Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/131

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 149. 1912. 1145 a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of‘Ada C. Mercer, helpless and dependent child of Pem- §$,',,"(§'g-nw broke Mercer, late of Company , Forty th Re ° ent Illinois ` Volunte?1 Infantry, and pay her a pension atelhe rate ofigelve dollars per mon . - The name of Samuel C. Vorse, late of Com an C, First Regrmen’ t ’°""°"'*”°'°”°"- Vermont Volunteer Cavalry and pay him apperlsion at the rate of Bmw c`v°°°` thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now recei . The name 0 William Latourette, late of Comggiy l'““""‘ “‘°"’°"°· ment New Jerse Volunteer Infantry, and dpay a pension at t rate of thirty dohais %r month in heu of at he is now '1‘he name of Perry _ ohleygate of Company G, Fifty-fourth RE- P'”’ "°"'°’· ment Kentucl? Vo unteer entry, and gay him a pension at e rate of thirty ollars per month-in 'eu of at he is now The name of James C. Burrall, late of First Batte1éK'Minnesota ol- lm" °‘ ""'?u‘ unteer Light Artilleryfmand pay him a pension "at e rate of thirty dollars per month in of that he is now The name of Timothy Keely, late of Company E, ourth Regiment m‘°°" K"l" Michigan Volrmteer Infantry, and Ky him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in 'eu of at he is now receiving. 'I‘he name 0 Charlm Campbell, late of Company K, First Regiment °'“"°'°"‘*"’“'· Delaware Volunteer Infantriguand Ezyhim a pension at the rate of thirty dollarsper month in of t he is now Thenameo CharlesH. Hall late ofCompanyH, One hundred and °”‘"°""“‘“ seventy-rst Regiment Ohio Vhlunteer Infantry, and pay lum p pension_at the rate of thirty dollars per month in heu of that he is now racmving - · • John H Beane. ‘ 'l‘he name of John H. Reese, late of Compgny A, Erghtyanghth ‘ Regiment, and Compan D, Thirty-eighth Regment Indiana Vo unteer Infantry, and paymgim a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that is now receiving. The name of Eleanor M. Freer widow of Charles Freer, late of Com- ml »¤e¤`n. mu. Kealny E, Thirteenth Regiment Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. The name of Andreas Pfanmchmidt late of Company H, Forty- i'..‘.T'.2..“ runs. fifth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension ¤¤¤·”¤ at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is new ”°°"m8· . . Jesu vm a ’l‘he name of John Van Ryn, late of Comgany I Sixty-£rst_Rgv "* ment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, an {sy a pension at the rate of twenty dollars gr month in ieu of t t he is now receiving. The name of Lottie L. binson, widow of Lawrence V. Robinson, L°“*• L ¤°**¤¤· late of Coxnlpany H, Eighteenth R '_ t New York Volunteer Cavalry, an pay her a pmsion at e rate of twenty dollars per monthinlieu thatsheisnowrecsrvmgo _ _ The name of Samuel J. Scott, late of mmy G, Eightrnmth “"""'°"·“°°“· Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pty _ a pension at the rateofthirtydollarspermonthin eu of thersnowrecervrng. Thename ofL di•A. Benton widowofGeorge R. Renton, lated ""“‘*"°""'· Company F gventy-sixth Regimmt Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pa her a pension at rate of twenty dollars per _ monthmlienofgiataheisnowrecdving. ,,1 uc, The name of Thomas Meilullough, late of Company El, Twelfth ;,..,;. ° F ' Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalrygnand a pension at the rateeffortydonuspemonthin of heianow _ . but Th•nameofRieha$lLe ”°""‘"'° Regu% t Mieh.\gan` , an y a pmanpn therateofthirtydolIa¤p¢mqnthvi:ilIl’le¤oft&heisnowreee¤ving.