry civil Act), one $1,800 (transfe from salary ro , general Teasers, sundry civil Act); administrative clerks-ssix at $2,000 eac (transferred from salary roll, general expenses, sundry civil Act); technical clerks--—four at $1,800 each; c errks—-eight of class four, additional to one of class four as bookkeeger $100, four at $1,700 each, thirteen of class three, six at $1,500 eac , thirteen of class two, eight at $1,300 each, thirteen of class one, four at $1,100 each, six at $1,000 each, three at $900 each, two at $840 each; photographer (transferred from salary roll, general expenses, sundry civil Act), $2 000; foreman, duplicating galle , $1 800; two duplicating ppper chemists at $1,200 each (one trans?erred from salary roll, gener expenses, sundry-civil Act, and one formerly clerk of class one); foreman, vault, safe, and lock sho (transferred from salary roll, general expenses, sundry civil Act? $1,100; four messengers; two assistant messen rs (one transferred from salary roll,general expenses,sundry civiliactgi messenger boysthree at $480 each (transferred from salary roll, general expenses, sundry civil Act), two at $360 each (transferred rom salary roll, general expenses, sundry civil Act); skilled laborers-—four at $1,000 each (transferred from salary roll, igeneral expenses, sundry civil Act), seven at $960 each (transferred rom salary roll, ageneral expenses sundry civil Act), one $900 (transferred from s ary roll general expenses, sundry civil Act), one $840 (transferred from salary roll, general expenses, sundry civil Act); laborers-one $660, one $600 (transferre from salary roll, general expenses, sundry civil Act); in all, $235,920. OITICE OF COLITPROLLEB O! TEE TREASURY: Comptroller of the oempuonxerwmpe Treasury, $6,000; Assistant Comptroller of the Treasury, $4,500; chief clerk, $2,500; chief law clerk, $2,500; nine law clerks revising accounts and briefing opinions-one $2,100, eight at $2,000 each; expert accountants-—six at $2,000 each; private secretary $1,800; clerks--eight of clms four, three of class three, one of class two; stenograp cr and typewriter, $1,400; typewriter-copyist, $1,000; two messengers; assistant messenger; laborer; in all, $73,460. Omen or Avnrron ron Tnnasunr Dzranrunwr: Auditor, ,h*'£g=é>g;;*jg;§{ $4,000; chief clerk and chief of division, $2,250; law clerk, $2,000; two chiefs of division, at $2,000 each; clerks-—eighteen of clams four, Eftcen of class three, thirteen of class two, thirty-one of class one,