Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/194

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1208 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 178- N12- ,»... of Ed uacwk late or Com any I,_'1‘hir¤y-eighth R '· “""“°°°'“ m£:,e1@ms(¢;yu§logunteer Ingntry, and) pay him a pension at (Ee f H101'1 . _

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B , W` 1111 . ¤ . · at¤tt;1gyratem<$;>!tsh1i1ny dollars per month in lieu of that he is ucv 1’608lV1Dg. · _£fth . fHanr{W.U ,lateofComanyD,Tlurty Han W U"'. Reiggexntmlgigoud V0 unteer nI§f6:¤t1'y _ ¤·¤dfPtg§¤!¤ _| P°¤¤°¤ €·t_t·h° rateofthirtraixdollarspermonthinltiauo _ heienowreeei-Fiigi J•¤·¤»¤*r¤¤¢ '11ie‘ namveé of Jonatézain l•?_-vvf C3¤P;¤1Kh€»“F°¤’¢I D at ' Rgg]·m t · O lm. an 1 *9 . the of tvymggglgour dollars per month m of that 4 is new receiving. ·· . . .n·=¤y. {J M.Bett,ltef(2omanyA,Seyenth Ju.! Rerg;;e:1?¤}£u:)tx1e ‘mVi>luntee1- In?ant:y, atiid pakgajm a pemnyq at °offo Egan monthinlieuofthat `urnow - "““"°°'°'° RegmT*‘° "2"$°»+ °' w“'%°3 °t‘Z,`.§‘1-°i,;§¥.?;y°’...°.i",‘I."°“»¥';¤?; pm.."*°$.“.¢ uu » . . 1,,,. the rat? of folstcoillsmilllan ger month in lieu of that hejanow !ec¤wmg—· ¤‘•¤¤¤•l—¤M·¤¤· The name of Fannie . Ggayson, widow K. Grqson, late of Company H, Sixth Begum West VIQIIIIB Volunteer Infmtry; and pay her a aélgleg I offtgslve doll;rs£ mfgnliih. _ Pendouinexeued. The gtg 0 mpapy , 0 y- · "°"°°°°""‘ “°¢§£:{.v:'u“°‘°°¥£”'°§;‘.?’?2‘s.¥°E”’“ ·P°¤·‘°*·** **“"‘“ of on m o e is now ,· _· ¤*¤¤•¤¤°¤°¤¤¤· The garde of Cochhnhwidow of Coohnn, hte of Company E, Ninety-seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantyy, apddpay here pension at rateof tventydollam per month m t rece: . _ — ¤·¤·»¤··¤¤·· ° Th: viiniggxlq, late States N rthC lin , , Anacostia, m IV] an haf; ai pzirsiorr at tE_e pattau of thirty-eix dollan per month in hn d t e is now recewmg. "*'•'—’°"""°"· Th fRuf L.Rbineonlate {Compu: D,Onehundred and swxeixlgggmt llhoeugimentilgtw gouitn muda ‘ himapensionat rateo y o permon in eu ’·‘·*···‘··· ‘§’·`m‘ we-¤¤e;~ z: <=····m E· EW:.-ee. egiment _1s oun au_,an ape¤snon__ mum. t fthirt d ll monthmlneuo thexsnow reoemng. ¤·-*···==¤··~¤- nih; namg—:}xE1(iz:;tl)ieISwogd, www of wmsm swore nu or CompanyhK, 'l‘hirty-ninth Volunteer. lingintry, 1,,,,,,,, d at the ve mon ¤;¤•r k$:·*m¥¤$ mThIe8¥ian?e :> Haxféy Bartholomew, late of Comllgiy I, Second °° Regiment Minnesota olunteer Cavalijy, and a pension at therateofthirtydollam monthinlieuofthat mnowgeeeivlglngi °""*""°”" The name of Charles Gngklate of Comgny C, Fixty-to Regiment Indiana Volunteer ‘ antry, and mpmy I), Tenth Regiment Indiana Volnmteer Cavalgy, and y him a pensmn at the rateolthirtydollarapermonthinlreuoitgheiauowreoeiving. "°°'*°"* °"· The name of MeCager S. Gee, late of Qompanig, Twenv-aeoond gcggiment, and Company C, Seymth Regiment, tueky oluntep H umvgopgynw s of thu·ty·mx dollars per month in e reeei .

    • •*··¤"-**°“°· mnm ummw.srue¤g1..m· eimeeecempm I,O¤•

hm hundred and°twenty·iiIth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Intantyy, andpayhimapensionattherateoftlurtydolanpummthmbm of that he is now