Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/182

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1196 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 178. 1912. 1. Smith. 'l‘he name of Ma J. Smith, widow of Daniel Smith, late of Cornxm pany G, Thirty-’drsrfi'Regiment, and Company G, Seventeenth Regrment, gw; Volunteer engl &a% Sar a pens;orlr0:gimrat1gf¢;i P~v¤•¤- thirtorsermonmuo a 018110. : a£l.'i.'$.'i°.?riii°r°€¤i° °° That inp the event of the death of Smith and Frank Smith, helpless and dependent children of sand Damel _SlI11l»l1, the additional pension hereru granted shall cease and determine. _ ¥·-*¤¤‘— mm The name of Martin L. Srme, late of Company D, Seventy—mnth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay hrm a pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars Fper month m lieu of that he rs now J¤¤¤· F·V¤¤¤· The name of James . Vernon, late of Companyng, One undred and f,orty-second Regiment Ohio National Guard _ antry, and pay himapension at the rate ofthirtydollarspermonthmheu oftha he as now rece: . -•<>¤¤ ¤¤¤•v· The namevc-iiIJohn Gilley, late of Cpmpany Q, First Regiment Louis? » ana Volunteer Infantry, and tpay a pension at the rate of tlurty dollars per month in hen of at he rs now ·’°'*¤ °·'*`•¤Y· The tgame of JohnInG._Tal1%, latetgrCI<;rErpat1g A, d e hiiggred and n Regiment o un an , an_ y a sion at the_rate of twenty-four dollars per month in £ of that m now recemng. “Q'f”•¤ ’· "•*· The name of William P. Metcalfe, late of Company C, One hundred and eighty-Efth Regiment Ohio Volnmteer Infantry, andfpay him a pension at_tl1e rate of twenty dollars per month in lien o that he rs now racer . . `· ·“ " · Y ¤¤¤¤¤* *°’•*’°°¤¥ The nairdldg of Samuel McFadden, late of Company B, Thirteenth _ R ent Ohio Vohmteer Cavalry, and paylhim a pension at the rata of thirty dollars r month in lieu of that e is now ’°¤¤ ¤· °°P•¤•· The name of J dlin S. Copens, late of Company C, Fifty-fourth ment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at rate of thirty-six dollars Jper month in lieu of that he is now ’°•·v¤ *·V°°*¤•*·· The name of Joseph . Voorheis, late of Company C, I•`ifty-fo Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Mounted Infantry and y him a pension at_the rate of thirty dollars per month in ofptlrat he is now receiving. ‘ ‘ .- — ~ ¤•¤¤’!¤·°•°•¤!~ ThenameofHe E.De ,lateoiCom an K Fif -eeoo¤d Regiment Kentuckx%l¥'y‘;\lE>lun try, and ga a pzasion at the rate of thirty do per month in lieu of that he is now ¥•¤¤· he The name of ha Bean, widow of William H. Bean, late captain of Company A and major of Sixth Regiment Tennessee Mounted Volunteer nfantry, an pay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu of that she is now rec ° .

  • •*¥‘~""¢¤*· ;l`he mmm; Mary L. widosgrof Charges h.hY•right, late

ac assis engmeer m tates a an a pensro' n · at thi rate of twenty dollars per month lieu oiilthat she ia now receiving. '¤·¥•l*-°¤*•¤¤~ '1'henameofRoalS.Dunham,lateofCompanyEThird '- ment Michigan Vohmteer Infantriimand y hun a am rate of forty dollars month in of tmt he is now °•'“* W- *""*'*- The name of DaviH¤§V. Brandt, late of Com y C, Forty-second Regiment Ohio Volunteu Infantqkmand y a pemion at the I rateofthrrtydollarspermonthin ofmtheisnowreceiving.

  • ’“""·"“'°'*· ThenameofAndrewJ.W” lateofCom A,Il‘irstBegi·

. P"? ment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, an pa lum a pmsren at the rate of wm-·m“ thn·ty-erx dollars pgmonthmlieu ofythatheu Thenameof B¤mett,lateo¢Ovmpanylil,1\ve¤ty—iiftlr Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate_oftwenty-iourdolla¤p¢monthirrlieuofthatheian¤w