Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/853

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830 SIX.TY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ca. 145. 1913. ¤¤1>l>ll·•· ¢¤=· For fuel, gas electricity, freight and express charges, furniture, stationery, and all other necessary supplies and miscellaneous expenses, $106,500; ° _ Ar·v•¤¤¤•·¢*¢> or mlstrumentsé gagglters, apparatus, storm-warmng towers, and re airst ereto, $4 , ; ¤¤v¤¤•¤ ·>¤ *·¤¤¤- $01- rent of offices and repairs and improvements to buildings now in"` completed and located outside of the District of Columbia, and care and reservation of grounds, including construction of necessary outbuilrgnags sanod) sidewalks on public streets abutting Weather Bureau un 1 ,000; “"°“"$"’°“’°’· gnllor official travehrgsexpenses, $24,500; T°l""“’ "‘· °‘°‘ For telephone rent and for telegraphi.pE, telephoning and cabling reports and messages rates to be_£xed y e Secretary oi Agriculture by agreementswr the companies ¥Gl'fol’lD11’1%tl16 service, $306,000; $g*?;*j°,g,*i'°‘· For the maintenance and repair o Weather ureau telegraph, tele- ' phone, and cable lines, $4 000; _ _ _

 °** For investigations in clunatology and evaporation, mcluding the

erect.ien_0f temporary buildings for q_uarters for observers, for river, ram, snow, ice, crop, evaporation, aenal, storm, hurricane, and other observationsfswammgs, and reports, and for pay of special observers and disp y men, $120,000; _ _ _ mama mee. For the maintenance of a printing office m the city of Washington, including the purchase of necemary supplies and materials for pnnxg weather maps, bulletins, circulars, forms, and other ubhcataons, for pay of additional assistant foreman, (proof readers, composrtors, pressmen, lithographers, and folders an feeders, when necessary, $16,750· _ dg¤¤gq,•g¤¤¤¤ gut For the acquisition of sites outnde of the District of Columbia and °° the erection thereon of two buildings for use as_ Weather Bureau observatories, to be constmcted under the supervision of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, plans and specrncatrons to be approved by the Secretary of Agrtgzlnltuzeh, forkalgmm labor, materials, and ex nses connec wr wor , , ; ¤é¤_9v:¤wf<}r¤v5{ Eereafter officials and employees of the Weather Bureau when fiomnalibg:. °"° transferred from one station to another for official duty, shall be allowed all traveling expenses authorized by-existing laws applicable to said bureau, notwithstanding any changes in appomtments that ma be required by such transfers; lh all, for eneral expenses, $1,356,750. Total for Weather Bureau, $1,707,610. _ ,,,§‘,‘}f" """""’ BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. mP;vc<;{ug¤<gm¤¤ ¤¤— Ssrasms, Brmmau or Armin. Innusnrz One chief of bureau, ' ` $5,000; one chief clerk, $2 500; one editor and compiler, $2,250; six clerks, class four; one clerk, $1,680; twelve clerks, class three; two clerks, at $1,500 each; twenty-two clerks class two; two clerks, at $1,380 each; three clerks, at $1,320 each; one clerk, $1,300; one clerk, $1,260; thirty-nine clerks, class one; one clerk, $1,100; one clerk, $1,080; fifty clerks, at $1,000 each; two clerks, at $960 each; sixty-four clerks, at $900 each; one architect, $2,000; one architect, $900; one illustrator, $1,400; four inspectors assistants, at $1,000 each; twelve inspectors assistants, at $840 each; one laboratory assistant, $1,200; two laboratory assistants, at $900 each; one laboratory helper, $1,020; two laboratory hel ers, at $840 each; one laboratory helper, $720; one laboratory helper, $600; one laboratory helper, $480; one instrument maker, $1,200; one carpenter, $1,100; two carpenters, at $1 000 each; one messenger and custodian, $1,200; one messenger and custodian, $1,000; nine messengers, sblled laborers, or laborers, at $840 each; ten messengers, skilled