Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/896

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS Sasa. III. _Ch. 147. 1913i 873 United States post omee t Yoakum Texas $65 000. Yann. nn. United sam pm tmc,. It El 1>.s°,’rma,’;30¢mt, » nm sx. United States post 05ce at , uu, $55,000; Nwwdwha. Tex United States post 0Bce at _ Texas, $60,000. m¤nm,m United States post allies at Rnchiield, Utah, ag5,000. Bkhldd. uu. United States post office at Warrenton Virgmna, $50,000. menus. va United States post oiliee at $45,000, rmnss. v.. United States post office at Pulaa%G1rg1nia $50,000. P¤¤¤¤· Vn- Eftiifa 22*,2 $2 °‘“°°.s.. Z2 $#2* t‘°“=J-’l“"*‘%§‘t°g%°t°·.2 500 i‘$·*""".H“$` I I · l` air which gaythlge th:y n’ of gde oihthe A°'f¤°°"°""°‘ . _ _ _ _ _ D, 0011 emlm or 0 grwnse, ol a sue, m a·g31tion to the sum heretofore authorized for that P States post omce at Ellensburg Washington $75 000. miamarawua . } _ ! D United States post office at Wenatehee, , $85 000, _ W¤¤•¤¤••.w••t. Uxgx gotgtes post 0Ece and customhouse at A een, Washmg- ¤·¤¤••¤.w••a. ton . _ United’States post oiiee at Seattle Washington, $300 000. ¤¤•¤|l.W•¤h. $1g_)m06t•51 States post omce and land o$ce at Vancouver, washington, V•¤¤llY¢.W••h.

 States post omce at Williamson,. West V` ' $50,000. Wi¤¤¤¤•¤¤.v.v•.

United States post silica at Bnckhannon, West $60,000. e¤¤uaama.w.v•. United States post office at Neenah, ,000. N¤¤¤~1·.Wh E“*2ZS E?3 "°°2 °¥££2 °Z i¤’.§.°£W“°°“°*“’ 32% ‘““'°""‘ Ill a o a isconsm . H®ll,W||. United States Im oilies and co ouse at Mladisoin, Wisconsin 1¢~¤•¤¤.wu $550,000, and the Secretary `of the Treasury is authorized to from this sum such amount as may be necessary for the dem tion · of the present buxldmg, either in whole or m part. United States post office at Buffalo Wyoming, $62,500. ¤¤¤·¤¤· WN United States post oiliee at Basin, ’WGyoming, $50,000. ¤•¤¤·Wv<» WUnited States Oogost office and other overnmsnt offices at Cody, °¤¤!·*¥¤~ oming, $50 . - S50. 4édThsé (tilhre Secirstary 0;. tl;sfl‘ret‘aI.;·:ury be, and his is mby, A¤¤¤¤r:,·•,_.•¤{_•m¤a¤ ` te tocon ac or e uisition ass sauna. ` gi] otlllemrwiseltnof a sife and to contract for theagrqection and Zoihpletion tm N therglon of a suitable buildiing, inchighing firepro{>f vantiltskllzeating ang en aratus, an a ro es com ste, or e use an ZCC0 &l'l:.(I;lI; of the Unite¢l)}States yiost ogrce and other governmental oiliees of the cities enumerated in this section, within ‘“sU'§.it;’%°“§&t."2“° °{ $‘£%."l‘i1“%tZ‘F ’.£i2{.°”’.”’$.‘{-.’ mt to be »··-····» »~ erecltied at sucl}%K$as shalgbls equlglly cdnveni:1-lll, go farias yiossibls, t t ’t.i tur ew ecatur. . 0Uni’t;:1 Sizates pgcst oiii;1 at Andalusia, Alabama, $50,000. _ md United States post omce on the State Ime divrding West Pomt, n¤.¤,an. ‘ Georgia, and Lanett, Alabama, $50,000. __ United States post office; courthouse and jail at Cordova, Alaska, <><>r¤<>v•.A¤¤n. $100 000. Uxiited States customhouse at Nogales, Arizona, $110,000. ¤¤¤¤¤.Ar¤·» United States post office at Marianna, Arkansas, $50,000. xanmnaarn United States post office at Prescott, Arkansas, $50,000. r¤¤¤¤¤..m. United States post office at Russellville, Arkansas, $50,000. nusxxvnxaan. United States post office at gzgem, Arkansas, S70,000. mmm United States post office at Bluf Cahforma, $60,000. _ Bed mum on. _Un$%§d States post office and customlnouse at San Pedro, Cahfor- snarumcn ,000. _ _ _ _ _ m,United States post oiliw at San Luis Obmpe, California, $80 000. ¤•¤¤*°°**P°·°•’— United States post office and other Govern ent oiliees at Willow, ‘““°'·°**· California, $75,000.