Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/201

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sam. II. Ch. 179. 1912. 1215 The name of John H. Manga, late Brat-class seaman, United States ’°¤¤ ¤·¥•¤¤¢ ships North Carolina, Sunflower, and Ino, United States Na , and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month inviieu ef that he is now ‘ The name of Phi? . Lenig, late of Company A, One hundred Phmraums. and seventy-second _ egiment Pennsylvania Drafted Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now ' The name_of Wi1liam F. , late of Comxy B, Ninety-fifth W¤u•¤?·¤¤¤· Regiment Illmors Volunteer Infantry, and ay a pension at the _ rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of thht he is now The name of LeRoy A. Crane, late of Company H, Fourteenth ¤·¤¤r A·¤¤¤•- Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the ` rate of thirty-six dollars per month in lieu of that he is now The name of Alexander Shaneg} late of Companies A and E, First “°“"“°' “""‘°* Regiment Maryland Volunteer antry, and paylhim a pension at the rate of thirtézlsllars per month in lieu of that e is now The name of 4 B. Miller late of Companlyig, Eighty-sevent °°°"°"’““°'· Regiment Indiana Vgilunteer Infantry and tpay a pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars r month in o that he is now receiving; The name of David I£°Fisher, late bt Company H, Thirty-nin °"“ ’·”""· Regigtent Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him_a pension at the rate of y-six dollars per month in reu of that he rs now receiving. The name of John T. Leach, late_of Company L, Ninth B§rment ’°¤¤ '¤‘~ ¥·••¤¤· Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, and pay a pension at the rate forty dollars per month in lieu of that he 18 now The name of Phebe A. Carter, W1d0W_0{·G60lig0 . Carter, late of P¤•¤•4·°·¤•· Company F, Forty-seventh Regiment Illinois Vo unteer Infantrgg and {gy Bf: apension at the rate of twenty dollars per month rn u of at e is now recei ° . . The name of Rufuzuig Davis, late of Company B, Eleventh Regi— *¤¤=• ¥· °•**~ ment Maine`Volunteer Infantry, and pai him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that e is now receiving. ‘ The name of Della L. Swiggett, wrdow of John S tt, late of °•”•¥~°*'¤*· Company I, Seventh Regiment Kansas Volunteer dig, and Sty xr a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month rn eu of at e rs now receiving. The name of George W. Page, late of Company E, Twenty-ninth °•°¤·"·*’*••· Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and &ay hun a pension at the rate of thirty dollars r month in ieu of at he is now reoervmgle The name of Fran£§n Woodard late of Compangjl One hun d ,,§_"“““ '°‘?°‘ and twenty-third Regiment New Yorl: Volunteer antry,_ pay am £ pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars per month m lieu of at eisnowrecei . The name of Petev1in§enry, late of Compmylg, One hundred and ’·°=* ¤°¤¤· twenty-third Regiment New York Volunteer antrjy, and upay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month rn lieu of athe IS new reeervmg. _ The name of Otis Dickinson, late of Company E, F;orty-sixth_Regr- °“' °*°**”'°°· ment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and gy him a psnsron at the mts of twenty-four dollars per month rn u of that e is now receiving. _ _ The name of Franklin Prentice, late of Company M, Ninth Regt- ""‘*“""°'“’°'* ment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, and gay a pensron the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of at he rs now reoenvrngiliny The name of James M. Graham, late of Company C, -ii1st '*¤=•¥·°¤*·•¤· Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and ay a pension at the rate · of ortydollampermonthinlieuofthaffiersnowreoexvmg.