Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/284

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1298 SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 353. 1912. J·>¤¤W·F¤’· Thename fJhnW. lte fC H,F t-seeo d '- ment, and Comzvany EI:UIl"11iety(:six:lll1 t°1t)hio Vlolulziotgir Infantry, and pai him a pension at_the rate of thirty dollars per month m lieu of at he is now receiving. °¤¤*¤• *“•¤· The name of Charles Allen, late of Cogipany D Fifth R§iment, and Compiagy F, Reglnent, West irgmia Volunteer avalry, and pay _ a pension at rate of ollars per month m lieu of that he is now reeei . s'“"“°' ·'· ’"“°'· . The name of Samueltlllgliller, late of Company E, Twentieth Regiment Maine Volunteer Infenliyéuandtgay a pension at the rate L1 W K of thirty dollarsvéger month m of at he is now receiving. _ “ "‘*“ ‘ °°“°· The name of 11l1am W. Keene, late of Company H, Twent:y—nmth Regiment Maine Volunteer Infan¤·y, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is new reeeiv- ”°“" "°"'°'· name of late of Company F, One hundred and tlmteenth Regiment _ is Volunteer Infantr{{;Ind pay lum a pension_at the rate of thirty dollars per month m of that he 18 nor reeenvmg. · G°°‘*°“‘°°""· 'l`he fGeo H.Bolsey,lte fC pany FirstRegamen' t Mk0\11l;·'xé1:l\(;l1l0$ , anim; higpa pe£n at the rate of thirty dollarsoper mon in lieu of t he is now ‘ """°“ “·“°" The name Galen H. Lots, late of Company E Fifty-fi1st Rejment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and ay I ' at _ the pteof twenty-foul dollars per month in ofthat fe Snow ham Francis, late ofCo anies F and Q, Sixteenth Regiment Pennsylvama Volunteer Cagy, and pay him a pension at the rats of Pemmum twelve dollars per month. _ num n. mae;. The name o David M. Kinsey, late of Com y E, Sixty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry and pa a pemion at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he as new receiv- ’°*=··**°*"*·""· miie. IJ 1mMe1>1»m,1 mrcmpm mss •· ment 1Ee·xT1:ydvai)iia Volunteer Cavalry? and y yi ing pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month inlihu of that he is now "°*···“’+°°"°·*· r°°·1°i:°°°¤.m¤' z mem n. mag? me s Co n Tren ninth Regimeiit Ohio Volunteer aintry aiind pgphi-iga I 'ontzt the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that E is new "°""° °”’°°”'°°‘ nm'1‘h;mgna:ne of Joseph C. Johnson late of Company C, One hundred and  %•egi;nent Ol::iioD:;lunteer Inti‘han¤·{{Band pay him a pensiona_ ra otlurtyo permon in fthathe' "“°°' w' [‘°"'°°°' n°'l"he namuxf James W Longbon, late adjutant NinI;t‘y—£rst Reg: mg¤t0Ill0v0.llIIlh60IIDfl11W, and pa' himapensionat thenate of Jm_x_nmd_ th:rty-sixdollarspermonthmliguo,f:hathehno1rreeeiving. ThenameofJamesM. Franens lat•ofCompqny D, Sixty-fourth Regiment, and Companxl; One lumdred and seventy-fourth Bejment, Ohio Volunteer _ try, andtfsy him a pension'at the rate 1>•¤1cx.r.mmn. °ff°Yt]'d0nI¤?'l!\¤¤thmh¤¤0f_ thoillntllcéiug. . 'lhenameof atnekJ.Ca1rol1,lateofCom I,0nel1undred

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