Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/308

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1322 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 353. 1912. ’°¤·i°°·*¤$;*;••°°· Th tJhnC.K1i .latefCo I, 'ht °hth ’°*·°°· ‘“* · Regi5.t‘£$§’h?0 viimm r..`§2§.t.»,, $.1 ,,..'§·"l$‘}.¥ . peE§iog-glgthe Enum W mm rate of tlurty dollaglper month in lieu of that he is now recexvmg. ‘ The name of St ord W. Ellis, late of Com y G, Forty-sixth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry; and pay a pgision at the rate_ of twenty-four dollars per mon in lieu of that is now re- Cél . . """“` ““°“`°‘ R.**`},.;¤:m];d*:* ‘°”%”1····..§‘;.:°°..*:.*°·.*·*° os mmmy °· ·F¤·"*·:i::* en_ ann oun psy apensnena e rate fthirtydllars th' li ofthathe' recon" .. “‘““”“ °°°"‘ £..’:%·#··°£%·°m:}=°{‘.Z° °;;¢¤·¤·*·`*‘n£¤`5 K· $$5** egxmen ew or tna , ca tain pany D, Twenty-fifth Regiment New YorkuVtdl1n·t§er Cfvalry, a?l pay him_a pension at_the rate of thirty dollars per month in ieu of cum. mmcml that he IS now receiving; _ _ m;1i‘he namefo§;l;arles . Bnlckeu-, loita of Cormpany A, One hundred nmet · e Rq;im‘ t ‘ teen- Inf d Company $3, Seventh {n`i1?ymlyan<iau%duue:·nCla?;d·rl;, E1;;l(§at{rl;ix§°a 1;:1:1011 at_ the rate of thirty dollarsper month m is recemng. = _ . """°"’ °‘°" The name of James E. Cady, lated Company G, Eighth Bgimqt Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and ay him a pension at the ratevof imma thirty dollarsoper month in lieu of that he is now ‘ The name John Cosapany B,_Firat Regnnent Illinnesota Volunteer Heavy eqr, pay him a penstonat Qs mm L In rate of twenty dollars month in lieu of that he_is now uml °’°’ _ The name of John Im Meliiehael, late efcompugy Thirty-

 Re%ment Ohio Vohnnteer Infantry, and Company? Eighth

Reggitent eteran Reserve Corps, and pay a pension at the rata 'awru N_ vu ofTh ydollarscgxr monthmheuof thatheisnow .‘ mw. ename of vageN. Van Wagoner late0fCom yA, second Regiment nsconsin Volunteer Infantry, and);>.ay hun apnsion_at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu ofthathafanow 8, M, reeeivmg. - , mm °° The name of John 0. Shufeldt, late of Company A, Fifth Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, and pa him a pension at e rate ee- ·» ·-·» :3;%*:.* :°a..“* m Law {ttm ·· mz ment Kentuc? Volunteer Cavalry, and y at E ams. 4. nyu. ¤`¤*;§1<gn*·l¤‘-;l;Y°f<?ilg¤¤_pe·;· lnoeuofofoogat he iangu Potomac Hpmlo; Brit§a;lfe'M ol¤mt:r Cavaliy, axlddp:y him apensnona ra thirty o permonthinheuof theia _§§¥‘¥%·==· ¤. ¤· °°¥¤Z°°$m¤g6¢ muster H. 1m»1.,»uew·a masses n mini., lst; of Ccilmpany K,_ gtfegiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, y.,“,,,,,,,,,,,, an y era onat to thel dollar: , U:-vmn. 1. nm- Tlll: name J. Fer¥n¢8 ldvte d:CompanP°EimC.:edliuMnd ‘ and eleventh Rqimeunt N y ’ · ’ _ ey ork olunteer Infantry, and y lum apensionattherateofthirtydollarspcmonthmhmdptfhathe Thomas D. Hell- 18 ggw D lat. nin- enameo omss .H¢El7|m' , oggmnpmy Rag;. ment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and y him a pemionet of ¤,,,,,¤_s,,,,,,,_ th1'{_tby’doHars¤}>er montliinlieu dtlgatiléis nowreeeivx. . $P•¤¤¤‘ . ° A D Tenth RegunentN YrkV0hmteu·C,•valry' , "‘ " ,____ mmeoftsi ¢l¤u¤spe»me¤thin1imml.sbl•lI¤¤¢lwP°n'¤eum»g ¤·=¤=•·=¤·¤¤·=n _ 'lfh¤¤•¤¤¤¤fllar1;•r¤tE. Oanick, fonnervidowotbmiel Fisher 3umor,l•t•¤fCompanyI,0nahundredand forty-§f¤iBagh¤ent