Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/337

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1352 SIXTY-SECOND OONGRESS. Sus. III. Cx. 19. mz. Mm fAdelin F 1, "do fJoeh Fewlelateoffbm- ···~·· ···~·= £B.[£§‘°1?%$,£.;1w¤3 1.,23 vla»“t2., aww, ...4 P., ° t t te 1 mon i,Q’°?»°;° 'Igepgalzgno? Lev:ismE. %Verd, E30 of Company H, First Regiment Maryland Volunteer Infantry, and pay IIIHIOBOPGDBIOD at the rate of $30 er month m heu of that he as new recavmg. ,,°,':"°'“·"°°" Til: fQha.rle•1{:Brooh>v¤r1&ateofCompanyE Onehgni ` 8 INHDG O » ! g;;ihi·1?1de t,:t1§he raztof $24 pc; month in lieu of that,he ia nPT•·°:°}»'a. Jena. m’lYhe mgggof Rebecca A. Jens, h§•le¤¤ and dependent child of %,'{.*2°§u{..°3£'v‘,5'J;t‘f¤°°1%?J, ;.3‘T,1}‘°“°'a. .°",,.§2..°".. .'€"‘a.°Z I . f $12 fh. _ {Q"}? nslelngi nunfgangfes B. Armstrong, late of Gcmpmy I, lflfty-seventh Remnant Pennsylvania Volunteer Inf¤.ntry,· uni pay hm1_a_pen¤¤m -·-···· M- ‘°·n.. ""’ °‘§"§’°’ ”‘1‘i‘;‘.'iif‘“a'$.?“0‘}'¤°},Z‘4.° "° "§,°'m¢‘$‘i;"“"a.,,e...‘ ..., ‘ name amen pany · Ohi Vol {*081*0 , him gmnmatthenuoftw hmm pergnaontllln in lieulzdtgatge jspigw uvemivrum Th0DIIll90tA1V6I1lW1§II,g0HB¢.'Wld(?W0fA1kCmI]l',llf§ of Company F, Twenty-six Regiment Michigan Voluntec Infantry, Q tf!]. e..·~·*.¤~.*··¤~···¢ “%£‘Z'.§‘..?2I, “..¥°¢'i‘2r’i¤Z”1$°‘.Z,“‘f;t‘Zf 32% "’°““i; ¤·.,4,.,,».· ¤. Regiment Wisconsin Volunteeg Infanuy, him e at M- · =~—·~ ""4"r§Z‘° °* "’?}’°£¤"i~°“§‘ i" ""‘¤l{f..‘¥"c.,,.z° "° ” "‘i'n..,,'°‘*““""",1. ‘ ‘ num o . , ‘ , ment Vol&ntee:jh5.?.6v§;y,t•;n.d_p•y a: pension me ,,,,,,,,,_ rate o per mon m a ¤_ncw . S _ ¤¤¤·¤¤¤·¤¤· Then•.mee¢Ju1i•Sch•¢er,videwofHai?Schda FeteofOcn- K, -eeccndReg1m` tlndiaa lunteerinf and 1, I , I g:uyha·•pene1cnatthento¢·;1812permo¤‘::h. mw, · .v-•w.ucu¤¢a»•m the name of Jenn W. lclfichaeln late nf Oompugml, Twmyy. Mm at the rate of $3‘bI;:r·m`¢;:‘f}? of E 1:1; KZ; recei·'p°T_m¤ nm lirr‘¤¤¤r The name of Anne Mary Troup, helping and of {loan Trung, late of Qomgany Dmgne gxfndred mdeevexfzreightla egiment eunsylvama tra entry, pay • pen- ,,,,,,¤_,,,,,,,,,, t th to f$l2 dn W M Z.`°.,i*·..,,..'·* ** €~¥2,*$'FE£;¢.·" °* °°·:·.·····* £;..*’··*··,.m.mM· ew or o un an , ‘ ,,,,,,_,,,_ the nteoftaogogr monthinlieuoftli·r5l:;‘iel:1:>{rrece; , an ¤· e ¤•·-nu The name ct S. Merrill, hellgless and dependent chilgleagvviliiam gi lgyniuhisw ¤fl?n¤¤p•¤y L gudiane Volunteer v a pensmu • ra 1 gh,

 The name ¢§·&¤u-lotta C: Brendeu, wide: of Grggvlauk,. Bran-
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SZ; »..e'°"‘,‘°,.1?.E..° '°“.£‘a."‘°“‘“r.t. $%}`¤°""°"°°,..» ..,.Y£."¥¥;. 3 ¤a‘S’;a. 3 new recemvmg. "¤”¤°·¤•¤•*· Th cfWilliamC.B¤ter l•teofOc¤¥•¤y(} T|¤j -' Regiizelguaicuri I1xfa.n¤§m•.nd G, oufteehth Regizleg ¥is?cur1Cavu].|Br, and pay _ apetmcns therateof$24permenth mheu of thet emnowreceavmg. ¤•¤¤•¤ ¤·!*•· The name of Reuben Lyle, hte of Company I, One hundred and ferty-eighth Regiment Pemsylvmia Volunteer Infantry, and pay lum_a_pensmn at therateoftwpermnnthinlieuofthatheincv s¤m¤¤¤v¤•· The name of John ple, late of Company H Nimueuth Rgiment Ohio Volunteer Isrynn d hun D ' $40permcndninE•uofth:¥b:¤i•g:!vnc¤vmg’P°!?·‘°¤·‘th°r·t°°‘