Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/172

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1186 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 177. 1912. Henry sasaaaer. The name of He Sheesele , late of Compan _F, Srxteqith ° ment PennsylvaniauVolunteer Cavalrily, and Spy hmra pension am rate of thirty dollars per month m eu of t he is now recervmg. s¤.mu.r¤¤:. The name of Sumner H. Perry, late of Com any E, Twelfth Rm ment Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and prgalum a pension at _ rate of thirty dollarsgsrmonthmlreuo the_1s_nowrecerv1ng. ¢1¤¤¤¤k•· The mms of Gyms ike, late of Company D, Tlurueth Roguient, and Company B, One hundred and twentymmth Regiment Volunteer Infantry, and pagmlum a pension at_ the rate ·of thirty dollarspermonthinlieuof thersnowreeervgng. · °•¤¤•"·”°*°°- 'l‘he mame of George W. Huston, late of Company Eleventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at t.he rate of thirty-six dollars per month in hou of that he rs now recervmgi

  • ¤°¤=·•¤*”*~ The name of Andreas Klaila, late of Corgpany C,

Regiment New York Volunteer Infantrg; an pay him a plensron at therateofthirty·aix dollarspermon mlreuof that eunow }’,?,,"°c'}·,,,0,,_ The name of Julia C. McCue, widow D. McCue, late of Com any I, Seventemth Regiment Illrnors Volunteer Infantry, and pa her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars permonth. ‘_ ` §,':'°;‘f',}'5,,"',§'f'°"· The name of Eliza A. Miller, widow of James C. Miller late of Company D, One hundred and fifty-fifth Regiment Ohio National Guard Infantriyguand ay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in of that she is mow

  • ¥'“° * “"·“”°*· The name of Myron S. Hardmg, late of C, Seventh‘Rejment Indiana Volunteer- Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of

. thirtydollarspermonthmlieuoftliat eisnowreceiving.

  • °’·°"·‘”"‘”>’· The name of John E. Winfre , late of Company H, Forty-fourth

Regiment Miuouri Volunteer Infantry, and payihim a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per- month in lieu of that e is now '¤••n¤¢ H- W¤»¤- The name of Pleasant H. Wilson, late of Com any I, Twenty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infmtry, and a pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars war month in lieu oiuthat he i now A •¤1¤•¤W-1¤¤¤•¤¤- The name of William . Johnson, late of Third Battery, Connecticut Volunteer Light Artillery, and Company B, First Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and ay him a at the gte of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now reeemvmg. ‘ mosaic: ¤¤¤r¤r· The name of Frederick Metzger late of Com an One dyed and ninety-·fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun£u·§n¥,an , liiiid y gun a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month ima of Kt e is now reeemng. ,,,,°§,*'*" '°""°“‘ R Ti‘° Dwi. F°°k°¤¤°h°¤'» 1**0 of c0¤1pl¤y F, Twentieth · egimen ounteerlnfan and a hrmapension e rate_ of twentlylsoeir dollars per mouiilh in of that he hnntcilw ¤•¤•1¤W·VU•¤¤· ThenameofGeo W.Vidette,lateofComg;:i.yA,Eiglr° ·‘ Regiment Illinois Vlgmteer Infantry, and a a pensrohyallutlt rateof thrrtydoharspermonthinheu oft£atheisnowreoeiving.

H_ my ThenameofV[illtamH.Brenner,lat•ofCo yD,TenthR '

nc. olunteer tIhnf·antry, and a pemion atm ve per mon }’,°,",,,,,2'”,,’“,*j‘},':,',‘f· The name of D. L. Neal, late of Com any K, 1liIty~fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay a persian at the rateofthrrtydollarlapermonthinlieir ofthathehnowreeeiving. mmqmmu 'I'henameofBolhn%H. Felta,lateofCompanyK, Eighthllegimmt Kgrtucx Volunteer Jtvmng pay a pemion at the rata of thirty mon rn that i now near} ' .:_•¤•·• ¤· ¤¤¥•¤- name oliellohert H. llelladdsn, late of y Seventh Regrmmt, and Company D, Forty-int Rsément, Vduntes