Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/335

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1350 SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. HI. Cue. 12, 16, 18, 19. 1913. ¤·¤¤¤·¤ <=·¤·¤·T eumrybe dh ‘ h b, th xizedauddirectedm tuudw mxuwm 0m` tlfe Netnonsi gut e lSs.ndr%V§re.hlhus‘; Compm , of New Ylozk City age andy °‘°‘“"°°'°"°’ °°‘ New York, the sum of ninety-five dollars fdlrg cents collected A"' “°°°` on two cases of msjolice were in excess of the act duty thereon. Approved, January 24, 1913. Ienmry 27, 191; . (R. B.§51$.] _‘ GRA!. 18.5-An Act For the relidof Iodms H. Hutchunon. [P""‘°*"°‘m‘] B`i¢enac¢aI “0S¢D#6` ndH the United ¥¤·¤¤•¤-¤¤°¤¤*¤·Stat:aqf’Ama·t‘e1¢2 in C’ongr:w t theSecr:{uEof the °°E¤¤¤.¤ pant Interioris huehgg authorised to msue e patent to Joshua}!. utchm- '“""°“°· son for the embraced in hrs homesteed en , senal number naught twenty-two hundred and forty~§ve, Susm%kC•lifornis, for the east half of thesouthyvmt uarter and the wat _ of the southeast quarter of sectnon QJWIIAIP forty-three north, range seventeen east, Mount Dub 0 mendun, upon su_ mmum of proof of remdpnce upon and 1mprovement and 0\l1tlVItIOD of sud and as reqmred by the homestead laws. Approved, January 27, 1913. ` ’}§‘f‘g¥ $,,5%* cnn. rs.-As Ace me me mus or me heins ot Am u. ·rm»¤, emma. ["""°· “°·‘”** B ilenadad the Smale and Home the United i¤_¤n¤;1hT¤.¤&¤gbcSm:{qfAma·t‘¢?¤iq0ongn¤a¤mybQ3 theSecre•{u·yoffh§ ··%‘·¤’»···-·····""°'°° ‘° I“‘§’§‘.°' "°’ "ii? ’}3u“mg**°”°’mu‘ ‘““$?’{'°‘§ ‘*£$"*°‘°i}..‘&’ '°°¤,.‘°'°,,..*‘° · u en e o an sn m , grusmvillgysnd dktrict, in the State of Californis, to wit:0° _ ‘ Y Ducripdm, thThe of the iegluthhvzmt guartstr, the northm quarter of e sou uerter, w uarur o southelt gum, nine, —oneqnorth, wang: ten houé11t°dDis3lo_b•umd ,mC•liforni•, oontsiningonb un sn out acres. ‘ ‘ rms c ·S.2.Ths.tthSecretaryofthInteriobe, dh'hq·e "°"' °' :"'”m"°“‘: suttfgrized, upon cbmpliance with tlse foregofng  ::1: Ht V=>¤·¤¤·¤>·¤•· ccmplimee by the e*£§·woma.n or her hens under the timmudektoge Act pi m; etighteen th)utnhdre};i_mdfsevent§Ei¥.t, md c amen a ry , msue Am]; , deceased, s patent for the south half of°th:mso1(;thwest quart;Tt’l?e northeast (t\|.L8.l’t6!' of the southwest gunrtpr, and the northwest , ase an m un, 3.‘I.1i?°',...°*§.. &..’°“£2°‘§§03$bi‘3°{.‘°“ ““‘§’ "’.¤;".'i*""" »...*°"..’g*€{.‘° same iand ascribed in section one of this Act. 8 Approved, January 28, 1913. Jsmury nil!. cl l P _ . . . I _

 Z;-Ju $   and ddgendent   ol soldiers

ml Be it¢nadedby¢7wSenats ndH the mlsd 8ta¢c•afAmev·ioain6B>1ngrv‘.:s tthe gthe Interiorbe,mdhei.shsreby,•utl1orizedmddirectedtoplsceon the penslnsn roll, subject to the provisions and limitstions of the 3 rmmnmaeueu. P¤¤8¥¤¤ W!-‘ ’¤¤¤¤¤•» ThensmeofFrs.¤kB. lsteofCom%yF,0¤°hu¤dr,d.¤d thirty-eighth Regiment me Vohmteer entry, and psy him s pensnonstthersteoftkpermonthmheuaofthstheisnowreeeiving.